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SwingingHeaven Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


SwingingHeaven is an online platform that connects people interested in swinging. It has become one of the most popular apps for those looking to explore their sexuality and connect with like-minded individuals. The app was launched in 2011 by a group of friends who wanted to create a safe space where swingers could meet, chat, and arrange meetings without judgment or stigma attached. Since then it has grown exponentially into one of the largest networks dedicated solely to this lifestyle choice with over 1 million active users worldwide across five countries – United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

The SwingingHeaven app provides its members with many features such as private messaging options so they can communicate securely within the community; photo galleries which allow them to share pictures from events attended or just everyday life; forums for discussing topics related to swinging experiences; blogs about different aspects of this lifestyle choice as well as advice on how best enjoy it safely and responsibly; event listings detailing upcoming parties both local ones nearby but also far away destinations all around world – perfect if you’re planning vacation somewhere exotic! Plus much more besides these few examples mentioned here today!

Accessing Swinging Heaven couldn’t be easier either: simply download our free mobile application available on Android & iOS devices (or alternatively access via website) after registering your details first time round – only takes couple minutes do so don’t worry too much there either folks!. Once registered though rest assured that your personal information remains secure thanks strong encryption technology employed behind scenes ensuring peace mind when browsing through profiles other potential partners out there enjoying same experience yourself soon enough hopefully…

How Does SwingingHeaven Work?

SwingingHeaven is an app that connects people who are interested in the swinging lifestyle. It provides a platform for users to find and connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world, as well as create their own profiles and search for potential partners or couples. The app also allows its members to view photos of other users, exchange messages, arrange meetups and even plan events together. With more than 5 million active members from over 50 countries worldwide, SwingingHeaven offers something unique – a safe space where swingers can explore their interests without judgement or fear of being exposed.

Finding profiles on Swinging Heaven is easy; simply use the advanced filters available on each page such as age range preference or location preferences (country/region). You can also browse through different categories including ‘Couples’ if you are looking specifically for couples only; ‘Singles’ if you prefer singles only; ‘Group’ if your interest lies in group activities etc.. There’s no limit when it comes to finding someone compatible! Additionally there are many verified accounts which makes sure that every user profile belongs to genuine swinger enthusiasts – this helps ensure safety while using the app too!

The types of users vary depending upon individual interests but generally speaking they include single men & women seeking out new experiences with others just like them plus those already involved in committed relationships who wish to add some spice into their lives by exploring new avenues together safely & securely within closed doors away from prying eyes! From United States alone there have been reported 1 million+ registered Swinginheaven account holders so far followed closely by UK (800K), Canada(500K) , Australia(400k) & Germany (300k).

For those looking at getting started quickly without having much technical knowledge about how things work then one great feature offered here is called "Auto Match" – this basically does most of legwork required automatically based off user provided information thereby saving time spent searching manually through endless list after list hoping against hope until finally stumbling across what could be considered suitable match candidates eventually leading up till now ! This ensures best possible matches according topersonalized criteria entered earlier making entire process smoother& faster than ever before .

Finally since security always remains primary concern amongst online communities these days hence special measures taken careof via end-to-end encryption technology used during communication between two parties alongwith additional optionslike hiding identity behind alias names , blocking certain contacts permanentlyetc make sure data privacy never gets compromised thus allowing everyone connected enjoy experience worry free mannerwithout any hassles whatsoever !

  • 1.Private Chat Rooms: SwingingHeaven offers private chat rooms where couples can interact with each other in a secure and discreet environment.
  • 2. Event Calendar: Keep up to date on the latest swinging events happening near you, as well as post your own events for others to attend.
  • 3. Video Profiles: Create video profiles of yourself and/or your partner so that potential swingers can get an idea of who they’re interacting with before meeting them in person or online!
  • 4. Photo Galleries & Albums: Upload photos of yourself or browse through galleries created by other members – it’s all about having fun!
  • 5 . Member Blogging Platform : Write blog posts about anything related to the lifestyle, from tips for first-time swingers to stories from experienced ones – share it all here !
  • 6 . Message Boards & Forums : Participate in discussions on various topics within the community such as advice, travel experiences , safety tips etc

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the SwingingHeaven app, users will need to provide their email address and create a password. They can then fill out some basic information about themselves such as age, gender identity, location and interests. After submitting this information they will be asked to upload an image of themselves for verification purposes. Once all these steps are completed successfully the user is ready to start dating! The minimum required age for using SwingingHeaven is 18 years old and it’s free to register – so anyone who meets that criteria can get started right away!

