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  • Wide user base
  • Easy to use interface
  • Free messaging system
  • Highly customizable search filters
  • No hidden fees
  • 1. Limited features
  • 2. Fake profiles can be present
  • 3. Difficult to find serious relationships


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What You Need to Know about ThaiFriendly for Successful Online Dating


ThaiFriendly is an online dating platform that helps connect people from Thailand and other parts of the world. It was launched in 2009 by a group of Thai entrepreneurs, who wanted to create a safe space for singles looking for companionship or even love. Since then, it has become one of the most popular dating apps in Thailand with over 2 million active users worldwide.

The app’s target audience includes both local Thais as well as foreigners living abroad who are interested in meeting someone special from this beautiful country located on Southeast Asia’s Indochina peninsula. The main feature offered by ThaiFriendly is its ability to match you up with potential partners based on your preferences such as age range, location and interests among others so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for without having to waste time searching through hundreds of profiles manually yourself.

Although there are some premium features available which require payment before use (such as sending unlimited messages), basic membership remains free allowing anyone access all essential functions including messaging and creating profile pages etc., making it accessible regardless if their budget allows them more advanced options or not . Additionally, since 2018 they have also released mobile applications compatible with iOS & Android devices meaning no matter where you go -you will always be able stay connected while out exploring!

In terms of popularity – statistics show us that at present around 80% percentof all members come from either Thailand itself or countries like United States , Australia , Japan & China giving great diversity when browsing potential matches within these regions specifically; however those outside these areas needn’t worry because many still remain open-minded enought o consider relationships further away too !

To register simply fill out details regarding name/age/location followed by adding pictures plus few sentences about yourself afterwards confirming via email address provided upon completion; once done account should be ready start using immediately after logging into dashboard view list available connections nearby area depending current GPS coordinates device being used …

How Does ThaiFriendly Work?

ThaiFriendly is an app that helps people connect with others from Thailand and other countries around the world. It offers a variety of features to help users find their perfect match, including advanced search options, detailed profile pages for each user, messaging capabilities and more. The app also allows users to view profiles in different languages depending on their preferences. With over 2 million members worldwide – many of them coming from Thailand itself – ThaiFriendly has become one of the most popular dating apps out there today.

Finding someone you’re interested in can be done easily through the use of filters like age range or location as well as by browsing member photos or using keyword searches such as interests or hobbies shared between two individuals who may have something in common beyond just physical attraction alone. You can even specify if you are looking for friendship only instead of romance when searching profiles on this platform so it’s easy to tailor your experience accordingly no matter what type relationship goals you might have at any given time while using this service!

In terms of membership numbers per country: USA leads with about 40% followed closely behind by Japan (20%), Germany (15%) then China & UK both tied at 10%. This means that not only do those living outside these 5 countries still get access but they also benefit greatly due to having a larger pool potential matches available than some smaller nations would normally offer without such services being available online!

The ThaiFriendly App provides great customer support too – all queries are answered quickly via email within 24 hours which ensures satisfaction among its customers every step along way during usage process making sure everyone gets exactly what they need whether it’s advice regarding how best utilize site/app features efficiently; technical assistance troubleshooting problems encountered while navigating interface etcetera… Additionally developers regularly update software ensuring compatibility across multiple devices plus implementing new ideas based off feedback received directly from users themselves thus creating positive user-experience overall throughout entire duration spent utilizing application regardless individual needs/desires involved therein!

Finally security measures implemented ensure safety data privacy concerns never arise thanks encryption protocols put place protect sensitive information stored servers safeguarded against malicious actors seeking gain unauthorized access accounts belonging unsuspecting victims cybercrime related activities alike thereby eliminating risk associated signing up joining network full confidence peace mind knowing everything will remain secure safe hands trustworthy team professionals running show day after day into foreseeable future come rain shine no exceptions whatsoever made here either way round deal cut let us move forward enjoy ourselves responsibly under supervision experts always watching our backs make sure nothing goes wrong end result? Satisfaction guaranteed 100% mark hit bullseye dead center success story waiting happen very near future indeed…

  • 1.Free to join and use
  • 2. Comprehensive search filters
  • 3. Instant messaging with other members
  • 4. Photo galleries of singles in your area
  • 5. Verified profiles for added security
  • 6. Ability to create a favorites list

