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TSDating: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot


TSDating is an online dating platform that connects transgender singles and admirers from all over the world. It was launched in 2004 by a Canadian-based company, TS Dating Ltd., to provide members of the trans community with a safe space for meeting new people and finding potential partners. Since its launch, TSDating has become one of the most popular apps among those seeking companionship or love within their own gender identity group.

Who can you find on this app? The main focus of TSDating is connecting transgender individuals who are looking for relationships or casual encounters with other likeminded users; however, it also caters to anyone interested in exploring their sexuality through interactions with others regardless of gender identity. With millions of active monthly users worldwide – including countries such as Canada, USA, UK , Australia & New Zealand – there’s no shortage when it comes to finding someone special!

How many active users are on TSDating and how it was launched? As mentioned earlier, since its inception in 2004 by TS Dating Ltd.,Tsdting has grown into one of the largest platforms catering specifically towards Transgender Singles & Admirers around the globe today! Currently boasting more than 4 million registered profiles across 190+ countries (and counting!), we have established ourselves as THE go-to destination when searching for genuine connections between Transgenders/Admirers alike .

Who owns it and what 5 countries is most popular ? Owned solely by TS Dating Limited outta Toronto Ontario Canada , our App currently ranks #1 amongst our peers globally ; particularly throughout North America where we see higher concentrations amongst US /Canada followed closely behind by UK /Australia/NewZealand respectively !

Is the app free to use ? Yes absolutely ! Our App offers 100% Free registration along wth access 2 basic features such as browsing thru member profiles + sending messages 2 any user(s) u wish 2 connect wth …all at No Cost whatsoever ! For those wishing gain additional benefits suchas viewing full profile info + unlimited messaging privileges etc ..we do offer Premium Subscriptions @ various price points depending upon length chosen .

Does Tsdating have an app ? How can a user accessit ? Absolutely yes !! We’ve recently released both Android n iOS versions which r available via respective Playstore n Apple Store locations OR directly download them offa wwwTsdateingCom website itself using provided QR codes if needed . Once downloaded simply follow instructions given during setup process then voila your ready2go!!

How Does TSDating Work?

The TSDating app is a revolutionary way to meet new people and find potential romantic partners. It offers users the ability to search for profiles based on their location, interests, and preferences. The app also provides an array of filters that allow you to narrow down your search results so you can quickly find someone who meets your criteria. With over 1 million active members from more than 5 countries around the world, there are plenty of options available when it comes to finding love or companionship through this dating platform.

When using the TSDating app, users have access to detailed profile information such as age range, gender identity/expression preference (including transgender), sexual orientation preference (straight or gay/lesbian) relationship status and whether they’re looking for friendship only or something more serious like marriage-minded singles seeking long term relationships with commitment in mind! Users can even upload photos directly onto their profile page which helps them stand out among other members – making it easier for others interested in getting acquainted with them better before deciding if they want take things further by exchanging messages privately within our secure messaging system provided exclusively by us at TS Dating App!

Additionally ,users have access various features such as “Who Viewed Me?” which allows individuals know exactly who has viewed their profile recently; “My Matches” feature where one can easily browse through all compatible matches suggested just according user’s personal preferences & settings; Last but not least – "Live Chat" option allowing instant communication between two parties without any delay whatsoever ! All these functions make sure that everyone gets maximum exposure while being able explore each other deeply enough before actually taking next step towards real life meeting .

Moreover ,TSDatingapp ensures safety measures taken into account very seriously thus providing its customers highest level privacy protection possible ; thanks its 24×7 customer support team always ready assist anyone having doubts regarding security issues related online interaction process itself . Furthermore ,each member undergoes thorough verification procedure prior approval ensuring no fake accounts created malicious intent exist anywhere across network . Finally application designed keeping mobile devices view offering seamless navigation experience regardless device type used accessing site either via iOS Android operating systems alike !