  • 1.Users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. A profile photo is required to register an account on SwingingHeaven, which will be visible to other members in the community once approved by moderators/administrators
  • 4. Each user should create a unique username that does not contain any offensive language or content deemed inappropriate by administrators/moderators
  • 5 .All users are expected to abide by the terms & conditions set out in our Terms of Service agreement upon registration
  • 6 .Users may only use their own personal information when registering with SwingingHeaven; no third-party accounts are allowed 7 .A payment method (credit card or PayPal) is required for premium membership subscriptions 8 .Any suspicious activity detected during registration process will result in immediate suspension from using this service

Design and Usability of SwingingHeaven

The SwingingHeaven app has a modern design with bright colors that make it attractive and inviting. The layout is simple, making it easy to find profiles of other people. It’s intuitive and user-friendly; you can quickly navigate between different sections such as messages, events or the search page without any issues. With a paid subscription, users get access to additional features like advanced filtering options which further improve usability and enhance the overall experience when using this app.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on SwingingHeaven is generally quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, including non-members. Users have the option to set a custom bio with details about themselves and what they’re looking for in terms of swinging partners or activities. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is an internal messaging system that allows users to communicate privately without having to share their contact information publicly. Privacy settings allow users control over who can view certain aspects of their profile such as photos, age range preferences etc., while also allowing them the choice between signing up via Google or Facebook sign-in options if desired. Fake accounts are rare due to strict moderation policies which help ensure only genuine members join the site – however it’s always best practice for all users to remain vigilant when engaging with other members online! Location info in user profiles reveals city/town level information rather than exact addresses; this helps keep member locations anonymous whilst still providing some indication of distance between potential swingers so they know whether meeting up would be feasible or not depending on proximity.. Premium subscription benefits include more visibility within search results and access exclusive content from verified couples & singles – making it easier for likeminded people find each other quickly & easily!


SwingingHeaven is a popular dating website that has been around for many years. It offers users the opportunity to meet like-minded people in their area who are interested in exploring non-monogamous relationships. The site provides a safe and secure platform where members can connect with each other, chat, share photos and videos, arrange dates or just have fun. Some of its main advantages include an easy sign up process; access to profiles from all over the world; various communication options such as messaging, live video chats and private messaging; detailed search filters so you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly; free membership option with limited features available at no cost – perfect if you want to try out the service before committing financially. The SwingingHeaven app also allows users to stay connected on their mobile devices while they’re away from home or work – but it does not offer any additional features compared to those found on the website version of Swinging Heavens services (such as profile views). However it does provide convenience by allowing users quick access when needed without having them log into their computer every time they need something from this particular dating site/app combination package .

Safety & Security

SwingingHeaven is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment for their online activities. The app employs various measures to ensure that only genuine accounts are created on the platform, such as verifying user identity through email address or phone number verification. Additionally, it uses advanced algorithms and AI-based technology to detect any suspicious activity or fake accounts before they can cause harm. It also has an automated system in place which reviews all uploaded photos manually by moderators who check them against potential violations of SwingingHeaven’s terms of service policy. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as an extra layer of security for users who want added protection from malicious actors attempting unauthorized access into their account information stored within the app’s servers.

In addition to these safety protocols, SwingingHeaven takes data privacy seriously and provides detailed explanations about how personal data collected from its members will be used in accordance with GDPR regulations via its Privacy Policy page located at https://www/swingingheaven/privacypolicy/. This document outlines what types of information are gathered when using the website or mobile application; how this data may be shared among third parties; what rights customers have regarding their own private details; along with other pertinent topics related directly pertaining towards protecting customer’s right over his/her own digital assets while interacting on Swinging Heaven’s networked services

Pricing and Benefits

Whether users really need a paid subscription on SwingingHeaven is debatable. The app does offer both free and premium subscriptions, so it’s up to the user to decide which one best suits their needs.

The free version of the app allows users access to basic features such as messaging other members, creating profiles and searching for events in their area. However, some more advanced features are only available with a paid subscription including unlimited messages per day and exclusive discounts on local events or services related to swinging lifestyle activities.

Premium subscribers also have access additional search filters that can help them find potential partners who meet specific criteria they may be looking for such as age range or location preferences etc.. Prices vary depending on how long you want your membership period: 1 month ($19), 3 months ($45) or 6 months ($65). These prices are quite competitive compared with similar apps offering similar services in this market space so customers get good value for money when signing up for these packages if they choose too do so .

Cancellation process is simple – just log into your account settings page select cancel my membership option from there you will be asked why would like stop using service once submitted request cancellation take effect immediately no refunds offered unless technical issues prevent from accessing certain parts site during active subscription period .

In conclusion , whether someone decides use free version pay upgrade premium depends personal preference but overall offers great benefits those willing invest time effort getting most out experience .

Help & Support

SwingingHeaven is a great platform for those interested in the lifestyle of swinging. It provides its users with an array of resources and support to help them get started, stay informed, and enjoy their experience on the site.

