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Singles50 Review 2023


Singles50 is an online dating platform that connects single people over the age of 50. The app was created to help older adults find meaningful relationships, and it has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for mature singles looking for love. Singles50 offers a variety of features designed to make finding compatible matches easier than ever before, including detailed profile creation tools and advanced search filters. With more than 2 million active users in five countries around the world, Singles50 provides a safe space where seniors can meet like-minded individuals with similar interests and values.

The company behind this innovative platform is Affinitas GmbH from Berlin Germany who have been providing matchmaking services since 2008 when they launched eDarling which became very successful in Europe soon after its launch date . Since then they’ve continued developing their technology by launching various other products such as ElitePartner (for professionals) or Parship (for long term relationships). In 2015 they decided to expand into new markets by creating Singles50 specifically targeting singles aged 50+. This product proved so successful that within just two years it had gained millions of registered members across 5 different countries: UK , Ireland , France , Spain & Italy .

To join this vibrant community all you need do is create your own personal profile on either desktop or mobile devices – both options are available via wwwsinges5o com website or through dedicated iOS/Android apps found on App Store / Google Play respectively – free registration takes only few minutes but requires basic information about yourself plus some additional details regarding what kind you’re searching for . Once done simply browse profiles recommended based upon your preferences set during sign up process start chatting with potential partners straight away !

As mentioned earlier there’s no charge involved however if wish take advantage extra benefits offered premium membership packages those also available at reasonable prices starting from €14 95 per month subscription period 3 months minimum required order benefit full access entire database communication opportunities unlimited messages etc … All payments handled securely using SSL encryption latest security standards ensuring safety transactions made site itself monitored 24 7 making sure every user experiences enjoyable stay without any issues whatsoever!

How Does Singles50 Work?

Singles50 is a dating app designed to help singles over 50 find compatible matches. It has been developed with the needs of mature daters in mind, offering an easy-to-use platform that allows users to search for potential partners based on their interests and preferences. The app features powerful matching algorithms which take into account user’s location, age range and other criteria such as lifestyle habits or hobbies when suggesting possible matches. Additionally, Singles50 also offers its members access to events specifically tailored towards single people over fifty years old who are looking for companionship or love.

The main feature of the Singles50 App is its ability to connect users from all around the world through its vast database containing millions of profiles from different countries including United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand and Ireland . Users can easily browse these profiles by selecting specific filters like gender preference , age group etc., thus making it easier for them to find suitable partners according their own personal requirements . Moreover they can even send messages directly via this application without having any external messaging service installed on their device . This helps make communication between two interested parties more convenient than ever before!

In addition there are many safety measures taken by Singles50 while creating new accounts so that only genuine individuals have access too this online platform ensuring maximum security against fake identities or malicious activities carried out using stolen information belonging others . Furthermore each profile created undergoes manual verification process where necessary details regarding identity proof documents are verified prior allowing anyone join this community hence providing peace mind those seeking long term relationships here at SingleS5O !

Finally what makes unique about Dating App compared rest available market today fact it caters exclusively adults aged above fifty thereby helping narrow down focus finding right partner instead wasting time searching among thousands irrelevant results found elsewhere ! With huge success rate already achieved within short span since launch no doubt will continue gain popularity future well attracting larger audience worldwide due wide variety options offered both free paid versions being made available customers alike !

  • 1.Advanced matchmaking algorithm: Singles50 uses a unique, scientifically-developed matching system to help users find compatible partners.
  • 2. Verified profiles: All members are verified by the team of experts at Singles50 before they can join the platform and start searching for potential matches.
  • 3. Secure messaging service: Members have access to an encrypted messaging system that ensures their conversations remain private and secure from third parties or hackers.
  • 4. Discreet dating options: The site offers discreet dating features such as anonymous browsing so you don’t need to worry about your privacy being compromised while looking for love online!
  • 5 .Compatibility test : Take our free compatibility test which will give you insights into how well two people might get along in a relationship based on different aspects like values, interests etc..
  • 6 .Personalized recommendations : Get personalized suggestions tailored just for you with daily updates on new singles who meet your criteria !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Singles50 app is a straightforward process. To begin, users will need to provide their gender and age – the minimum required age for registration is 50 years old. They then have to create an account by entering personal details such as name, email address and password. After submitting these details they can start using the platform right away; however in order to get full access they must complete their profile with additional information about themselves including interests, hobbies or preferences regarding potential matches. Registration on Singles50 is free of charge so there are no hidden costs involved in joining this dating service for singles over 50 years old! Once registered users can browse through other members’ profiles looking for compatible partners that meet their criteria or use advanced search filters available within the app if needed.

