LDS Planet
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LDS Planet Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


LDS Planet is an online dating platform that caters to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). It was launched in 2002 and has since become one of the most popular LDS dating sites, with over 500,000 active users. Owned by Spark Networks SE – a global leader in niche communities for singles seeking meaningful relationships – it currently operates in five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

The app offers a safe space where single Mormons can meet like-minded individuals who share their faith and values. Whether you’re looking for friendship or something more serious such as marriage; LDS Planet makes it easy to find compatible matches within your local area or around the world. Members have access to features such as profile creation & photo uploads; private messaging & chat rooms; advanced search filters including age range/location/religion etc.; compatibility quizzes based on interests & lifestyle choices; suggested matches sent directly via email notifications plus much more!

Using this service is free but requires registration first – simply create an account using either Facebook or Google+ credentials then complete some basic information about yourself before starting your journey towards finding true love! Once registered you will be able to browse profiles from other members instantly without having any restrictions placed upon you until after signing up for a premium membership plan which gives full access privileges across all platforms including mobile devices through its dedicated iOS App Store application available now at no cost whatsoever so why not give it try today?

How Does LDS Planet Work?

The LDS Planet app is a great way to connect with people of the same faith. It provides users with an easy and secure platform for connecting, messaging, and finding potential matches. With over two million members from more than five countries around the world, it’s one of the largest online dating communities specifically tailored towards Latter-day Saints (LDS).

Users can create their own profile on LDS Planet by providing basic information such as age range or location preferences in order to find other singles who match their criteria. They also have access to additional features like instant messaging or sending virtual gifts which make communication easier between users who are interested in each other’s profiles. Additionally, they can search through thousands of user profiles based on various criteria including religion preference or lifestyle habits that help them narrow down potential matches even further according to what they’re looking for in a partner.

Once you’ve found someone whose profile interests you there are several ways that you can communicate with them – either via private messages sent directly within the app itself; by using video chat if both parties agree;or even setting up face-to-face meetings if desired! The built-in “Safety Center” feature allows users peace of mind when meeting new people as it offers helpful tips about how best protect yourself while interacting online – all designed keeping your safety at heart!

For those looking for love outside their local area there is also an international section where individuals from different parts across Europe , North America , South America , Asia Pacific & Middle East regions come together under one roof making it much easier & convenient to explore opportunities beyond geographical boundaries . In addition this global reach helps foster strong connections among its diverse community base allowing anyone regardless nationality/ethnicity/background etc., become part our ever growing family !

Finally once signed up members get full access 24×7 customer support services so any queries / issues faced during usage will be addressed promptly thus ensuring smooth sailing experience every time ! All these amazing features combined makes LDS planet truly stand out amongst competition giving millions reason rejoice life long companionship no matter wherever may reside !

  • 1.Messaging: LDS Planet allows users to communicate with each other through private messages.
  • 2. Profile Verification: Users can verify their profiles by submitting a valid government-issued ID or passport, ensuring that all members are who they say they are.
  • 3. Mutual Matching System: The site’s mutual matching system helps you find compatible matches based on your profile information and preferences for religion, age range, distance from home location and more!
  • 4. Photo Galleries & Albums: Create albums of photos to share with friends or the public in general – allowing others to get an idea of what kind of person you really are!
  • 5. Video Chatting & Live Streaming Options: Take advantage of video chatting options available on LDS Planet so that you can talk face-to-face without having to leave the comfort (and safety) of your own home!
  • 6

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LDS Planet app is a simple process. To begin, users must first download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store and open it. Once opened, they will be prompted to create an account by entering their name, email address and password before clicking ‘Create Account’. After submitting these details, users are then required to provide additional information such as gender identity (male/female), age range of desired matches (18-99) location preferences and more in order for them to find compatible partners that match their interests. Finally after completing all steps within registration form user can click submit button which takes them directly into the application where they can start searching for potential dates or friends with similar beliefs right away! The minimum age requirement needed in order to register on this dating site is 18 years old; however there is no cost associated with creating an account so anyone who meets this criteria may join free of charge!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a username and password that meets the site’s security requirements.
  • 3. Users under 18 years of age require parental consent to register on LDS Planet, including contact information for at least one parent or guardian who is over 18 years old
  • 4. All users are required to agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in LDS Planet’s user agreement before registering an account with them
  • 5 .Users may be asked to provide additional verification documents such as driver’s license or passport when signing up for certain services within LDS Planet
  • 6 .User profiles should contain accurate personal information about themselves so other members can get an idea of who they are interacting with 7 .All payments made through the website will need to go through secure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe etc., which protect both parties from fraudulent activities 8 .LDS planet reserves right change its registration process any time without prior notice

