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  • 3. Supportive Community of People Living with STDs
  • 4. Verified Members for Safety and Security
  • 5. Wide Range of Dating Options
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PositiveSingles Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?


PositiveSingles is an online dating platform that was created to provide a safe and secure environment for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It has been in operation since 2001, making it one of the oldest STD-focused dating sites on the web. The app caters to singles who are looking for companionship or even long-term relationships despite their health status. PositiveSingles currently boasts over 1 million active users worldwide, and its popularity continues to grow each day as more individuals become aware of this unique platform.

The site’s owners understand how difficult it can be for those living with STDs such as HIV/AIDS, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Hepatitis B & C, Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection (CTI) and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)to find love through traditional means; hence they have made sure that everyone feels welcome here regardless of their diagnosis or background. To ensure safety within the community all members must register using valid email addresses which will then be verified by Positive Singles before being allowed access into the website’s features including live chat rooms where conversations take place between other registered users from around world in real time .

Users can also create personal profiles which include information about themselves along with photos so potential matches get a better idea about them before deciding whether or not they want contact them further via private messaging services provided by Positive Singles itself without having to reveal any personal details until both parties feel comfortable enough doing so at some point down line if desired . Additionally , Premium membership plans offer additional benefits such as enhanced privacy settings , profile highlights , advanced search filters etc.. Currently most popular countries accessing positive singles includes United States Canada Australia New Zealand France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Norway Denmark Netherlands Finland Ireland South Africa Mexico Brazil India Japan China Hong Kong Singapore Thailand Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Vietnam Pakistan Saudi Arabia Egypt Turkey Israel Kuwait Qatar Jordan Lebanon Oman Bahrain Yemen Iraq Iran Afghanistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan Armenia Azerbaijan Palestine Macau Taiwan North Korea South Korea among others .

Accessing PosiitveSingels is free but there are premium subscription options available too depending upon user needs starting from $29 95 per month up till 6 months package costing just under $100 USD allowing full access into all areas onsite plus extra bonus goodies thrown in like unlimited messages sending capabilities while standard non paying members only receive limited amount every week however registering process remains same either way requiring filling out basic form followed verification link sent via email address entered during signup procedure after successful completion account activation takes few minutes afterwards person ready start searching matching partners straight away ! For mobile device users application version exist compatible Android iOS devices download directly respective stores alternatively browser based interface works great too!

How Does PositiveSingles Work?

PositiveSingles is a dating app designed for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It has become one of the most popular STD-specific apps, boasting over 1.5 million users worldwide. The app provides an online community where those affected by STDs can find companionship and support from like-minded individuals in their area or around the world. On PositiveSingles, users are able to create profiles that include detailed information about themselves such as age, location, interests and more – all while remaining anonymous if they choose to do so. They also have access to forums where members can discuss topics related to their condition and connect with others who understand what it’s like living with an STD on a daily basis.

The main feature of PositiveSingles is its ability for users to search for potential matches based on various criteria including gender preference, age range and distance away from them geographically; this makes it easy for singles looking specifically within certain parameters when searching through profiles in order find someone compatible with them quickly without having trawl through hundreds of irrelevant results firstly . Furthermore ,users are given options regarding how much personal detail they wish display publicly – ranging from just displaying basic profile info such as name & photo up full details about lifestyle choices etc which allows each user decide exactly how open/private want be when interacting other members site .

On top this ,app offers comprehensive breakdown statistics showing number active male female subscribers different countries ; currently these figures stand at 40% 60% respectively US alone followed closely UK Canada Australia New Zealand combined make up bulk global membership base across rest globe making total reach even greater still ! Finally ,in addition providing secure platform meet new partners safe environment free judgement stigma attached being diagnosed any form sexual disease service also includes 24/7 customer care team ensure all queries answered promptly efficiently help maintain smooth running system keeping everyone happy satisfied experience overall!

