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Is SingleParentMatch the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?


SingleParentMatch is an online dating app that has been designed to help single parents find love and companionship. It was founded in 2001 by a group of entrepreneurs who wanted to create a safe, secure environment for single parents looking for relationships. Since then, it has grown into one of the most popular dating apps on the market with over 1 million active users worldwide.

The primary target audience of SingleParentMatch are divorced or widowed individuals who have children and are seeking new partners or friendships. The platform offers various features such as messaging, photo galleries, profile searches based on interests and location-based matching tools which make it easier for members to connect with each other regardless if they live close by or far away from each other geographically speaking. Additionally there is also access available through mobile devices so users can stay connected even when they’re not at home using their computers; this makes finding potential matches much more convenient than ever before!

Currently owned by Successful Match Inc., SingleParentMatch boasts high levels of popularity among its user base across five countries: United States (the largest), Canada, Australia , New Zealand & Ireland . As well as being free to join up – although some premium services do require payment – signing up takes just minutes via email address verification followed quickly afterwards by filling out your personal information including physical description plus any hobbies/interests you may have etc.. Once completed all that remains is creating your own unique username & password combination allowing full access into the site’s many features like browsing profiles + sending messages between fellow members etc…

For those wanting added convenience while accessing Single Parent Match’s services there’s always their dedicated smartphone application which can be downloaded directly onto Android / iOS compatible devices from either Google Play Store / Apple App Store respectively; making connecting with potential dates/friends quicker & simpler than ever before!

How Does SingleParentMatch Work?

SingleParentMatch is an app designed to help single parents find companionship and potential romantic partners. The app has a simple interface that allows users to easily search for other singles in their area, or anywhere else around the world. It offers a variety of features such as messaging, profile creation, photo uploads and even video chat capabilities so users can get to know each other better before meeting up in person. SingleParentMatch also provides safety tips on how best to use the platform securely while protecting personal information from third parties.

The user base of SingleParentMatch consists mainly of single parents who are looking for someone with whom they can share experiences related parenting or just enjoy some quality time together without any commitments attached yet. There are also many members from different countries across the globe; according USA Today reports over 5 million registered members come from United States alone followed by Canada (2 million), Australia (1 million) , UK (800 thousand) and Germany(400 thousand).

Users have access multiple ways through which they can browse profiles on this dating site: They may filter results based on age range, location distance radius as well as physical characteristics like height & body type etc., In addition there’s an option available where you could view new member sign-ups within last 24 hours allowing people connect with others quickly . Lastly if one wants more control then he/she may choose advanced search criteria including interests & hobbies shared between two individuals along with keyword searches which will make it easier finding exact match possible..

Once satisfied after going through various profiles then comes communication part – Users have several options here ranging right form sending flirts , virtual gifts all way upto direct messages plus audio /video chats when needed . What makes these conversations secure is that fact no outside party gets access them since every conversation takes place inside application itself making sure privacy remains intact throughout process .

In conclusion we see that despite being relatively young compared its competitors Single Parent Match App has made huge strides towards helping millions find perfect companion thanks its robust feature set offered at free cost enabling anyone join community anytime want provided meet basic requirements asked during registration phase

  • 1.Comprehensive Personality Test: SingleParentMatch offers a comprehensive personality test to help users find the best match for them.
  • 2. Advanced Search Options: Users can search for potential matches based on their preferences, such as age, location and interests.
  • 3. Private Messaging System: SingleParentMatch provides an easy-to-use private messaging system that allows users to communicate with each other securely and privately without revealing personal information or contact details until they are ready to do so.
  • 4. Photo Verification Feature: This feature helps ensure that all profile photos uploaded by members are genuine and accurate representations of themselves before allowing access into the community space where real connections can be made between likeminded individuals looking for love or companionship in life’s journey ahead together!
  • 5 .Blog & Forum Sections : Members have access to blog posts written by experts about topics related single parenting which could provide useful advice when navigating through difficult times associated with being a parent alone while also having access forums dedicated solely towards helping one another out within this unique lifestyle choice!
  • 6 .Safety Tips & Advice Section : To ensure user safety is always top priority at Single Parent Match there is an extensive section filled with tips from online dating professionals providing insight into how best stay safe when meeting someone new both online and offline environments alike!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the SingleParentMatch app is a simple process. First, users must provide basic information such as their gender, age (users must be at least 18 years old to join), email address and create a password. Then they will need to fill out an in-depth profile which includes details about themselves such as interests, hobbies and lifestyle choices. They can also upload photos of themselves for other members to view when browsing profiles or sending messages. After submitting all this information, users are ready to start using the app by searching for potential matches based on criteria like location or personal preferences set during registration. Once two people have matched with each other they can then chat through private messaging services within the app itself – these conversations are free but some features may require payment if extra functionality is needed beyond what’s available in the standard version of SingleParentMatch .

