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Buckle Up For A SeekingArrangement Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?


SeekingArrangement is an online dating platform that has revolutionized the way people find companionship. Founded in 2006, SeekingArrangement connects generous sugar daddies and mommas with attractive young men and women looking for mutually beneficial relationships. With over 10 million active users from around the world, this app offers a unique opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share similar interests or goals.

Who can you find on this app? On SeekingArrangment there are two types of members: Sugar Daddies/Mommas (generous benefactors) and Sugar Babies (attractive young adults). Both parties benefit from these arrangements as they gain access to resources such as money, mentorship or guidance while providing company in return – it’s a win-win situation! How many active users are on Seeking Arangements? Currently there are more than 10 million registered members worldwide using its services every day; however not all of them may be actively seeking an arrangement at any given time. It was launched back in 2006 by CEO Brandon Wade – who also owns other popular platforms such as WhatsYourPrice & MissTravel . Who owns it and what 5 countries is it most popular ? The parent company behind Seeking Arangement is Avid Life Media Inc., which operates out of Las Vegas Nevada USA but since then has expanded into several international markets including Canada , Australia , UK , Germany & France where it enjoys immense popularity among singles seeking meaningful connections . Is the App free to use ? Yes ! You can register for free through their website or mobile application available both on Android & iOS devices Does Seekinngarangemnt have an App ? Yes ! They do offer Mobile applications so you don’t need your laptop / PC anymore when trying to arrange dates anywhere anytime easily just download their apps either via Google Play Store Or Apple store depending upon your device type And start searching right away once you’ve created your account after registration process completes …

How Does SeekingArrangement Work?

SeekingArrangement is a revolutionary app that has revolutionized the way people find companionship and relationships. It offers users an easy-to-use platform to search for potential partners, regardless of their relationship goals or interests. The app allows you to browse through thousands of profiles from around the world, including those who are looking for sugar babies and sugar daddies/mommas. You can also filter your searches by location, age range, gender identity, ethnicity and more in order to narrow down your options even further. With over 10 million active members across five countries (the United States being one), SeekingArrangement provides its users with access to millions of likeminded individuals who share similar interests or lifestyles as them – making it easier than ever before for someone seeking out a companion on this unique platform!

The SeekingArrangment app makes finding suitable matches simple; all you need do is create an account using basic information such as name & email address then set up preferences regarding what type of person they’re interested in meeting – whether that be someone local or international – plus any other specific criteria they may have such as religion etc.. Once registered there are plenty ways available on the site itself which allow you quickly discover compatible matches based upon these settings so no matter how particular user’s tastes might be there will always be something suited just right waiting out there somewhere! Additionally if desired extra assistance can also provided via experienced matchmakers employed directly within company itself ensuring ultimate satisfaction when comes time make final decision about whom contact first amongst numerous possibilities presented each day online!

On top of providing quality results tailored specifically towards individual needs Seeking Arangements stands apart from competition due its commitment security safety measures taken protect both parties involved process maintaining strict policy against frauds scammers anyone attempting take advantage unsuspecting victims system wide guarantee peace mind customers at every turn journey ahead ! Furthermore additional features include messaging video chat capabilities along various verification methods ensure authenticity legitimacy profile accounts giving complete control power hands user determine suitability others searching same thing too ultimately leading successful connections made between two consenting adults mutual understanding benefit everyone participating exchange services goods end result sought after goal beginning start !

  • 1.Verified Member Profiles: SeekingArrangement offers verified member profiles to ensure that members are who they say they are.
  • 2. Advanced Search Filters: Members can search for potential matches using a variety of criteria, including location, income level and lifestyle preferences.
  • 3. Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby Support Groups: SeekingArrangement provides private support groups where users can discuss their experiences in the sugar dating world with other like-minded individuals in a safe environment.
  • 4. Private Messaging System: The site’s messaging system allows members to communicate privately without having to reveal personal contact information or details about themselves until both parties feel comfortable doing so..
  • 5

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process for SeekingArrangement is simple and straightforward. First, users will need to create an account by providing their email address or connecting with a Facebook profile. They then have the option of filling out additional information such as age, gender, location and relationship status in order to complete their profile. Once all the details are submitted they can begin searching for potential matches on the app. After submitting your details you will be able to start messaging other members that match your criteria and arrange dates through the platform if desired; however it should be noted that there is a minimum required age of 18 years old before dating on this app can commence – although registering itself is free!

