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  • 1. Connects like-minded singles
  • 2. Offers an in-depth profile questionnaire to ensure compatibility
  • 3. Encourages meaningful conversations
  • High cost
  • Limited user base
  • Unclear safety policies
  • Lack of customer support


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  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
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  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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MeetMindful 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?


MeetMindful is an online dating platform designed to bring together like-minded people who are looking for meaningful relationships. It was launched in 2016 by MeetMindful, LLC and has since become one of the most popular apps for those seeking a deeper connection with someone special. The app targets singles aged 25–45 years old who share similar values and interests, such as health & wellness, spirituality, sustainability practices or personal growth.

The company currently has over 1 million active users across five countries: USA (over 500K), Canada (100K+), UK (50K+), Australia (25k+) and New Zealand(10k). MeetMindful also offers premium subscription plans that allow members access to exclusive features such as unlimited messaging options or advanced search filters which help narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria they have set up beforehand.

The app itself is free to use but does offer paid membership packages ranging from $19-$59 per month depending on the duration chosen by the user; this allows them access to additional features not available with a basic account – including seeing who liked their profile without having it reciprocated first! Plus there’s no need worry about missing out if you don’t own an Apple device – Android users can still enjoy all of what Meetmindful has too offer via its website version accessible through any web browser window!

To get started simply download either iOS/Android versions onto your mobile phone before signing up using Facebook login credentials; alternatively create an account manually entering email address details instead then follow instructions provided during registration process complete setup within minutes time frame allowing immediate access begin searching perfect match today!.

How Does MeetMindful Work?

MeetMindful is a revolutionary dating app that has been designed to help users find meaningful connections. The app uses an algorithm based on user interests and preferences in order to match them with compatible partners. Users can create profiles, upload photos, search for potential matches, and send messages all within the MeetMindful platform. Additionally, they have access to various features such as daily prompts which encourage deeper conversations between members of the community.

The MeetMindful app allows you to easily browse through different types of users from around the world who are looking for relationships or friendships based on shared values and beliefs about life’s purpose. You can also filter your searches by age range or location so you know exactly what type of person you’re connecting with before sending any messages out! With over 5 million active monthly users from countries like United States (2 million), Canada (1 million), Australia (500 thousand) India(300 thousand) ,and Germany(200thousand). There’s sure someone special waiting just for you!

Once connected via messaging feature found inside each profile page; it makes conversation easier than ever because it eliminates long wait times associated with traditional online dating sites where people need days even weeks before getting a response back . This way both parties get notified immediately when there’s something new sent their way making communication more efficient & effective while keeping things interesting at same time !

Another great thing about this application is its focus on mindfulness-based practices that promote emotional well-being during interactions between two individuals – whether platonic or romantic – helping build strong foundations right away without feeling overwhelmed by external pressures often seen in other apps today . These tools include guided meditations , inspirational quotes & stories along with advice columns written by experts specializing in relationship building topics meant specifically geared towards singles seeking true love but not necessarily ready yet take big steps into serious commitments .

Finally one last unique aspect setting apart this App from others currently available comes down ability customize experience according individual needs ; meaning every member will be able set up notifications reminders best fit his/her lifestyle thus allowing make most out journey finding perfect partner soulmate much faster smoother process overall !

  • 1.Personalized Matches: MeetMindful uses an algorithm to match users based on their values, interests and lifestyle.
  • 2. Compatibility Quiz: Take a quiz that helps you identify your core values and preferences in order to find compatible matches.
  • 3. Private Messaging System: Exchange messages with potential matches in a secure environment without revealing personal information until both parties are comfortable doing so.
  • 4. Group Events & Activities: Attend exclusive events or join online activities designed for members of the MeetMindful community to connect offline or virtually!
  • 5 .Video Profiles : Get an up-close look at potential partners by watching their video profiles before deciding if they’re right for you!
  • 6 .Premium Membership Benefits : Upgrade your membership for access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, read receipts ,and more !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the MeetMindful app is a simple process. First, you will need to provide your email address and create a password for security purposes. Then, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity and sexual orientation. You can also add pictures of yourself if desired. After submitting this information, you will then have access to the app’s features which include searching for potential matches based on shared interests or location preferences; messaging other users; creating events with like-minded people in your area; and much more! The minimum required age to begin dating on MeetMindful is 18 years old and registration is free of charge so anyone over that age can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.Provide a valid email address
  • 2. Create a username and password
  • 3. Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • 4. Select your gender, age range, location preferences, etc
  • 5. Upload an appropriate profile photo (no nudity or offensive content)
  • 6. Fill out basic information about yourself such as interests/hobbies/backgrounds that you would like to share with other members
  • 7. Verify your account by clicking on the link sent in an email from MeetMindful after registering 8 . Make sure all provided information is accurate

Design and Usability of MeetMindful

The MeetMindful app has a bright and modern design, with colors that evoke feelings of peace and relaxation. The interface is intuitive to use, making it easy for users to find profiles of other people quickly. Usability is great; the features are well laid out on the home page so you can easily access them without having to search around too much. There aren’t any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are additional benefits such as increased profile visibility and unlimited messaging capabilities which make it worth considering if you’re looking for more from your online dating experience.