  • 1.24/7 customer support
  • 2. Private and anonymous messaging system
  • 3. Video chat capabilities
  • 4. Ability to create a blog or join an online forum for people with STDs
  • 5. Advanced search options to find potential matches based on interests, location, age, etc
  • 6. Verified member profiles

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the PositiveSingles app is a simple process. After downloading and opening the app, users will be prompted to enter their email address or sign up with Facebook. They then need to provide basic information such as gender, age (the minimum required age for dating on this platform is 18 years old), location and other personal details like height, body type etc., before creating a username and password for themselves. Once all these steps are completed successfully they can begin using the app by completing their profile page which includes uploading photos of themselves along with writing an introduction about who they are looking for in terms of potential partners/dates. It’s free to register but some features may require payment depending upon what you wish to use them for – messaging people outside your network being one example that requires subscription fees from time-to-time . After submitting all these details users can start browsing through profiles of other members in order find compatible matches based on mutual interests & preferences; while also having access to various communication tools like chat rooms , forums etc., so that they can interact more effectively with each other online

  • 1.A valid email address is required for registration.
  • 2. All users must be 18 years of age or older to register with PositiveSingles.
  • 3. Users are asked to provide a username and password upon registering with the site, which will be used for all future logins and account accesses on the website.
  • 4. Users must agree to abide by PositiveSingles’ terms of service in order to complete their registration process successfully; this includes agreeing not to post any offensive material or engage in activities that could harm other members of the community in any way (such as spamming).
  • 5 .Users should also create an accurate profile description that accurately reflects who they are so potential matches can find them easily on the platform; this includes providing information such as gender identity, sexual orientation, location etc..
  • 6 .A valid payment method may needto be provided if opting into premium services offered by Positive Singles like live chat support or additional features available only through subscription plans offered at various levels depending on user preferences/needs/budget constraints etc.. 7 .The privacy policy needs acceptance before completing sign up process – it outlines how data collected from users will be stored & used including personal details & usage history tracked while using PS services& products plus what info gets shared w 3rd parties where applicable egs Google Analytics tracking code embedded within certain pages accessed via web browser interface 8 Lastly verification steps maybe needed when signing up eg Captcha images /sms confirmation codes sent out randomly during registrations processes

Design and Usability of PositiveSingles

The PositiveSingles app has a modern design with vibrant colors and simple navigation. It is easy to find profiles of other people, as the search bar allows you to filter by age, gender, location and more. The usability of the app is great; it’s intuitively designed so that anyone can easily use all its features without any difficulty. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as additional filters for better profile searches or an ad-free experience when browsing through users’ profiles.

User Profile Quality

PositiveSingles offers users the ability to create a profile that is both public and private. All profiles are visible for other members, however you can set custom bios if desired. There is also an option to add friends or follow others on the platform which allows users to connect with one another in a safe space. Privacy settings are available so that user’s information remains secure; there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature but instead PositiveSingles requires all new accounts be verified through email before they become active on the site. Additionally, fake accounts have been removed from their system as part of their security protocols and safety measures for its members. Location info within your profile does not reveal exact city names, only regions where you live (for example: North America). You can choose whether or not this information appears in your profile by using privacy settings when creating it initially; additionally premium subscribers benefit from additional features such as more detailed location data being revealed about themselves while still maintaining anonymity towards others who view their page(s).


PositiveSingles is a dating website designed for people living with STDs. It provides an online platform to connect individuals who are looking for companionship, romance or marriage. The site offers several features such as chat rooms, private messaging and profile creation tools that make it easy to find potential matches in your area. Additionally, the site has extensive safety measures in place to protect users from harassment or abuse by other members of the community.

The main advantage of PositiveSingles is its focus on providing a safe environment where STD-positive singles can meet without fear of judgement or discrimination from others using traditional dating sites and apps. However, one disadvantage is that there may be fewer active members than some larger mainstream websites due to its niche nature which could limit options when searching for compatible partners within certain age ranges and locations .