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a secure password to register an account with SingleParentMatch.
  • 3. Upload at least one profile photo that is appropriate for the website’s standards (no nudity, offensive language, etc.).
  • 4. Complete all required fields in the registration form including gender identity, sexual orientation, location information and interests/hobbies/lifestyle preferences as applicable..
  • 5 .Agree to abide by SingleParentMatch’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy when registering an account on their platform
  • 6 .Verify your email address before being able to access full features of the site such as messaging other users or creating groups within it
  • 7 .Complete optional questionnaires about yourself so that potential matches can better understand who you are 8 .Provide payment details if opting into premium membership services offered by SingleParentMatch

Design and Usability of SingleParentMatch

The SingleParentMatch app has a modern and minimalistic design, with mostly white backgrounds and light blue accents. The colors are soft but still inviting, creating an atmosphere of comfort for users. Finding profiles is easy; the search bar allows you to filter results by age range or location so that you can find people who match your preferences quickly. Navigating through the app is intuitive due to its simple layout which makes it very user-friendly even for those not familiar with technology. Purchasing a paid subscription will give access to additional features such as message read notifications and advanced searching options which make using the platform more efficient than ever before!

User Profile Quality

SingleParentMatch is a dating website that offers users the ability to create public profiles. These profiles can be viewed by other members, and contain basic information such as age, location, gender identity and interests. Users are also able to set a custom bio for their profile if they wish. There is no “friends” feature on SingleParentMatch but there are several privacy settings available which allow users to control who can view their profile or contact them through the site. Additionally, there is an option for signing in with Google or Facebook accounts which provides additional security measures against fake accounts being created on the platform.

When creating a user profile on SingleParentMatch it includes details about your current location including city name and distance from other members of the site based off this info provided during sign up process – however you have full control over whether you want this info visible publicly or not so its possible to hide your exact whereabouts if desired . Premium subscription benefits include more detailed search filters allowing better targeting when searching for potential matches as well as having access exclusive content like video chats etc..

Overall , Single Parent Match does provide good quality user profiles with plenty of options available when it comes down too privacy setting & even though some personal data may be shared (such as general area) all information remains secure & protected within private environment ensuring safety at all times . Furthermore premium subscribers gain access extra features making easier find compatible partners while maintaining high level protection throughout entire experience


SingleParentMatch is a popular dating website that caters to single parents. It has been around since 2001 and offers an easy-to-use platform for singles who are looking for someone special in their lives. The site provides several features such as chat rooms, forums, photo galleries and profile matching services to help users find the perfect match. SingleParentMatch also allows members to search by age range or location so they can easily connect with people nearby or from different parts of the world. One of its main advantages is that it’s free to join and use which makes it very accessible even if you don’t have much money available at the moment; however, one disadvantage could be that there isn’t any verification process when creating your account which means anyone can create a fake profile without being checked first before joining the community .

At this time there isn’t currently a mobile app version of SingleParentMatch but many other sites do offer apps as well as websites like Tinder or Bumble where users can access all their favorite features on both platforms simultaneously; some may prefer using an app because most phones now come equipped with touchscreens making them easier than ever before navigate through profiles quickly while others might enjoy having more options available online via desktop computer instead – either way though both versions typically provide same basic functionality just presented differently depending upon device used!

Safety & Security

SingleParentMatch is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure the security of all user accounts, SingleParentMatch has implemented several measures including verification methods for new users, as well as an AI-based system that helps detect bots and fake accounts. All newly registered profiles are subject to manual review by their staff in order to verify identity information such as email address or phone number before being approved on the platform. Furthermore, photos uploaded by members are also manually reviewed prior to approval in order prevent any potential malicious content from appearing on the site. Additionally, SingleParentMatch offers two-factor authentication which provides extra protection against unauthorized access attempts into user’s account data stored within their systems

In terms of privacy policy matters related with personal data collected through use of this service; Single Parent Match ensures that they take appropriate steps when handling your sensitive information such as credit card details or other financial records you provide during registration process or while making payments online using our services; these include encrypting them using industry standard technologies like SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol & storing it securely behind firewalls designed according protect customer’s private data from unauthorised access at all times

Pricing and Benefits

SingleParentMatch is a dating app for single parents. It offers free and paid subscriptions, so users can choose which one best suits their needs.

Free Subscription: SingleParentMatch’s free subscription allows access to the basic features of the app such as searching for matches, sending winks and messages to other members, viewing profiles with photos and videos etc. The downside is that these features are limited compared to those available on its premium membership plan.

Paid Subscription: A paid subscription unlocks more advanced features like unlimited messaging capabilities; full-size profile pictures; detailed search filters based on age range or location; priority listing in searches among others benefits at an affordable price of $19 per month or $119 annually (a savings of 40%). This makes it competitively priced when compared with similar apps offering similar services in this niche market segmentation.

The cancellation process is simple – just go into your account settings page and click “Cancel” button under “Subscriptions” tab before renewal date arrives if you wish not renewing your current plan again after expiration period ends . Refunds may be requested within 7 days from purchase but will only be issued if there has been no activity during that time frame i..e No message sent/received nor any profile views have occurred by user who made request otherwise refund policy does not apply .

