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  • 1. Free to use
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  • 4. Variety of features available
  • Expensive membership
  • Fake profiles
  • Low success rate for finding a match
  • Limited search options
  • Unclear safety protocols


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Buckle Up For A Tagged Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?


Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to meet and connect with new people. It was launched in 2004 by two entrepreneurs, Greg Tseng and Johann Schleier-Smith, as an online teen dating site but has since evolved into a more comprehensive networking app for all ages. The Tagged app now provides its users with the opportunity to find friends from around the world or even their own backyard.

The target audience of Tagged includes anyone looking for companionship, friendship or love connections through shared interests such as music genres, hobbies and activities they are passionate about. As of 2020 there were over 300 million active registered members on this popular platform making it one of the largest social networks worldwide after Facebook and Instagram according to Statista reports.. This user base also extends across five countries: USA (the majority), UK., Canada , India & Australia where it’s especially well known among young adults between 18 – 24 years old .
It’s free for everyone who wants access so no payment is required at any point during registration process which can be done either via email address/phone number or directly through Google/Facebook accounts . There are however some features like VIP status upgrade available only upon purchase if desired by each individual user depending on what type service he /she needs .

In addition , there is also mobile version available both Android & iOS devices providing same services found in web browser plus additional functions like live streaming feature allowing direct communication between individuals regardless location distance etc .. All these make using tagged quite convenient when compared other similar apps out there thus helping explain why still remain most favorite choice many today despite being almost 2 decades existence already !

How Does Tagged Work?

The Tagged app is a social networking platform that allows users to connect with friends, family and strangers from around the world. It has an easy-to-use interface where you can search for people by name or email address, as well as browse through suggested profiles based on your interests. You can also join groups of likeminded individuals who share similar hobbies and activities. With over 300 million registered users worldwide, it’s one of the most popular apps in its category today.

On Tagged you’ll find a diverse range of people – from teenagers to adults looking for new friendships or romantic relationships; there are even special sections dedicated exclusively to certain age ranges such as teens aged 13–17 years old and 18+ adult singles dating sites too! In terms of geography, there are millions of active members located across 5 continents including North America (over 50 million), Europe (30 million), Asia Pacific (50 million) Africa & Middle East (20 Million) Latin America & Caribbean Islands(10 Million).

Tagging other users is one way how conversations start on this app – when someone tags another user they will receive notifications so they know about it immediately which helps spark conversation quickly between two parties if both sides respond positively back . This feature makes finding potential matches easier than ever before because all relevant information regarding what kind group/person someone wants to interact with is already available at their fingertips without having go searching manually each time . Furthermore , tagging also serves useful purpose connecting those who have common interest together allowing them create more meaningful connections faster compared traditional methods online dating platforms .

Users may opt use either free version service pay premium membership access exclusive features offered only subscribers example : unlimited messaging capacity , no ads displayed during browsing etc.. Subscribers gain additional benefits such VIP status which gives priority listing search results making them visible others quicker while non paying customers get lower ranking listings hence less visibility overall crowd due being pushed down page rankings algorithmically generated list order relevance popularity amongst other factors ..

Another great thing about tagged application ability customize profile according individual preferences add pictures videos make stand out rest allow personalize experience further by selecting different themes backgrounds customizing settings accordingly enhance look feel account give unique identity represent yourself better fashion … All these features combined make very powerful tool help establish strong connection desired audience within matter few clicks !

  • 1.High-Definition Video: Enjoy crystal clear images with stunning detail in full HD 1080p resolution.
  • 2. 3D Technology: Experience the action like never before with immersive 3D visuals and sound technology.
  • 3. Smart TV Capabilities: Access streaming services, browse the web, and more from your television using built-in Wi-Fi connectivity options or an Ethernet connection for a wired setup
  • 4. < strong >Voice Control : Easily search for content , control volume levels , switch inputs , access apps & settings all by simply speaking into your remote .
  • 5. Dolby Atmos Audio : Feel enveloped in powerful cinematic audio as you experience deep bass tones and surround sound capabilities that bring movies to life .
  • 6. HDR Support : Get ready to be amazed at how vibrant colors appear on screen thanks to high dynamic range support that offers improved contrast ratios compared to standard displays .