The difference between Positive Singles’ website and app lies mainly in their user interface; while both offer access to all the same features they differ slightly in terms of navigation through menus etc., making them better suited towards different types/styles of use depending on individual preferences – e..g if you prefer browsing profiles then you might opt more often for web version whereas those who value mobility will likely favour mobile application instead . At present time however , unfortunately neither exist as PositiveSingles does not have any official presence either via web nor app form yet ( although this situation might change soon ) , most probably because creating & maintaining such platforms requires significant financial investments which company was simply unable / unwilling do invest at this point .

Safety & Security

PositiveSingles is committed to providing a secure online dating experience for its users. To ensure the safety of all members, PositiveSingles has implemented several measures such as verification methods and advanced security systems. All new accounts are subject to an extensive identity check process that includes email address confirmation and manual photo review by their team of moderators before they can be approved. This helps them detect any suspicious activity or fake profiles quickly and take appropriate action against it. In addition, PositiveSingles also offers two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of protection when logging in with your account credentials – this requires you to enter both your username/password combination along with a unique code sent via SMS or email each time you sign in from a different device or location for added security assurance .

When it comes to privacy policy, Positive Singles takes user data seriously; they have strict policies regarding how personal information is collected, stored securely on their servers using industry standard encryption protocols like TLS 1.3 & AES 256-bit encryption algorithms , used responsibly only within the scope intended purpose stated clearly at registration stage & not shared outside without explicit consent given by individual users unless legally required so do .

Pricing and Benefits

Is PositiveSingles Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

PositiveSingles is an online dating platform specifically designed for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It offers both free and paid services. The basic features of the app are available to all users, regardless of whether they have a subscription or not. However, if you want access to more advanced features such as unlimited messaging and profile views, then you will need to upgrade your account by purchasing one of their subscriptions plans.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On Positive Singles

  • Unlimited Messaging: Send messages without any limits!
  • Profile Views: View other user’s profiles in full detail without restrictions. * Advanced Search Filters: Use filters like age range, location & interests when searching for potential matches on the site/app . * Verified Members Only Feature : Get matched only with verified members who have gone through background checks from our team .

Prices And Competitiveness Of The Plans Offered By Positive Singles

The prices offered by PositiveSingles vary depending on which plan you choose; however there are three main packages that offer different levels of benefits at varying costs – Basic ($29 per month), Gold ($34 per month) and Platinum ($39 per month). Compared to other similar apps offering STD-specific dating services these prices seem quite competitive given what each package includes in terms payment options also include 3 months upfront payments which can save money over time compared paying monthly fees individually every 30 days.. Additionally , all packages come with additional discounts if purchased up front rather than billed monthly so be sure check out those deals before making final decision !

Cancellation Process & Refund Policy For Users With A Paid Subscription On Positivesingels ? If after signing up for one their premium membership plans , decide no longer wish continue using service then simply go into settings page cancel subscription anytime during billing cycle receive prorated refund remaining balance left unused portion period already paid ! Please note refunds may take few business days process once request has been submitted but should arrive within 7 10 working days latest most cases .

Help & Support

PositiveSingles provides a range of support options for its members. The first is an online help page which can be accessed from the homepage, and contains frequently asked questions about the service as well as troubleshooting advice. This page also has contact information for customer services if further assistance is needed.

The PositiveSingles website states that it offers 24/7 email support to all members with any queries or issues they may have relating to their account or use of the site’s features and functions. Response times are usually within one business day but can vary depending on how busy customer services are at any given time.

For urgent matters, PositiveSingles also offer telephone-based technical support during office hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm). Calls will be answered by experienced staff who should be able to provide immediate solutions where possible; however this option may incur additional charges so it’s best used only in cases where there isn’t another way forward available via email or web chat first..


1. Is PositiveSingles safe?

Yes, PositiveSingles is a safe website for people living with STDs. The site takes security and privacy very seriously by using SSL encryption technology to protect its users’ data from being stolen or compromised. They also have strict guidelines in place that all members must adhere to in order to ensure the safety of everyone on the platform. This includes things like not sharing personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, or financial details with other members without their consent; reporting any suspicious activity immediately; and only communicating through the site’s secure messaging system instead of exchanging contact information outside of it. In addition, PositiveSingles has an extensive customer service team available 24/7 who are always ready to help out if there are any issues that arise while using the website.