  • 1.Users must be 18 years of age or older to register.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address for verification purposes.
  • 3. A user profile with an accurate description and photo is required upon registration, including details such as gender, ethnicity, body type etc..
  • 4. Payment information (e-wallet/credit card) is necessary in order to access premium features on the website or app platform(s).
  • 5. An agreement between both parties should be established prior to engaging in any arrangement activity; this includes setting expectations and understanding boundaries related to communication methods and payment plans/terms if applicable .
  • 6 .Users are expected adhere by SeekingArrangement’s Terms & Conditions when using the site which include no solicitation of services outside of its intended purpose (i e seeking arrangements). 7 .All profiles should remain active at least once every three months otherwise they will become inactive after that period has passed without renewal from the user’s end 8 .It is important for all members who use SeekingArrangement understand that it does not guarantee success nor imply safety measures during interactions with other users so caution should always be taken before meeting up with anyone offline

Design and Usability of SeekingArrangement

The SeekingArrangement app has a modern and attractive design, with an easy-to-navigate interface. The colors are bright and vibrant, giving the app a contemporary feel. It is simple to find profiles of other people using the search feature or by browsing through categories such as age range or location. Usability is also excellent; users can easily access their profile page, message inboxes, settings menus etc., all from one place in the navigation bar at the bottom of each screen. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are some additional UI improvements that make it even easier to use this service effectively and efficiently.

User Profile Quality

SeekingArrangement offers users the ability to create detailed profiles. These profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the platform, allowing potential matches to learn more about each other before deciding if they want to connect. Users have the option of setting a custom bio as well as adding photos or videos in order for their profile stand out from others. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users who know each other outside of SeekingArrangement stay connected with one another while using the service.

Privacy settings available on SeekingArrangment allow users control over how much information they share publicly and with whom it is shared with; there is even an option for Google or Facebook sign-in which helps keep user accounts secure from fake accounts trying access personal data without permission . Location info in your profile reveals city but does not indicate any distance between two members, however this information can be hidden should you choose so . Those who upgrade their account to premium subscription will benefit from having higher visibility within search results compared those who do not subscribe at all .


SeekingArrangement is a dating website that connects wealthy individuals with attractive people who are looking for mutually beneficial relationships. The site offers users the opportunity to find potential partners based on their desired criteria, such as age, location and interests. It also allows members to communicate directly through private messaging or chat rooms. One of the main advantages of SeekingArrangement is its focus on discretion; all conversations between members remain confidential unless both parties agree otherwise. Additionally, it provides an extensive list of safety tips and resources for those interested in pursuing these types of arrangements safely and responsibly.

The SeekingArrangment app differs from its website counterpart in several ways: it has fewer features than the desktop version (e.g., no video chatting) but makes up for this by offering more convenience when searching profiles or sending messages via mobile devices; additionally, some exclusive content can only be accessed through the app (such as “Sugar Moments”). While there are certain benefits associated with using either platform depending upon one’s preferences or needs, they ultimately serve similar purposes – connecting like-minded individuals seeking companionship within mutually beneficial terms agreed upon by both parties involved in any arrangement formed via either mediums’ services..

At present time there is no official dating site offered by Seeking Arrangement due to security concerns related to data privacy protection measures required under GDPR regulations which would need implementation before launching a service such as this type could take place legally . As well , since most transactions done through SA involve financial exchange , additional steps must be taken into consideration regarding payment processing methods & other details needed prior approval being granted . These factors have contributed towards making development process longer & complicated than expected thus far resulting delays until further notice given at later date once requirements have been met accordingly

Safety & Security

SeekingArrangement takes the security of its users very seriously. To ensure that only genuine people are able to access their services, they have implemented a comprehensive verification process for all members. This includes email and phone number verifications as well as photo ID checks which can be done through an external provider or manually by SeekingArrangement staff. They also use AI technology to detect any suspicious activity from bots and fake accounts in order to keep them out of the platform. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available on SeekingArrangement so that you can protect your account with an extra layer of security when logging in from new devices or locations. When it comes to privacy policy, Seeking Arrangements understands how important it is for its customers’ data safety; therefore they guarantee not sharing personal information without consent unless required by law enforcement agencies under certain circumstances such as suspected frauds etc., In addition, all user data stored within their system will remain encrypted using secure protocols at all times thus protecting against unauthorized access attempts

Pricing and Benefits

Is SeekingArrangement Free or Paid?

SeekingArrangement is a dating app that connects sugar babies and sugar daddies. It’s free to join the platform, but users can also opt for a paid subscription if they want access to more features.

Benefits of Getting A Paid Subscription

  • Access premium search filters – Allows you to find exactly what you’re looking for faster and easier than ever before! * See who viewed your profile & send unlimited messages – Keep track of who’s interested in getting to know you better, as well as being able connect with them without any limits! * Get highlighted on other user’s searches – Make sure people see your profile first when searching through potential matches. * Receive priority customer service – If there are any issues while using the app, get help quickly from their dedicated team members!

Prices & Competitiveness

The prices vary depending on which plan users choose: $89 per month (Diamond), $69 per month (Platinum) or $49 per month (Gold). These plans offer great value compared with competitors such as SugarDaddyMeet ($50/month) and EstablishedMen ($60/month). The Diamond package offers additional benefits like advanced search filters and exclusive discounts on gifts sent via Seeking Arrangements website shop.

Cancellation Process & Refunds

Users have the option of cancelling their subscriptions at anytime by going into “My Account” settings within the App Store or Google Play store where they originally purchased it from; however refunds will not be given after cancellation has been made unless requested under special circumstances determined by customer support representatives upon review case-by-case basis only.                                                                       
                                      Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Seeking Arangement?                                  While having a paid subscription does provide some extra perks that may make seeking arrangements much easier overall; ultimately whether one needs it depends entirely upon how often he/she uses this particular application versus others available out there today .