Overall ,Tsdatingapp stands unique among plethora similar services currently existing market due combination great features mentioned above along reasonable subscription plans tailored suit individual needs budget restrictions applicable time moment thus helping thousands happy couples worldwide connect share same feelings joy ultimately leading path true everlasting romance finally blossoming into beautiful lifelong partnership future generations come witness enjoy benefits fruits laborious efforts put forth developers behind project wholeheartedly appreciated highly regarded industry experts far wide throughout globe today tomorrow beyond …

  • 1.Comprehensive and secure profile creation system: TSDating offers a comprehensive and secure profile creation process, allowing users to create detailed profiles that accurately reflect their interests, preferences, values, lifestyle choices and more.
  • 2. Advanced search filters: Users can easily find potential matches with advanced search filters such as age range, location preference or specific keywords related to the type of relationship they are looking for.
  • 3. Private messaging platform: TSDating provides a private messaging platform where users can safely communicate with each other without revealing any personal information until both parties feel comfortable enough to do so in person or over the phone/video call if desired.
  • 4. Discreet dating options: For those who wish to keep their dating life discreet from friends or family members who may not approve of it – TSDating has an option for them too! With this feature they will be able hide certain aspects of their online activity while still being able access all features available on the site like everyone else does (e-mail notifications etc).
  • 5 . Video chat integration : This allows two people interested in getting together have face-to-face conversations before deciding whether meeting up is something they would want pursue further – making sure both sides are equally invested into what could potentially become long term relationships instead just casual flings..
  • 6 . Online safety tips & resources : In order ensure user’s security when using its services ,TSDating also provides educational materials about how best stay safe during your time spent on its website which includes topics ranging from avoiding scams / fraudsters , protecting yourself against cyberbullying etc

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the TSDating app is a simple process. To begin, users must provide their email address and create a username and password. They will then be asked to fill out some basic information about themselves such as gender identity, age range preferences, interests, location etc. After submitting this information they can upload photos of themselves for other members to view or skip this step altogether if desired. Once all the details have been filled in correctly and submitted successfully users are ready to start using the app! After registering an account on TSDating it’s time for members to explore what features are available – browsing profiles of potential matches nearby or searching by criteria like age/location/interests; sending messages with emoticons; setting up dates via video chat calls etc.. The minimum required age for joining is 18 years old however anyone under 18 needs parental permission before signing up – so please make sure you read through our terms & conditions carefully first! Registration itself is free but certain premium services may require payment at additional cost depending upon your requirements

  • 1.Users must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and create a secure password to access the site.
  • 3. Each user will need to complete an online profile that includes personal information such as gender, interests, location etc..
  • 4. Photos are required for all profiles and should not contain any nudity or offensive material in order to be approved by moderators before being posted on the website .
  • 5. A valid payment method is necessary for premium memberships if applicable (credit card/PayPal).
  • 6. All users agree to abide by TSDating’s terms of service when registering their account which can include rules about appropriate behavior while using the platform as well as other legal agreements between them and TSDating itself . 7 User accounts may only be used by one person – sharing your login details with another individual is strictly prohibited . 8 Upon registration each user agrees that they have read , understood , accepted & agreed upon our Privacy Policy

Design and Usability of TSDating

The TSDating app has a modern and vibrant design with bright colors that make it visually appealing. It is easy to find profiles of other people as the search function allows you to narrow down your results based on gender, age, location and more. The usability of the app is great; all features are clearly labeled so users can easily navigate through them without any confusion or frustration. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as an ad-free experience which makes using the app even smoother than before.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on TSDating is generally quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by any user of the site, however you do have the option to set a custom bio in your profile if desired. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar but there are plenty of other ways for users to interact with each other such as messaging, flirting and video chat. Privacy settings available to users include hiding their location info from others which will prevent them from being contacted by anyone outside their chosen area/city etc., although it does not reveal exact city locations so this adds an extra layer of security for those who wish it. Additionally there is also a Google or Facebook sign-in feature that allows people to quickly register without having to manually fill out all information themselves – reducing chances of fake accounts appearing on the platform significantly! Location info in profiles may indicate distance between two members depending upon how far away they live; though exact cities cannot be revealed unless both parties agree first through private messages etc.. Premium subscription holders may benefit further when searching due to more detailed search options allowing them access into more specific criteria like age range and sexual orientation preferences compared with free account holders only able view basic filters such as gender & country selection .