2. Is PositiveSingles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, PositiveSingles is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2001 and currently boasts over 1 million members worldwide. The website caters to people who are living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as herpes, HIV/AIDS, HPV and other conditions that can make it difficult for them to find compatible partners through traditional means of meeting someone new. The website provides an environment where individuals can be open about their health status without fear of judgement or discrimination from potential dates or even friends they meet on the platform. Members have access to many features including forums, blogs and chat rooms which allow them to connect with others facing similar challenges while also providing support during tough times when needed most. In addition there are various success stories posted by those who have found love after joining the community – proving that despite any obstacles one may face due to having an STD; true love still exists!

3. How to use PositiveSingles app?

Using the PositiveSingles app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective store (iOS or Android). Once installed, you will be prompted to create an account with basic information such as name, age and location. After creating your profile you can start browsing through other members’ profiles in order to find potential matches that meet your criteria. You can also use various search filters like interests or physical attributes to narrow down results even further.

Once you have found someone who looks interesting, it’s time for communication! The PositiveSingles app allows users to send messages directly via their chat feature so that they don’t need any third-party messaging services like WhatsApp or Skype etc., making it easier than ever before for people living with STDs/STIs connect without having worry about privacy concerns associated with these external apps.. In addition there are a variety of forums available on the platform where users can discuss topics related to STD/STI prevention & treatment as well share experiences and advice regarding dating while living with an infection – this makes connecting within a supportive community much simpler too!

4. Is PositiveSingles free?

PositiveSingles is a free dating website for people living with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The site offers many features to its members, including the ability to create a profile and connect with other users. Members can also use an advanced search tool that allows them to find matches based on specific criteria such as age, location, gender and interests. In addition, PositiveSingles provides advice articles about STDs and safety tips when meeting someone new online or in person. There are no fees associated with joining or using the services of PositiveSingles; however there are optional premium membership options available which provide additional benefits such as access to live chat rooms where you can interact directly with other members who share similar experiences.

5. Is PositiveSingles working and can you find someone there?

Yes, PositiveSingles is working and you can find someone there. The website has been designed to provide a safe and secure environment for people who are living with an STD or STI. It offers many features that make it easy to connect with other members, such as chat rooms, forums, blogs and instant messaging. You can also search for potential matches based on your preferences in terms of age range, location or interests. In addition to providing a supportive community where users can meet others who understand their situation better than anyone else could ever do so; the site also provides resources about sexual health topics like testing locations near you as well as tips on how best manage any symptoms associated with your condition(s). All these features make PositiveSingles one of the most popular dating sites out there today!


PositiveSingles is a great dating app for people living with STDs. It provides an opportunity to find partners and make connections in a safe, secure environment. The design of the app is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through the different features available on PositiveSingles. Safety and security are also taken seriously by this platform; users can rest assured that their data will be kept confidential at all times while they search for potential matches online. Additionally, help and support are readily available should any issues arise during use of the service or when creating your profile – there’s even an FAQ section which offers helpful advice on how best to use PositiveSingles effectively! Finally, user profiles have been designed so as not only to look attractive but also provide relevant information about each person – enabling members of this community get better acquainted before deciding whether or not they want pursue further contact with one another offline. All things considered then: Positive Singles definitely gets two thumbs up from us!

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Author Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright is a passionate writer and relationship expert. She has been writing about relationships, love, and all things related to hearts and soulmates for the past five years. Her work has been featured in several publications, including Women's Health Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and The Huffington Post. Jessica is an advocate for healthy relationships and has a knack for giving advice that is both genuine and insightful. She believes that everyone deserves to find love and that it is never too late to start over. Her mission is to help people find the strength and courage to take risks in order to find true love.