  • 1.Must be over the age of 50
  • 2. Provide a valid email address
  • 3. Create a username and password for account security
  • 4. Agree to terms and conditions of service
  • 5. Enter basic personal information such as name, gender, date of birth etc
  • 6. Upload an appropriate profile picture or avatar
  • 7. Specify desired characteristics in potential matches (age range, location etc) 8 .Provide payment details if opting for premium membership

Design and Usability of Singles50

The Singles50 app has a modern design with bright colors and clear visuals. The layout is simple to navigate, making it easy for users to find profiles of other people. Users can easily access their matches, messages and settings from the main menu at the bottom of each page. Usability-wise, all features are intuitively laid out so that even new users will be able to use them without any difficulty. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as an improved profile view which allows you to see more information about potential matches in one glance.

User Profile Quality

Singles50 profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who is registered on the site. Users have the ability to set a custom bio in their profile, but there is no “friends” feature or anything similar available. Privacy settings allow users to control what information they want visible for other members, including location info which can be hidden if desired. Singles50 also offers Google and Facebook sign-in features as well as verification of accounts so that fake accounts are kept at bay. Location info reveals city only without any indication of distance between users; however premium subscription holders may benefit from additional search filters based on geographical criteria such as proximity range or country/state/city selection options when searching for potential matches.


Singles50 is a dating website that caters to mature singles over the age of 50. It offers an easy-to-use platform for users to connect with likeminded individuals and start meaningful relationships. The site features various search filters, such as location, interests, lifestyle preferences and more; allowing members to find potential matches quickly and easily. Additionally, Singles50 provides its members with access to professional matchmakers who can provide tailored advice on how best approach their online dating journey.

The main advantage of using Singles50’s website is that it allows users greater control over their profile settings than other sites or apps do – meaning they have full control when it comes to choosing which information they want displayed publicly or privately within the app/site itself. Another benefit is that all profiles are manually verified by staff before being approved so there’s no risk of fake accounts appearing in your results – something not always guaranteed elsewhere! One disadvantage however could be cost: while basic membership may be free some additional services require payment if you wish them unlocked (such as extra visibility).

In comparison with its mobile application counterpart; the main difference between Singles50’s website and app lies mainly in user experience rather than functionality: While both offer similar features (ease of use & comprehensive filtering) navigating through menus etc via a desktop browser will likely prove easier due larger screen size available compared smaller smartphone displays found on mobiles devices .

Safety & Security

Singles50 takes app security very seriously and has a number of measures in place to protect its users. All user accounts must be verified before they can access the platform, which is done through email or phone verification. Singles50 also uses an AI-based system to detect bots and fake accounts by monitoring suspicious activity such as multiple account creation from the same IP address or sending out large numbers of messages at once. The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed for authenticity, ensuring that all images are genuine representations of their owners. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available on Singles50’s mobile apps for extra protection against malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access into user profiles.

In terms of privacy policy, Singles 50 promises not to share any personal information with third parties without explicit consent from its members first; it also pledges never sell data collected about them nor use it for advertising purposes either directly or indirectly via partners/affiliates websites outside the scope agreed upon when signing up with them

Pricing and Benefits

Singles50 is a popular dating app that has been around for some time. It offers users the chance to find potential partners in their area and even start relationships with them. But does Singles50 require a paid subscription?

The answer is yes, there are both free and paid subscriptions available on Singles50. The basic version of the app allows you to create an account, browse profiles, send messages and view photos without having to pay anything at all. However if you want access to more features such as unlimited messaging or advanced search options then you will need one of the two premium plans offered by Singles 50: Gold or Platinum membership levels which cost $19 per month (Gold) or $29 per month (Platinum).