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the ThaiFriendly app is a straightforward process. First, you need to provide your gender and email address before creating a username and password for yourself. You will then be asked to enter some basic information about yourself such as age, location, height etc., after which you can upload photos of yourself or skip this step if desired. Once all these steps are completed successfully, users must agree with the terms & conditions in order to complete their registration process on ThaiFriendly App. After submitting the details they will receive an activation link via email that needs to be clicked in order for them gain access into their account profile page where they can start searching through other user profiles according to preferences set by themselves (age range/location). The minimum required age limit for dating on this app is 18 years old and it’s free of charge when registering new accounts so anyone who meets this criteria may sign up without any cost involved whatsoever!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Username and password
  • 3. Age verification (must be 18 or older)
  • 4. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
  • 5. Gender selection (male, female, other)
  • 6. Profile photo upload option
  • 7. Location information for profile setup 8 . Option to connect with Facebook account

Design and Usability of ThaiFriendly

The ThaiFriendly app has a bright and modern design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The interface is simple to navigate, making it easy for users to find profiles of other people quickly. The usability of the app is great; features such as messaging and profile customization are intuitive and straightforward. With a paid subscription you get access to additional UI improvements like advanced search filters which make finding your perfect match even easier!

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on ThaiFriendly is generally quite good. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having to be a member. You can set up a custom bio and include some information about yourself, such as your interests or hobbies. There isn’t really any “friends” feature but there is an option to add people you like as favorites which will make it easier for you to find them again later if needed.

When it comes to privacy settings available on the platform, users have the ability to hide their location info from other members by using the Privacy Settings menu in their profile page. This prevents others from seeing what city they live in and also hides any indication of distance between users who may be interested in each other’s profile pages.. Additionally, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature which helps protect against fake accounts that could potentially scam unsuspecting members out of money or personal data through fraudulent activities online..

Finally, those with premium subscriptions do receive certain benefits when compared with regular account holders including more detailed search options along with access additional features not available otherwise such as being able use video chat functions within conversations instead just text messaging alone . Overall , this makes sure that all registered users get something beneficial out of using ThaiFriendly regardless whether they choose pay for upgrade membership level higher than free one already provided at registration stage itself


ThaiFriendly is a popular dating website and app for those looking to meet someone from Thailand. The site offers many features that make it easy to find the perfect match, including an extensive search function, detailed profiles with photos and videos, instant messaging capabilities and more. One of the main advantages of ThaiFriendly is its user-friendly interface which makes it very simple to use even for beginners. Additionally, users can access their account on both desktop computers as well as mobile devices through their free app available in both Android and iOS stores.

The difference between using the website or application depends mainly on personal preference; however there are some differences worth noting such as notifications being sent directly via push notification when using the app while this feature isn’t available when accessing ThaiFriendly through a web browser like Chrome or Firefox. Furthermore some additional features may be exclusive only to either one version over another so if you want full access then downloading both versions would be ideal although not necessary since most core functions are shared by all platforms equally regardless of device used .

At present time there doesn’t exist any dedicated dating site associated with ThaiFriendly at least officially speaking but that’s likely due mostly because they already have two working products -the aforementioned website & application- plus other services related specifically towards finding companionship rather than romantic relationships making them better suited for casual encounters instead; something which could explain why no official online platform has been created yet despite having such high demand among members worldwide who look forward connecting with each other virtually

Safety & Security

ThaiFriendly is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure the safety of all members, ThaiFriendly has implemented several measures such as user verification methods, fighting against bots and fake accounts, manual photo review process and two-factor authentication option. The verification method used by ThaiFriendly requires each member to provide an email address or phone number in order to verify their identity before they can access the website’s features. This helps protect users from fraudulent activities on the platform while also preventing spam messages from being sent out through automated bot systems. Furthermore, photos are manually reviewed by moderators who check if it meets certain criteria like not containing any nudity or offensive content that could potentially harm other members’ experience on this dating site. Additionally, there is a two-factor authentication option available which adds another layer of security when logging into your account; this ensures that only you have access to your profile information at all times! In terms of privacy policy related matters , ThaiFriendly follows strict guidelines set forth under applicable laws with regards data protection . All personal information collected during registration will be kept confidential unless required otherwise due legal requirements . The company does not share any details about its customers without prior consent nor do they use customer’s data for marketing purposes without permission either .

Pricing and Benefits

ThaiFriendly is a popular dating app for people who are interested in meeting and connecting with Thai singles. The basic version of the app is free, but users can upgrade to get access to additional features by subscribing to a paid membership plan.

The premium subscription plans come in three tiers: Gold ($24.99/month), Platinum ($34.99/month) and Diamond ($44.99/month). Each tier offers different benefits such as unlimited messaging, profile highlighting, advanced search filters and no ads on the site or mobile apps; however all memberships offer an increased number of daily messages that can be sent out compared to non-paying users (10 vs 5 per day).