Help & Support

SeekingArrangement provides a variety of ways to access support.

The first way is through the website itself, which has an extensive FAQ page that answers many commonly asked questions. Additionally, there are pages dedicated to safety tips and guidelines for both Sugar Babies and Daddies/Mommas on how they can best protect themselves while using the platform. The site also offers a contact form where users can submit their inquiries or concerns directly to SeekingArrangement’s customer service team who will respond within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday-Friday).

In addition to accessing support via the website, customers may also reach out by email at [email protected] If you need more immediate assistance than what email communication allows for then you have two options: either call one of our toll free numbers in North America (+1 888 599 3888) or Australia (+61 2 8006 0783), or start up an online chat with one of our agents from 9am – 6pm EST Monday-Friday (excluding US holidays). Our response time when contacted via phone is usually much faster than if contacting us by email so this option might be preferable depending on your needs.

Finally, SeekingArrangement members have access to exclusive forums where they can ask other members questions about their experiences as well as receive advice from experts in various fields such as finance and law related topics pertaining specifically towards sugar dating arrangements between parties involved in these types of relationships


1. Is SeekingArrangement safe?

SeekingArrangement is generally considered to be a safe platform for users. The website has an extensive safety policy in place, which includes background checks on all of its members and the ability to block or report any suspicious activity. Additionally, SeekingArrangement provides helpful tips and advice about how to stay safe while using their services. This includes avoiding sharing personal information with strangers online, meeting in public places when arranging dates with other members of the site, never sending money or gifts before meeting someone face-to-face first, as well as always trusting your instincts if something doesn’t feel right during interactions with others from the site. Overall it appears that SeekingArrangement takes steps towards ensuring user safety by providing resources such as these guidelines and conducting regular background checks on its members; however ultimately it is up to each individual user’s discretion when deciding whether they should trust another member from this service or not

2. Is SeekingArrangement a real dating site with real users?

Yes, SeekingArrangement is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2006 and has grown to become one of the largest sugar daddy websites on the internet today. The website boasts over 10 million members worldwide who are looking for mutually beneficial relationships that involve companionship, mentorship or financial support from an older individual (known as a Sugar Daddy) to someone younger (known as a Sugar Baby). On SeekingArrangement, people can find what they’re looking for through detailed search filters and profile descriptions. Additionally, all user profiles are verified by customer service representatives so you know that everyone you interact with is genuine. As such, it’s safe to say that this website provides its users with legitimate opportunities when it comes to finding potential partners online!

3. How to use SeekingArrangement app?

Using the SeekingArrangement app is a great way to find mutually beneficial relationships. To get started, you will need to create an account and fill out your profile with information about yourself such as age, location, interests and what type of arrangement you are looking for. Once your profile is complete, it’s time to start searching! You can browse through profiles or use the search filters available on the app so that you only see potential matches who meet certain criteria like gender or lifestyle preferences. When browsing through other users’ profiles be sure to read their bios carefully before sending them a message – this will help ensure that both parties have similar expectations from any potential relationship they may enter into together. After connecting with someone via messaging in-app (or by exchanging contact details), it’s important for each party involved in an arrangement agreement understand exactly what terms have been agreed upon between them prior to meeting up in person – these should include things like payment amounts/frequency as well as boundaries around physical intimacy if applicable Finally remember: always practice safe sex no matter how long two people know one another!

4. Is SeekingArrangement free?

No, SeekingArrangement is not free. The website requires users to pay a subscription fee in order to access its features and services. This fee varies depending on the type of membership that you choose, but generally ranges from $20-$90 per month for premium memberships. In addition to this monthly charge, some additional fees may be required when using certain features or making purchases within the site’s marketplace.

5. Is SeekingArrangement working and can you find someone there?

Yes, SeekingArrangement is a legitimate website that has been helping people find mutually beneficial relationships since 2006. The site offers a safe and secure platform for users to connect with each other and build meaningful connections. It boasts over 20 million members from all around the world who are looking for arrangements ranging from casual dating to long-term commitments. With its advanced search filters, you can easily narrow down your search criteria based on age, location or interests so that you can find someone compatible quickly and efficiently. Additionally, SeekingArrangement also provides helpful advice articles as well as blog posts written by experts in the field of online dating which provide useful tips on how to make successful connections through their service. So if you’re interested in finding someone special then give it a try – there’s no harm in trying!


To conclude, SeekingArrangement is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate the website. The safety and security measures implemented by the site ensure that users’ data is kept safe from malicious actors or third parties. Furthermore, its help & support team offers timely assistance in case of any issues with their services or accounts. Finally, the quality of user profiles on this platform is excellent; all members have detailed information about themselves which helps other users find suitable matches quickly without wasting time searching through hundreds of irrelevant profiles. All these features make SeekingArrangement one of the best apps available today when it comes to online dating services!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.