Design and Usability of LDS Planet

The LDS Planet app has a modern design with bright colors and easy-to-read fonts. It is well organized, making it simple to find the features you need. The search feature allows users to quickly locate profiles of other people in their area or around the world. The usability of this app is quite good; all navigation options are clearly labeled and intuitively placed for ease of use. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements such as an improved profile layout that makes viewing information easier than before. Overall, LDS Planet provides an enjoyable user experience for its members who want to connect with others from similar backgrounds

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on LDS Planet is quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, so users should take extra care when filling out their information. It’s possible to set a custom bio as well as add pictures of yourself or others for the world to see. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is an option to send messages directly from one user’s profile page which allows you stay in touch with other members of the site easily.

Privacy settings are available for all users; however, it doesn’t offer any Google or Facebook sign-in features yet – making it more difficult for fake accounts to appear on this platform since each account must be verified manually before being approved and active within the system . Location info such as city name will show up in your profile if desired, though some may prefer not revealing that information publicly – fortunately LDS Planet does allow you hide location details if needed . Premium subscription offers additional benefits like enhanced search options , better visibility among other members , etc., giving those who pay extra access even more advantages over regular free accounts .


LDS Planet is a popular online dating website that caters to the Latter-day Saint community. The site offers users an easy way to connect with other LDS singles who share similar beliefs and values. It has several features, such as profile matching, messaging, chat rooms and forums for discussion topics related to religion or lifestyle choices. Users can also upload photos of themselves in order to attract potential matches from around the world. One of its main advantages is that it allows people from different parts of the world find each other easily without having any geographical boundaries limiting their search options. Another advantage is that members are able to use advanced filters when searching for someone compatible with them based on various criteria like age range or interests they have in common etc..

The LDS Planet app provides many of these same features but tailored specifically for mobile devices so users can access all their account information while on-the-go wherever they may be located at any given time . This makes it easier than ever before for those looking love within this religious group since there’s no need wait until you get home after work or school just check out your messages! However one disadvantage could be lack privacy settings available compared desktop version due limited space screen size which might not allow user customize experience much detail desired if using phone tablet device instead computer laptop browse website itself .

Safety & Security

LDS Planet is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To protect against bots, fake accounts, or any other malicious activity that could compromise user security, LDS Planet has implemented several verification methods. All photos are manually reviewed by their team of moderators before being approved on the platform. Additionally, they use two-factor authentication which requires both a password and an additional code sent via email or text message in order to access your account – this ensures only you can access it even if someone else knows your password. Furthermore all data collected from users is encrypted with SSL technology making sure no one can intercept information shared between devices during communication over the internet such as credit card numbers etc.. The privacy policy also states that none of the personal information will be used for marketing purposes without prior consent from each individual user; thus protecting them further from unwanted solicitations or spam emails/calls etc..

Pricing and Benefits

Is LDS Planet Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

LDS Planet is an online dating website for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It offers both free and paid subscriptions, so users can choose which option best suits their needs.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On LDS Planet

  • Access to all features: With a paid subscription on LDS planet, you get access to all its features such as messaging other members, creating your own profile page with photos and videos etc.

  • Increased visibility: Your profile will be more visible in search results when compared to those who have not upgraded their membership status. This increases your chances at finding potential matches faster!

  • More options available: You’ll also have access to additional filters that allow you narrow down potential matches based on criteria like age range or location etc., making it easier for you find someone compatible with yourself quickly and easily!

Prices start from $14 per month depending upon the length of time subscribed (1/3/6 months). These prices are competitively priced against similar services offered by other websites within this niche market segment; therefore offering great value for money overall if one were looking specifically into joining an online dating service tailored towards Mormons only!                                         
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Help & Support

LDS Planet is a popular online dating website for members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints. If you have any questions or need help while using LDS Planet, there are several ways to access support.