The first way you can access support on SwingingHeaven is through their website’s contact page. Here you will find various ways to reach out including email or phone number options if needed. The response time from customer service representatives typically ranges from 24-48 hours depending upon your inquiry type but they are always willing to answer any questions that may arise during your journey as a swinger!

Another option available for quick answers are the FAQs section which has commonly asked questions about topics such as membership types, account settings changes, billing inquiries etc., all answered by experienced staff members who understand what it takes to make sure everyone enjoys themselves while using this platform safely and securely! Furthermore there’s also an active forum where other swingers share tips & tricks so newbies can learn more quickly how things work around here – making it easier than ever before when starting off with Swinging Heaven!


1. Is SwingingHeaven safe?

SwingingHeaven is generally considered to be a safe and secure website for those interested in exploring the swinging lifestyle. The site takes steps to ensure that its members are genuine swingers, by verifying each member’s identity with an email address or social media account. Additionally, all profiles must include a photo of the person behind it before they can join SwingingHeaven. This helps protect users from scammers and spammers who may try to use fake accounts on the site. Furthermore, there are several features available which allow members to block unwanted messages or contacts as well as report any suspicious activity if necessary. All these measures help make sure that everyone using SwingingHeaven has an enjoyable experience without having their safety compromised in any way

2. Is SwingingHeaven a real dating site with real users?

SwingingHeaven is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2001 and offers an online community for those interested in swinging, polyamory, open relationships, non-monogamy and more. The website boasts over 1 million members from all around the world who are looking to meet likeminded people for friendship or romance. SwingingHeaven provides various features such as chat rooms, forums and events that allow its members to interact with each other in a safe environment. Members can also create profiles where they can post pictures of themselves as well as information about their interests so others may get to know them better before deciding whether or not they would be compatible partners for either friendships or romantic relationships. With these features combined it makes Swinging Heaven one of the most popular swingers sites on the internet today!

3. How to use SwingingHeaven app?

Using the SwingingHeaven app is a great way to explore and find new partners for swinging activities. The app makes it easy to search through thousands of potential matches, all from the comfort of your own home. To get started with using the SwingingHeaven app, you will first need to create an account by providing some basic information such as your name, age and location. Once this has been done you can start searching for other users who share similar interests or are located nearby. You can also use filters such as gender preferences or sexual orientation in order to narrow down your search results even further if needed. Once you have found someone that looks interesting, simply send them a message via their profile page on the app so they know that you would like more information about them before deciding whether or not they could be compatible swingers with yourself and/or partner(s). If both parties agree then arrangements can be made accordingly – either online (via video chat) or offline (in person). No matter what kind of arrangement is decided upon though it’s important that everyone involved feels comfortable throughout each step taken towards exploring this lifestyle together!

4. Is SwingingHeaven free?

SwingingHeaven is not a free service. However, they do offer several membership options that allow users to access different features and benefits depending on their individual needs. The basic membership package offers the ability to browse profiles, create your own profile with photos and videos, view events in your area as well as search for local swingers clubs or parties near you. For those who are looking for more advanced features such as private messaging capabilities or video chat rooms there are premium packages available at an additional cost which provide these services along with other exclusive benefits like discounts on merchandise from partner sites and even invitations to special events hosted by SwingingHeaven itself!

5. Is SwingingHeaven working and can you find someone there?

SwingingHeaven is an online platform that facilitates connections between people who are interested in the swinging lifestyle. It has been around since 1999 and continues to be a popular destination for those looking to explore their sexuality with like-minded individuals. The website offers a range of features, including forums, photo galleries, chat rooms and more. With its user base growing steadily over the years, it’s likely that you can find someone on SwingingHeaven if you take some time to look through profiles or join conversations in one of its many chatrooms. Whether your goal is finding friendship or something more intimate – such as swapping partners – there’s sure to be someone out there who shares similar interests and desires as yourself!


To conclude, SwingingHeaven is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent, making it easy to navigate the website. The safety and security features provided by the site ensure that users can feel safe when using this platform. Furthermore, help and support from staff members is always available if needed. Finally, user profile quality on SwingingHeaven appears high as all profiles are verified before being approved by moderators of the site. Overall then we would highly recommend this app as an effective way of finding suitable partners in your area who share similar interests with you!

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Author Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright is a passionate writer and relationship expert. She has been writing about relationships, love, and all things related to hearts and soulmates for the past five years. Her work has been featured in several publications, including Women's Health Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and The Huffington Post. Jessica is an advocate for healthy relationships and has a knack for giving advice that is both genuine and insightful. She believes that everyone deserves to find love and that it is never too late to start over. Her mission is to help people find the strength and courage to take risks in order to find true love.