Overall , SingleParentMatch provides both Free & Paid options depending upon individual requirements & budget constraints however due its wide array of unique functionalities alongwith great pricing plans , having a Paid Membership would definitely make sense for serious daters looking long term relationships !

Help & Support

SingleParentMatch is a great resource for single parents looking to connect with other like-minded individuals. They offer several ways to access support, making it easy and convenient for users.

The first way you can get help on SingleParentMatch is through their online customer service page. Here, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions as well as contact information if your issue requires further assistance from one of the site’s representatives. You can also email or call them directly with any issues or concerns that may arise while using the platform; they typically respond within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday – Friday).

Finally, there are plenty of helpful resources available on SingleParentMatch itself which provide quick answers about commonly asked topics such as creating an account and setting up a profile page. These pages contain detailed instructions along with screenshots so that users have all the necessary information at their fingertips when navigating around the website or app interface – allowing them to easily resolve any technical difficulties without having to wait for additional support from staff members! The response time here varies depending upon how quickly someone responds but generally speaking it should be relatively fast given its user friendly nature!


1. Is SingleParentMatch safe?

SingleParentMatch is a safe and secure online dating platform for single parents. The site has implemented various safety measures to ensure that all members are protected from fraud, identity theft, and other malicious activities. All profiles are manually reviewed by the SingleParentMatch team before they can be activated on the website; this helps protect users from fake accounts or scammers who may try to take advantage of them. Additionally, SingleParentMatch uses advanced encryption technology to keep user data private and secure while browsing the website or using its features such as messaging services. Furthermore, there is an option available for users to block any suspicious account if they feel uncomfortable with it in order to maintain their privacy further still. With these security measures in place along with customer support always ready help out should you have any questions about your experience on SingleParentMatch – you can rest assured that your time spent here will be both enjoyable and safe!

2. Is SingleParentMatch a real dating site with real users?

Yes, SingleParentMatch is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2002 and boasts over 1 million members worldwide. The website offers many features to help single parents find love, including detailed profiles that allow you to learn more about potential matches before deciding whether or not they are right for you. You can also use the search function to narrow down your options by age range, location, interests and other criteria so that only those who fit what you’re looking for appear in your results list. Additionally, there are forums where people can share their experiences as well as tips on how best to navigate the online dating world when parenting alone at home – all of which helps make it easier for single parents everywhere who want companionship but don’t have time or energy left after taking care of children during the day!

3. How to use SingleParentMatch app?

Using the SingleParentMatch app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to create an account with your email address or Facebook profile. Once registered, you can start browsing through profiles of other single parents in your area who are looking for someone like yourself. You can filter results by age range, location and interests so that it’s easier to find potential matches that fit what you’re looking for. When viewing a profile page on the app, there will be options such as “Like” or “Message Now" which allow users to show interest in each other without having to wait around until they receive a response from their match first! If two people both "like" each other’s profiles then they become matched up and have access to messaging one another directly within the app itself – making communication much simpler than traditional dating sites where messages may take days before being responded too! The SingleParentMatch also has additional features such as private photo albums which allows users share pictures securely with only those whom they choose; this helps ensure safety when meeting new people online since photos remain hidden unless given permission otherwise by its owner

4. Is SingleParentMatch free?

SingleParentMatch is a free dating website that allows single parents to meet and connect with other single parents. It provides an easy-to-use platform for users to create profiles, search for potential matches, and communicate through messages or live chat. The site also offers several features such as photo albums, forums, blogs, polls and quizzes which allow members to interact in more meaningful ways than just messaging each other back and forth. SingleParentMatch does not charge any fees for using the service; however it does offer premium membership options which provide additional benefits like advanced searching capabilities or access to exclusive events.

5. Is SingleParentMatch working and can you find someone there?

SingleParentMatch is a popular online dating website that caters to single parents looking for love and companionship. The site has been around since 2001, so it’s had plenty of time to build up its user base and reputation as an effective way for single parents to meet someone special. With millions of users from all over the world, SingleParentMatch offers a great opportunity for people who are interested in finding potential partners or just making new friends with similar interests. It also provides helpful resources such as articles on parenting tips and advice about how best to navigate the dating scene when you’re raising children alone. So yes, it is possible to find someone through SingleParentMatch if you put in some effort into creating your profile and searching through other members’ profiles until you find one that matches what you’re looking for!


In conclusion, SingleParentMatch is a great app for single parents who are looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it has an intuitive user interface that makes navigating through the website easy. Safety and security measures have been put in place to ensure users’ privacy is protected while using this platform. Additionally, help and support services are available 24/7 if any issues arise during use of the service or when creating a profile on SingleParentMatch. Finally, user profiles quality is good as there’s detailed information about each member which helps you make informed decisions before initiating contact with someone else on this site. All these features combined together create an enjoyable experience that allows single parents to connect with other like-minded individuals without worrying about their safety or privacy being compromised at any point in time!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.