At the time, TSDating does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that they focus more on providing an app-based experience for their users. The app allows people to connect with each other in real-time and access features such as live chat, profile matching and even video calls if desired. By having this all available through one platform it eliminates any need for a separate web page or site where these services can be accessed from multiple devices at once.

The main advantage of using an app over a website is convenience; being able to access your account quickly wherever you are without needing additional software or hardware makes life much easier when looking for potential partners online. Additionally, apps often provide better security than websites since most require two factor authentication before allowing someone into their account which adds another layer of protection against malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access.. On the downside however, apps may lack some functionality compared to websites because developers must design them around mobile device limitations like screen size and battery power consumption which can limit what types of activities are possible within them

Safety & Security

TSDating takes the security of its users very seriously. To ensure that all accounts are genuine, they have implemented a comprehensive verification process for new members. This includes email and phone number validation as well as manual photo review to detect any bots or fake profiles created by malicious actors. The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by TSDating’s team of moderators in order to confirm their authenticity before being accepted into the platform. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available on the site which provides an extra layer of protection against potential intruders trying to access user data without authorization. TDSdating also has a detailed privacy policy that outlines how it collects and stores personal information from its customers such as name, age, gender etc., along with other sensitive details like payment methods used while making purchases onsite or via third party services integrated within TSDating’s system framework . All collected data is securely stored according to industry standards and only accessed when necessary for legitimate business purposes such as fraud prevention activities or customer support inquiries

Pricing and Benefits

Is TSDating Worth Paying For?

TSDating is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with others in their area. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available for those who opt for a paid subscription. So, do users really need to pay for this service or can they get by without it? Let’s take a look at what paying subscribers receive and whether or not it’s worth the cost.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription

Paying customers on TSDating have access to several benefits that aren’t available on the free version of the app:

  • Increased visibility – Your profile will be seen more often by other members if you upgrade your account
  • Access To Premium Features – You’ll gain access to exclusive tools such as advanced search filters and message templates – Priority Customer Support – Get help faster when you encounter any issues while using TSDating – No Ads– Enjoy an ad-free experience while browsing through profiles and messaging potential matches

Prices & Competitiveness

The prices vary depending on how long you’d like your subscription period to last; one month costs $19.99 USD, three months cost $44.97 USD (15% discount), six months cost $74.94 USD (25% discount) ,and twelve months cost just $119/88USD (35% discount). These prices are quite competitive compared with similar services offered elsewhere so if these features appeal then signing up could be worthwhile investment .

Cancellation Process & Refunds  If after subscribing you decide that TS Dating isn’t right for you then cancelling should be straightforward enough; simply log into your account settings page where cancellation options will appear under ‘Account Status’. All payments made within 30 days prior may qualify for refunds provided all terms were met during use; contact customer support directly regarding refund eligibility before submitting any requests though as policies may differ from case-to-case basis..    

                                                                                                   In conclusion, whether or not someone needs a paid subscription depends entirely upon individual preferences since some people might find value in extra perks whereas others won’t care much about them either way..

Help & Support

Accessing support on TSDating is easy and straightforward.

The first option for users looking to get help with the platform is to visit their Support page, which can be found at the bottom of every page in their website. This section provides a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that are categorized into topics such as account settings, profile management, payments & billing etc., making it easier for users to find answers quickly without having to contact customer service directly. Additionally, there are also helpful articles and tutorials available here that provide step-by-step instructions on how best use certain features within the site or app.

If you need further assistance beyond what’s provided in these FAQs or tutorial sections then customers can reach out via email using an online form located under ‘Contact Us’ tab from any web page; this will direct your query straight through customer service team who usually respond within 24 hours depending upon complexity of issue being reported by user(s). There’s no phone number listed but if required they may offer call back services too – so do keep an eye out when submitting queries via emails/forms!