Benefits of Paid Subscription:

  • Unlimited Messaging * Profile Highlighting * Advanced Search Filters * No Ads * Increased Number Of Daily Messages Sent Out (10 Vs 5 Per Day)


  • Gold – $24.99 / month * Platinum – $34

Help & Support

ThaiFriendly is a popular online dating site that helps people connect with potential partners from Thailand. It offers users the chance to find someone special and build meaningful relationships, whether for friendship or romance. But how can you access support on ThaiFriendly if something goes wrong?

The first way to get help is by visiting their Help page which provides answers to frequently asked questions about using the website, as well as contact information should you need further assistance. You can also email them directly at [email protected] and they will usually respond within 24 hours of receiving your message. Additionally, there are phone numbers available in various countries so that customers may call customer service representatives directly if needed – though this option may incur additional charges depending on where you’re calling from.

Finally, ThaiFriendly has an active community forum where members can post queries or share experiences related to using the website – it’s a great place for getting advice from other users who have been through similar situations before! All posts are monitored by moderators so any inappropriate content will be removed promptly; however response times vary depending on when moderators check in and answer individual threads accordingly..


1. Is ThaiFriendly safe?

ThaiFriendly is generally considered to be a safe dating site. The website has taken steps to ensure that all of its users are genuine and not scammers or bots, such as requiring each user to have an active profile photo in order for them to send messages. Additionally, ThaiFriendly also offers several safety features like the ability for users to block other members they don’t want contact with and report any suspicious activity on the platform. All reports are reviewed by their team before being acted upon if necessary. Furthermore, there is no sharing of personal information unless both parties agree which helps protect your privacy while using this service. Overall, it appears that ThaiFriendly takes security seriously and provides a safe environment for singles looking for love online

2. Is ThaiFriendly a real dating site with real users?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2004 and continues to be one of the most popular online dating sites for people looking to meet someone from Thailand. The website boasts over 2 million members who are actively searching for dates or relationships with other singles on the platform. With its user-friendly interface and features such as instant messaging, video chat, photo sharing and more, it makes finding compatible matches easy and fun! Additionally, there are numerous success stories that attest to how successful this service can be when used correctly – making it an ideal choice if you’re interested in exploring your options within Thailand’s vibrant online dating scene.

3. How to use ThaiFriendly app?

Using the ThaiFriendly app is a great way to meet new people and make friends in Thailand. The app allows users to search for other members based on their location, age, interests, etc., so you can easily find someone who shares your interests or lives nearby. Once you have found someone that looks interesting, simply send them a message introducing yourself and start getting to know each other better! You can also add photos of yourself if you want others to get an idea of what kind of person they are talking with.

The chat feature makes it easy for two people interested in one another connect quickly without having to exchange phone numbers or emails right away – making it much safer than meeting up with strangers from online dating sites. Plus there’s no need worry about language barriers as many Thais speak English fluently these days! So why not give ThaiFriendly a try today?

4. Is ThaiFriendly free?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is free to use. It allows users to create a profile and search for potential matches without having to pay any fees. The site also offers several features that are available at no cost such as the ability to send messages, upload photos, view profiles of other members and more. In addition, users can upgrade their account with additional features like advanced search options or VIP membership which will give them access even more exclusive benefits such as being able to see who has viewed your profile or sent you a message first before anyone else does. All in all, ThaiFriendly provides an excellent way for people looking for love online without having spend money on it!

5. Is ThaiFriendly working and can you find someone there?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is working and it can be a great way to find someone. It has over 2 million members from all around the world, so you have plenty of options when looking for potential partners. The site allows users to search through profiles based on their interests and preferences in order to narrow down the list of possible matches. You can also communicate with other members via private messages or chat rooms if you feel comfortable doing so. There are many success stories that come out of using this website as people have found long-term relationships or even marriage through its services! So if you’re looking for love online then give ThaiFriendly a try – who knows what could happen?


In conclusion, ThaiFriendly is a great dating app for those looking to find partners in Thailand. The design and usability of the app are very user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate around. Additionally, safety and security features such as two-factor authentication help protect users from malicious activities online. Help & support staff can be contacted quickly if needed via email or live chat which provides quick responses when necessary. Finally, user profiles on ThaiFriendly appear genuine with plenty of information provided by each member so you can get an idea about them before messaging them directly. Overall this makes it easier for members to connect with one another safely without any worries or concerns about their personal data being compromised or misused in any way shape or form – all these factors make ThaiFriendly a great choice when searching for potential partners in Thailand!

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Author Christopher Peters

Christopher Peters is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. He has over five years of experience as a writer and editor for various publications, specializing in the topics of love, dating, relationships, and technology. His work has been featured in a variety of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. Christopher has a passion for helping people find meaningful relationships and loves to explore the ways technology can make this process easier. When he's not writing, Christopher likes to spend time with his family, travel, and explore new cultures.