Benefits of getting a Paid Subscription include:

  • Unrestricted messaging capabilities
  • Access exclusive profile information – Advanced searching tools – Priority customer service support

These prices are competitive when compared with other similar services like Match where they charge up to $42/month for their top tier plan so it’s worth considering whether these extra benefits justify spending money on this particular service before signing up for either option.

Finally, cancelling your subscription can be done easily from within your account settings page but unfortunately refunds cannot be given once payment has already been processed due any reason whatsoever including technical issues experienced while using the platform itself . So make sure that this really is something that suits your needs before committing financially!

Help & Support

Singles50 offers a range of support options for users. On the website, there is an extensive FAQ page with answers to commonly asked questions and topics related to using the platform. This can be accessed from any page on the site by clicking ‘Help & Support’ in the top right corner of each screen.

For more specific queries or issues that cannot be answered through this resource, Singles50 also provides email support which can be contacted via [email protected] . The team aim to respond within 24 hours but may take longer depending on how busy they are at any given time; however most enquiries will receive a response much sooner than this timeframe suggests.

Finally, if you would prefer speaking directly with someone over phone then Singles 50 has customer service representatives available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm (GMT). They offer free calls throughout Europe and North America as well as competitive rates for other countries around world – just click ‘Contact Us’ when logged into your account and follow instructions provided under ‘Phone Number’ section..


1. Is Singles50 safe?

Yes, Singles50 is a safe and secure dating site. The website has implemented the latest security measures to ensure that all user data remains private and confidential. All personal information is encrypted using SSL encryption technology which prevents any third-party from accessing it. Additionally, users are able to report suspicious profiles or activities on the platform for further investigation by customer service staff members who will take appropriate action if necessary. Furthermore, Singles50 also provides detailed safety tips in their online help section so that users can stay informed about how they can protect themselves while interacting with other singles on the platform

2. Is Singles50 a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Singles50 is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2008 and has since become one of the leading online matchmaking services for singles over 50 years old. The website offers its members access to thousands of potential matches from all around the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even marriage. Singles50 uses an advanced matching algorithm that takes into account each user’s interests and preferences so as to provide them with tailored suggestions based on their individual needs and desires. Additionally, it provides safety tips such as verifying profile photos before allowing communication between two people in order to ensure that everyone using this service can feel safe while searching for love online.

3. How to use Singles50 app?

Using the Singles50 app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from either Google Play or App Store depending on your device type. Once installed, open the app and create an account with a valid email address. You will then be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location etc., which helps in finding potential matches for you based on similar interests and preferences. After that’s done, start exploring profiles of other users who match your criteria by swiping left or right depending upon whether they interest you or not respectively; if both parties like each other’s profile then it’s a match! Finally use the chat feature within the app to communicate with them further if interested – exchange messages until one decides whether he/she wants to meet up in person eventually after getting comfortable enough through online conversations first!

4. Is Singles50 free?

Singles50 is not a free service. It does offer users the chance to create an account and browse profiles for free, but if they want to communicate with other members or use any of the additional features available on Singles50, then they will need to purchase one of their subscription packages. The cost varies depending on how long you would like your membership for and which payment plan you choose.

5. Is Singles50 working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Singles50 is a working dating site and it can be used to find someone. It has been designed specifically for singles over 50 who are looking for serious relationships or companionship. The website offers an easy-to-use platform that allows users to create profiles, search through the extensive database of other members, and contact potential matches directly from their profile page. With its simple design and user friendly features, Singles50 makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before! Furthermore, all communication between members is kept secure with encryption technology so you can feel safe while using the service.


In conclusion, Singles50 is a great dating app for those who are looking to find partners. Its design and usability are excellent as it has an intuitive interface that makes the user experience easy and enjoyable. The safety and security of users’ data is guaranteed with strict protocols in place to protect their information from unauthorized access or use. Help & support staff can be contacted via email or phone if needed, providing quick responses when required. Finally, the quality of profiles on this platform is very high; all members have detailed descriptions about themselves which helps them connect better with potential matches quickly and easily. All these features make Singles50 one of the best apps available today for finding love online!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.