Finally, TSDating has recently launched its own dedicated live chat feature where customers can connect instantly with one of our agents during office hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST time zone (excluding holidays). The response times vary depending upon volume however typically most issues should be resolved fairly swiftly given all information requested has been supplied correctly prior to initiating conversation thread between agent & clientele base members alike!


1. Is TSDating safe?

TSDating is generally considered to be a safe platform for individuals looking to explore their gender identity and sexuality. The site takes safety seriously, requiring all users to verify their identities before they can access the website. Additionally, TSDating provides detailed safety tips on its website that include avoiding sharing personal information with strangers online and meeting in public places when going out on dates. Furthermore, members are encouraged not only to report any suspicious behavior but also block anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe while using the service. All of these measures help ensure that TSDating remains a secure environment where people can safely connect with others without fear of harassment or abuse from other members.

2. Is TSDating a real dating site with real users?

TSDating is a real dating site with genuine users. It was established in 1999 and has since become one of the largest online transgender communities for people looking to meet, date, or just make friends with other trans individuals. The website boasts over 2 million members from all around the world who are seeking relationships, friendships and casual encounters. TSDating offers its users an array of features including live video chat rooms where they can interact directly with each other as well as access to detailed member profiles that include photos and information about their interests so you can get to know them better before deciding if you want to take things further. Additionally, there are also various forums available on the website which allow members to discuss topics related not only dating but also lifestyle issues such as health care rights for trans individuals among many others

3. How to use TSDating app?

Using the TSDating app is a great way to meet other transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. The app allows users to create their own profile, upload photos, browse through potential matches in their area, and send messages or chat with others. To get started using the TSDating App:

First you will need to download it from your device’s respective store (Apple Store/Google Play). Once downloaded open up the application on your device. You can then register for an account by entering some basic information such as name, age range and location etc., or if you already have an existing account log into that one instead! After signing up you can customize your profile page which includes adding pictures of yourself along with any additional information about who you are looking for in terms of dating preferences etc.. Lastly once everything is set up start browsing profiles nearby that match what interests/preferences have been specified within yours; when someone catches your eye feel free to reach out via message or live chat feature available within each user’s profile page!

4. Is TSDating free?

TSDating is not free. While there are some features that can be accessed for free, such as creating a profile and browsing other members’ profiles, most of the site’s services require payment in order to access them. These include messaging other users, viewing full-size photos and videos uploaded by members, sending virtual gifts or flirts to show interest in someone else’s profile, accessing advanced search filters and more. Payment options vary depending on the country you’re located in but generally include credit card payments or PayPal transfers.

5. Is TSDating working and can you find someone there?

TSDating is a website that provides an opportunity for transgender singles to find potential partners. It has been around since 1999 and continues to be one of the most popular sites in this niche. The site offers various features such as chat rooms, private messaging, photo galleries, and more. With its large user base from all over the world, it’s easy to find someone who shares your interests or lifestyle on TSDating. Whether you’re looking for friendship or something more serious like a long-term relationship with another trans person, there are plenty of options available here. While some people may have difficulty finding compatible matches due to their specific gender identity needs or preferences, others have had success stories after using TSDating services – so yes it is possible!


In conclusion, TSDating is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. Its design and usability are user-friendly, making it easy to navigate the platform and search for potential matches. The safety and security features of the app ensure that users can trust their data will remain safe from any malicious activity or hackers. Furthermore, help and support options provide assistance when needed while also providing useful tips on how best to use the service effectively. Finally, its user profile quality is excellent as profiles are verified by moderators before being approved which helps maintain high standards across all accounts registered with TSDating. All in all this makes it an ideal choice for anyone seeking a partner online through this platform

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Author Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright is a passionate writer and relationship expert. She has been writing about relationships, love, and all things related to hearts and soulmates for the past five years. Her work has been featured in several publications, including Women's Health Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and The Huffington Post. Jessica is an advocate for healthy relationships and has a knack for giving advice that is both genuine and insightful. She believes that everyone deserves to find love and that it is never too late to start over. Her mission is to help people find the strength and courage to take risks in order to find true love.