The first way to get in touch with customer service is through their contact page on the website. You can submit an inquiry via email and receive a response within 24 hours from one of their representatives. They also provide phone numbers that customers can call if they prefer speaking directly with someone over the phone rather than sending an email message. The general response time when calling them by telephone is usually less than 10 minutes during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST).

If you’re looking for quick answers to commonly asked questions about LDS Planet, then be sure to check out their FAQs page which provides helpful information regarding topics such as account setup, billing inquiries and more! Additionally, users may find it useful to read through user reviews before signing up so they know what other people think about this particular dating site prior making any commitments or purchases .


1. Is LDS Planet safe?

Yes, LDS Planet is a safe website. It uses the latest encryption technology to protect user data and personal information from unauthorized access. All transactions are processed securely using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol with 128-bit encryption, which ensures that all communication between users and the site remains secure. The site also has strict policies in place regarding how it handles customer data, such as never sharing or selling any of its customers’ private information without their permission. Additionally, LDS Planet offers several safety features for members who wish to remain anonymous while searching for potential matches on the platform including photo privacy settings and profile visibility options so that only those you choose can view your profile details.

2. Is LDS Planet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LDS Planet is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2001 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for members of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). With over 500,000 active members worldwide, it provides an easy way to connect with other singles who share similar values and beliefs. LDS Planet offers many features that make it stand out from other online dating sites such as its personality profile system which helps match compatible partners based on lifestyle preferences like age range or location. Additionally, there are several tools available to help facilitate communication between potential matches including email messaging and instant chat options. Overall, LDS Planet is a great option for those looking to meet someone special within their faith community while also enjoying all the benefits that come along with using an established online dating service provider.

3. How to use LDS Planet app?

Using the LDS Planet app is a great way to connect with other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To get started, simply download and install the app on your device. Once you have done this, create an account using your email address or sign in with Facebook if you already have one set up. After logging in, take some time to fill out your profile so that others can find and contact you easily. You will also be able to search for other users by location or interests as well as view their profiles and photos before deciding whether or not they are someone who might interest you enough to send them a message.

The messaging feature allows users to chat directly through text messages within the platform itself rather than having conversations over external platforms such as WhatsApp or Skype which makes it easier for people from all around the world stay connected without worrying about data charges when communicating abroad . Additionally , there are many features available including creating groups where multiple people can join together for discussion topics related specifically towards those interested in Mormon culture , faith – based activities , events etc . With these tools at hand LDS Planet provides an easy way for its members stay connected while learning more about each other’s beliefs & values along side providing support throughout their journey together!

4. Is LDS Planet free?

No, LDS Planet is not free. It offers a variety of subscription plans that range from one month to six months in length. The cost for the basic plan starts at $14.95 per month and increases depending on which features you would like access to and how long your subscription will be for. With each plan, members can create an online profile with photos, browse other member profiles, send flirts or messages to potential matches and view who has viewed their profile recently as well as receive compatible match suggestions based on lifestyle preferences such as age range or location distance preference settings.

5. Is LDS Planet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LDS Planet is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating website specifically designed for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). The site offers several features that make it easy to search for potential matches. You can browse profiles by age, location, interests or other criteria such as religion or ethnicity. Once you have found someone who looks like they could be a good match, you can start communicating with them through email messages and instant messaging tools provided on the site. With its detailed profile system and advanced searching capabilities, LDS Planet makes finding compatible singles easier than ever before!


In conclusion, LDS Planet is a great dating app for those looking to find partners within the Latter-day Saint community. The design and usability of the app are easy to use and navigate, making it an enjoyable experience for users. Safety and security features are also strong with multiple levels of verification processes in place. Help & support staffs respond quickly when contacted by email or phone call while user profile quality is generally good as well due to its strict policy on fake profiles being removed from their system regularly. All these factors make LDS Planet a reliable choice if you’re looking for someone special within your faith group!

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Author Jessica Wright

Jessica Wright is a passionate writer and relationship expert. She has been writing about relationships, love, and all things related to hearts and soulmates for the past five years. Her work has been featured in several publications, including Women's Health Magazine, Cosmopolitan, and The Huffington Post. Jessica is an advocate for healthy relationships and has a knack for giving advice that is both genuine and insightful. She believes that everyone deserves to find love and that it is never too late to start over. Her mission is to help people find the strength and courage to take risks in order to find true love.