User Profile Quality

MeetMindful is a dating site that focuses on helping users find meaningful connections. The quality of user profiles varies, but most are quite detailed and include information about the user’s interests, hobbies, and lifestyle choices. Profiles are public by default so anyone can view them; however there is an option to set your profile as private if desired. Users have the ability to add custom bios in order to provide more insight into who they are beyond what’s listed in their profile fields. There isn’t currently a “friends” feature or anything similar available for MeetMindful users; however there may be benefits for those with premium subscriptions such as increased visibility when searching through potential matches or access to additional features not available otherwise .

Privacy settings vary depending on how much personal information you choose share with other members of the community – from basic info like age/gender all the way up including location data which reveals city level details (distance between two users cannot be determined). You also have an option sign-in using Google or Facebook accounts which makes it easier create an account without having remember yet another username/password combination while still keeping your identity secure at all times since no sensitive data will ever shared outside of these services unless explicitly authorized by you..

Finally, MeetMindful takes measures prevent fake accounts being created using various methods such verification emails sent out upon registration help ensure only real people use this service its full potential connecting others looking same thing: true love companionship built mutual understanding trust respect each other


MeetMindful is a dating website that focuses on connecting singles who share similar values and interests. It was designed to help people find meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals, as opposed to the more traditional approach of swiping through profiles based solely on physical attraction. The site offers various features such as detailed profile creation, match suggestions tailored to individual preferences, an in-depth personality test for compatibility matching purposes and even guided conversations between members. Its main advantages are its focus on helping users form genuine connections instead of simply finding casual dates; its user friendly interface which makes it easy for anyone regardless of technical skills or experience; and finally its ability to provide accurate matches due to the use of sophisticated algorithms during the process. On the other hand some disadvantages include limited search options compared with other sites available online; lack of advanced filtering tools when searching for potential partners; difficulty contacting customer service if needed since there’s no phone number listed anywhere in their contact information page nor any live chat option either at this time.

At present MeetMindful does not have a dedicated app yet but they do offer mobile access via their website so you can still take advantage all their services while using your smartphone or tablet device from wherever you may be located around world anytime day or night provided that internet connection is available where ever you happen be located currently .The main difference between these two versions would mainly reside within how much easier it becomes browsing through compatible matches quickly without having need log into computer every single time just view new messages received from interested parties found by system itself automatically after taking few minutes complete sign up process first before being able start exploring possibilities offered them here right away once finished signing up successfully..

At this moment MeetMindful doesn’t have a dating site although they’ve been considering launching one soon given increasing demand among those looking establish long term relationships built upon shared core beliefs rather than superficial factors only recently come light thanks social media platforms now days allowing us interact directly each others opinions freely openly discussion forums nowadays making whole lot easier connect like minded individuals same area interest both virtually physically depending case particular situation arises might require meet face face discuss further details about topic subject matter discussed prior meeting person involved conversation order make sure everything goes smoothly afterwards course should always remember remain vigilant safe times danger lurking corner never know what expect out certain situations better play safe avoid risks altogether possible prevent unfortunate events happening our lives unexpectedly causing unnecessary damage irreparable consequences future ahead waiting explore ourselves discover life has offer us endless opportunities become something greater together create wonderful memories last lifetime journey awaits let’s embark adventure together seek true happiness await discovering fate lies hands ready grasp opportunity comes knocking door step seize chance success reach ultimate goal ultimately desire most heart soul

Safety & Security

MeetMindful is dedicated to providing a secure and safe platform for its users. To ensure this, the app has several security measures in place that are designed to protect user data from malicious attacks and bots. The first step of verification requires users to provide their email address or phone number which is then verified by MeetMindful before allowing access into the app. Additionally, all photos uploaded on MeetMindful are manually reviewed by moderators who check if they meet certain criteria such as being clear and appropriate for use on the site. Furthermore, two-factor authentication can be enabled through Google Authenticator or SMS code so that any suspicious activity can be identified quickly without compromising account security further down the line. Lastly, when it comes to privacy policy Meetmindful takes great care in ensuring personal information remains confidential with stringent policies regarding how customer data may be used within their system; no third parties have access nor will it ever be shared publicly unless explicitly requested by customers themselves via written consent form signed off prior approval given from them directly .

Pricing and Benefits

Is MeetMindful Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

MeetMindful is an app that connects users with like-minded individuals who are looking to build meaningful relationships. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available for those who choose to upgrade their subscription.

Benefits of Upgrading

For those interested in upgrading their subscription, here are some benefits:

  • Access exclusive content and activities from experts in the field such as mindfulness coaches and relationship counselors; – Get personalized advice tailored specifically for you; – Receive special discounts on products related to personal growth; – Enjoy unlimited access to all premium services offered by MeetMindful.

Prices & Competitiveness

The prices vary depending on how long you commit yourself for: 1 month costs $29/month while 6 months cost $19/month (33% off). This makes them competitively priced compared other similar apps offering similar services at higher rates. Additionally, they offer a 7 day trial period where customers can test out the full range of features before committing themselves financially.