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Tagged app is a simple process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be prompted to enter their name, email address, date of birth and gender before creating an account. Once these details have been submitted they can then begin customizing their profile by adding photos or other personal information such as interests or hobbies. Users must also confirm that they are over 18 years old in order to use the dating feature on Tagged which allows them to connect with potential matches based on similar interests or location. Registration for this popular social networking site is free so anyone who meets the minimum age requirement can join without any cost involved! After submitting all of your details you’ll be able start using features like chat rooms and games right away while exploring what else Tagged has to offer its members!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination that meets the security requirements of the site/app.
  • 3. All users must agree to terms and conditions prior to registering for an account on the website or app in question.
  • 4. Users may be required to verify their identity via two-factor authentication, such as entering a code sent via text message or email before they can access their accounts after registration is complete (optional).
  • 5 .Users should be able to update personal information associated with their account at any time, including name, address, phone number etc..
  • 6 .User data collected during registration should remain secure and confidential according to applicable laws governing user privacy protection (e g GDPR).
  • 7 .The process of creating an account should include measures designed prevent fraudulent activity from taking place onsite/in-app(such as Captcha codes) 8 A system for recovering lost passwords needs also needsto be implemented if available

Design and Usability of Tagged

The Tagged app has a modern design with bright colors and easy to read text. It is organized in an intuitive way, making it simple for users to find what they are looking for quickly. The profiles of other people can be easily found by using the search bar or scrolling through suggested matches. The usability of the app is straightforward; all features are clearly labeled and accessible from one main page which makes navigation seamless. There are no UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there may be additional features available depending on your plan choice.

User Profile Quality

Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to create profiles. The quality of the user profile depends on how much information they provide and how often they update it. Generally, Tagged profiles are public so anyone can view them without needing an account or permission from the user. Users have the option to set a custom bio as well as add photos and videos for others to see when viewing their profile page. There is also a “friends” feature which enables users to connect with other people who share similar interests or hobbies by adding each other as friends on Tagged’s network.

When it comes privacy settings, there are various options available for protecting your personal data such as hiding certain sections of your profile from being seen publicly like age, gender etc., setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) using Google/Facebook sign-in features in order block fake accounts and prevent unwanted access into one’s account; however this may not be applicable if you’re accessing via mobile device since some platforms don’t support 2FA yet.. Additionally location info can be hidden within one’s profile but depending on where you live city names might still appear due its proximity based search algorithm which helps identify nearby connections between users although no exact distances will ever show up unless both parties agree upon sharing this information first hand through direct messaging services provided by tagged itself!

Lastly premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such members having higher visibility compared non paying customers along with exclusive discounts & offers made available only those subscribed under paid plans – giving these individuals greater exposure overall throughout their journey while navigating around website thus making them more attractive prospects than free counterparts all together!.


Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to meet new people, chat with them and share photos. It also has an online dating website where singles can find potential matches based on their interests and preferences. The site offers various features such as matchmaking algorithms, private messaging options, photo sharing capabilities and more. Users can search for other members by age range or location in order to connect with someone who shares similar interests or values. Some of the main advantages of using Tagged’s dating website include its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for anyone to use; its large database which provides plenty of choices when searching for potential partners; and the ability to customize your profile so you stand out from others looking at profiles in your area.

One disadvantage of using Tagged’s dating website is that there are no safety measures implemented on the site itself – meaning users must be careful about providing personal information until they feel comfortable doing so after getting acquainted through conversations over time via messages or video chats before meeting up offline if desired.. Additionally, while many sites offer free membership plans along with paid ones offering additional benefits like advanced searches etc., this isn’t currently available on Tagged’s dating service – making it less attractive than some competitors’ offerings in terms of value proposition compared side-by-side .

The difference between the app version versus web version lies mainly within convenience factor: while both versions provide access to same content/features (including all those mentioned above), mobile apps tend have faster loading times due their smaller size & lower data requirements vs full websites accessed via desktop computers – thus allowing easier usage especially when accessing remotely away from home/office locations without internet connection nearby (i e travelling).

Safety & Security

Tagged is a social media platform that takes the security of its users seriously. To ensure safety, Tagged has implemented several measures to protect against bots and fake accounts. Every user must go through an email verification process in order to create an account, which helps prevent malicious actors from accessing personal information or creating multiple profiles with false identities. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by staff members before they can be posted on the site; this prevents any inappropriate images from being shared publicly without consent. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available for added protection when logging into your account – providing extra peace of mind while browsing online content within Tagged’s community network safely and securely.

When it comes to privacy policy at Tagged , they take data protection very seriously . All data collected about you will only be used as specified in their Privacy Policy – including never selling your private information nor using it for marketing purposes without prior approval . They also employ advanced encryption technology such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol , ensuring that all communication between you and their servers remains secure throughout every session . In addition , if ever there’s a breach or misuse of your personal info then rest assured that appropriate legal action will be taken immediately against those responsible so justice can prevail accordingly

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on Tagged Necessary?

Tagged is an app that allows users to meet new people, chat with friends and play games. It also offers premium features such as additional profile visibility and more detailed search options for its paid subscribers. But do users really need a paid subscription in order to get the most out of the app?

The basic version of Tagged is free, so you can use it without paying anything. However, if you want access to some extra features then there are two different plans available – Gold ($9.99/month) or Platinum ($19.99/month). The benefits of these subscriptions include:

  • Increased Profile Visibility – Your profile will be seen by more people when searching for potential matches or friends

  • More Detailed Search Options – You’ll have access to advanced filters which allow you find specific types of profiles faster than before

  • Access To Exclusive Content & Events – Get exclusive content from your favorite celebrities as well as invitations to special events hosted by Tagged

These prices may seem steep compared other dating apps but they are actually quite competitive when compared against similar services offered elsewhere online (eHarmony charges $59 per month!). Furthermore, all payments made through iTunes are non-refundable once processed; however if payment was made via credit card directly on their website then refunds may be possible within 14 days after purchase depending upon certain conditions being met firstly like not having used any premium feature during this period etc.. So while getting a subscription might give added advantages over using just the free version alone , ultimately whether one needs it depends entirely upon individual preferences .

Help & Support

Tagged is a social media platform that allows users to connect with friends and meet new people. It also provides support for its members, so they can get help when needed.

The first way to access support on Tagged is through the Help Center page. This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about using the site, as well as contact information if you need further assistance from customer service representatives. You can submit an inquiry or chat directly with someone via this page in order to get your issue resolved quickly and efficiently.

Another option for accessing support on Tagged is by emailing their Customer Service team at [email protected]. Generally speaking, response times are quite fast; usually within 24 hours of sending an email request depending upon how busy they are at any given time period during the day/week/month etc.. Additionally there’s also a phone number available where customers may call anytime between 9am-5pm PST Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) in order receive immediate assistance regarding account issues or other inquiries related topics concerning use of tagged services & features .

Overall it’s very easy & convenient for customers who require additional technical guidance while navigating around different aspects of tagged website – whether it be general usage ,account settings , privacy concerns ect… And finally another great resource which might prove helpful would be FAQ section found under “Help Center” tab – here one will find quick answers addressing most commonly asked questions pertaining all areas associated with running successful profile /group pages ..


1. Is Tagged safe?

Tagged is a social networking website that allows users to connect with friends and meet new people. While the site does have some safety features in place, such as allowing users to block or report other members who are being inappropriate, it is important for all Tagged users to be aware of potential risks when using the platform. It’s always best practice for individuals to take precautions while online by not sharing personal information or engaging in any activities that could put them at risk. Additionally, parents should monitor their children’s activity on Tagged if they allow them access and discuss internet safety guidelines with their kids so they understand how important it is stay safe online.

2. Is Tagged a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Tagged is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2004 and has since become one of the largest social discovery networks on the web. The website allows its members to connect with other people through shared interests, games, browsing profiles and more. With over 300 million registered users from around the world, it’s easy to find someone who shares your interests or values when using this platform for online dating purposes. Additionally, there are many safety features available such as profile verification that helps ensure all accounts are legitimate so you can be sure that you’re talking to actual people rather than bots or scammers trying to take advantage of vulnerable singles looking for love online

3. How to use Tagged app?

Using the Tagged app is a great way to stay connected with friends and family. To get started, simply download the free app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account by entering in some basic information such as your name, email address and password. After that’s done you can start adding contacts who are already on Tagged or invite new people to join using their email addresses or phone numbers.

Once all of this is set up you will be able to access different features like sending messages directly through chat rooms; creating groups for conversations with multiple users at once; sharing photos & videos; playing games together online (e-games); viewing profiles of other members including pictures & interests etc., plus many more options available within this social network platform! With so much going on there’s never a dull moment when connecting via Tagged – so why not give it try today?

4. Is Tagged free?

Tagged is a social networking site that allows users to connect with friends and family, discover new people, play games, browse photos and more. It is free to join Tagged but there are some features which require payment in order for them to be used. For example if you want access to premium services such as the ability to send gifts or buy virtual currency then these will need purchasing using real money. Other than this though most of the core functions on Tagged can be accessed without having any costs associated with it so overall it could still be considered a free service even when taking into account certain paid options available within its platform.

5. Is Tagged working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Tagged is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website offers a variety of ways for users to connect with each other, including the ability to search for people by name or interests. Users can also join groups based on shared interests or hobbies and use the chat feature in order to start conversations with potential friends. Additionally, users have access to an extensive list of games that they can play together online as well as a wide range of profile customization options so that they can make their profiles stand out from others’. With all these features available at your fingertips, you should be able to easily find someone who shares similar interests and wants friendship just like you do!


In conclusion, Tagged is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and usability that makes it easy to use even by those who are not tech-savvy. The safety and security of the users are taken seriously as well, with measures like two-factor authentication in place to protect user data from malicious actors. Furthermore, the help and support provided by Tagged’s customer service team is top notch – they can be contacted via email or chat if any issues arise while using the app. Finally, user profile quality on this platform is also excellent; all profiles must pass through rigorous verification processes before being approved so you know that each one you come across belongs to a real person looking for love! All things considered then we can confidently say that Tagged provides an enjoyable experience when searching for potential dates online – highly recommended!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.