Cancellation Process & Refunds

Users have complete control over when they cancel their subscriptions – no questions asked! They just need log into their account settings page and click “Cancel” under “Subscriptions” tab within 24 hours prior expiration date so that charges won’t be applied anymore . If user chooses not renewing after trial period then he will get refunded automatically if he has paid anything during this time frame . In case customer wants refunds due any reasons , company’s policy states that "full amount" should be returned back provided request was made within 14 days after purchase date.. ## Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Meetmindul? Ultimately it depends upon what kind of experience each individual user desires from using this platform – do they want more than just connecting with people online? Do they desire personalized guidance or exclusive content ? If yes , then getting upgraded membership could help them reach desired goals faster !

Help & Support

MeetMindful is an online dating platform that offers support to its users. There are several ways for members to access this support, depending on their needs and preferences.

The first way is by visiting the Help Center page of MeetMindful’s website. This page contains a variety of topics related to using the site, such as how-to guides and frequently asked questions (FAQs). It also provides contact information if you need further assistance or have specific inquiries about your account or experience with MeetMindful.

Another option for accessing help from MeetMindful is via email correspondence at [email protected] The response time can vary depending on when you send in your inquiry; however, they typically respond within 24 hours during business days so it shouldn’t take too long before getting a reply back from them! Additionally, there’s no phone number available yet but they do plan on introducing one soon so keep an eye out for updates regarding that service in the future!

Finally, another great resource provided by Meet Mindul are their Quick Answers pages which provide helpful answers quickly without having to wait around for someone else’s response – these cover some common issues like profile setup & photo uploads as well as more general topics like safety tips & subscription billing info etc., all designed specifically with user convenience in mind!


1. Is MeetMindful safe?

Yes, MeetMindful is a safe platform. The website takes security and privacy seriously by implementing various measures to protect its users from any potential harm or malicious activity. All of the user profiles are verified for authenticity before being approved, and all conversations between members must be conducted through their secure messaging system in order to keep personal information private. Additionally, they have strict policies against offensive behavior such as harassment or bullying which helps ensure that everyone on the site has an enjoyable experience while connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar values and interests.

2. Is MeetMindful a real dating site with real users?

Yes, MeetMindful is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for those looking to find meaningful connections that go beyond just physical attraction. The website caters specifically to singles who are interested in mindful living, personal growth, health and wellness practices such as yoga or meditation. Unlike other traditional dating websites which focus on casual hookups or short-term relationships, MeetMindful encourages its members to take their time getting to know each other before making any commitments. This helps ensure that all matches made through the platform are genuine and based on shared values rather than purely physical appeal alone.

3. How to use MeetMindful app?

MeetMindful is an app designed to help users connect with like-minded individuals and create meaningful relationships. It’s a great way for people to meet new friends, romantic partners, or even just find someone who shares their interests. The app makes it easy to get started by providing users with questions about themselves that will be used as criteria when searching for potential matches. Users can also search through other profiles based on age range, location preferences, lifestyle choices and more in order to narrow down the selection of possible connections they may have interest in pursuing further.

Once you’ve found some interesting prospects that fit your criteria MeetMindful allows you to start conversations directly from within the app itself so there’s no need for awkward emails or long phone calls beforehand – all communication takes place right inside the platform which helps keep things organized and efficient! Additionally if both parties agree then video chats are available too so it really feels like meeting face-to-face without ever having actually done so physically yet still being able (and encouraged!)  to make sure this person is indeed who they say they are before committing any time/energy into getting together offline later on down the line should everything go well between two parties during initial interactions via text/video chat etc…

4. Is MeetMindful free?

MeetMindful is a premium online dating site that offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded singles. While it does offer free registration, MeetMindful requires its members to purchase one of their subscription plans in order to access all features and take advantage of the full range of services offered by this platform. Subscription plans start at $19 per month for 1 month or $59 per year for 12 months, making MeetMindful an affordable option compared to other popular dating sites.

5. Is MeetMindful working and can you find someone there?

Yes, MeetMindful is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website has an extensive database of users who are looking for meaningful connections. It also offers various features that make it easy to search for potential matches based on interests, values, lifestyle choices and more. Additionally, the site provides helpful tools such as chat rooms where you can get to know people better before deciding if they’re right for you or not. All in all, MeetMindful is a great way to meet like-minded individuals who share your same passions and goals in life – so don’t hesitate give it a try!


In conclusion, MeetMindful is a great dating app for those looking to find partners who share their values and interests. Its design and usability are simple yet effective; it’s easy to use with an intuitive interface that makes finding matches effortless. The safety and security features on the app ensure users can feel safe while searching for potential dates or connections. Help & support is available 24/7 in case of any issues, as well as useful tips about online dating safety which can be found on the website blog section. Lastly, user profile quality seems good overall but could benefit from more detailed profiles so people have better information when making decisions about whom they want to connect with or date.. All-in-all MeetMindful offers a solid platform for mindful singles seeking meaningful relationships

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.