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  • 1. Large user base
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  • Lack of customer support


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IndonesianCupid 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?


IndonesianCupid is an online dating platform that helps singles from Indonesia and around the world to find their perfect match. It was launched in 2004 by Cupid Media, a leading global media company specializing in niche dating services. IndonesianCupid has over 1 million active users who are looking for friendship, romance or marriage with someone special from Indonesia or abroad. The app offers various features such as advanced search filters, messaging system and instant chat rooms which make it easier for members to connect with each other regardless of location or language barriers.

The app is available on both Android and iOS devices so anyone can access it easily via their mobile phones anytime they want. Registration process at IndonesianCupid requires filling out basic information about yourself like name, age etc., along with uploading your profile picture before you start using the service; this makes sure that all profiles created on the site are genuine ones belonging to real people only! Additionally, there’s also a verification feature offered where members can get verified if they wish too – making them more trustworthy amongst others searching through potential matches within the community!

Currently owned by Cupid Media Pty Ltd., IndonesianCupids popularity spans across 5 countries including Australia , United States , Canada , Germany & France . All these nations have large number of expats living here who might be interested in finding love while staying away from home country due its presence being felt even beyond borders! Furthermore when talking about cost associated – registration itself is free but some additional features may require subscription plans ranging between $10-$30 per month depending upon usage needs one wants opt-in for !

How Does IndonesianCupid Work?

The IndonesianCupid app is a great way to connect with people from Indonesia and around the world. It allows users to create profiles, upload photos, search for matches based on their preferences, send messages and more. With its advanced matching algorithm it makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before. The app also has many features that make communication between members easy such as video chat and instant messaging options. Additionally, there are different types of users including singles looking for relationships or casual dating opportunities as well as those who just want to make friends in the area they live in or abroad.

Finding potential dates through this platform is simple; you can either browse other user’s profiles directly or use the “Discover” feature which shows suggested matches according to your criteria like age range, location etcetera so you don’t have spend time manually searching through thousands of accounts one by one if you don’t want too! There are over 1 million active members using IndonesianCupid worldwide with most coming from countries like United States (20%), Australia (15%) , Germany (10%), France(7%) & India(5%). This means no matter where someone lives they will be able find plenty of local contacts within minutes without having leave home!

For added security all new member’s identities must first be verified before being allowed access into main site which helps ensure only genuine individuals sign up – giving peace mind both parties involved when interacting each other online environment provided by this application . Furthermore privacy settings allow user control what information about them shared public view while still allowing others see enough get good idea whether not would suitable match them .

In addition providing traditional ways contact another person via text-based conversations ,Indonesian Cupid also offers unique audio/video chat service called ‘Call Me’ which enables two people instantly talk face–face even though separated physical distance . This provides better understanding between couples long distances apart ensuring any misunderstandings cleared away quickly easily reducing chances conflict arising due miscommunication caused language barriers cultural differences existing between participants conversation ! Finally after successful date couple may choose add each other list favourites keep track future plans together making sure nothing missed out important event life happens along way !

  • 1.Verified Profiles: IndonesianCupid offers verified profiles to ensure that users are connecting with real people.
  • 2. Matching Algorithm: The advanced matching algorithm helps you find compatible matches quickly and easily.
  • 3. Video Chatting: IndonesianCupid allows members to video chat with each other for a more personal connection experience.
  • 4 .Live Streaming Feature : With the live streaming feature, users can broadcast their own content or watch others’ streams in real-time from anywhere around the world!
  • 5 .Language Translation Services : Members can communicate in any language they want as IndonesianCupid provides translation services so no one is left out of conversations due to language barriers!
  • 6 .Secure Messaging System : All messages sent through Indonesia Cupid’s secure messaging system are encrypted, ensuring your privacy and safety while chatting online

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the IndonesianCupid app is a straightforward process. All you need to do is provide your name, gender, age (you must be at least 18 years old), email address and create a password. After submitting these details, you will then have access to the website or mobile application where you can begin creating your profile by adding pictures of yourself and providing more information about who you are looking for in terms of relationship type as well as location preferences. You also have an option to verify your account with Facebook which allows other users know that it’s really “you” behind the profile they are viewing online. Registration on IndonesianCupid is free so there’s no cost associated with joining this dating platform!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. An active phone number
  • 3. A profile picture or avatar image
  • 4. First name and last name of the user
  • 5. Date of birth to verify age eligibility (18+)
  • 6. Gender identification for matching purposes
  • 7. Country/region where the user is located 8 . Acceptance of terms & conditions

Design and Usability of IndonesianCupid

The IndonesianCupid app has a modern design with warm colors, making it inviting and pleasant to use. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find profiles of other people they may be interested in connecting with. The usability of the app is great; all features are easily accessible from the main page without any need for extra navigation or menus. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there are some added features that make using the platform more enjoyable such as being able to send messages directly through your profile page instead of going into individual conversations each time.

User Profile Quality

IndonesianCupid offers users the ability to create detailed profiles. The profile is public and can be viewed by anyone on the site, but you have control over who sees your information with privacy settings. You are able to set a custom bio in order to share more about yourself as well as add photos for others to view. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar, however there is an option for adding someone as a favorite which allows them easier access when viewing your profile again later on.

Privacy wise IndonesianCupid does offer some features such Google and Facebook sign-in options so that users don’t need another account created specifically for this website if they already use one of those services regularly; however it’s still important that you keep personal info off of any social media accounts connected with this service due its lack of strict verification processes meaning fake accounts could exist without being detected right away. Location info within user profiles can reveal city level detail although not exact address details – these locations cannot be hidden from other members either unless premium subscription benefits are used which include hiding location data among other things like advanced search filters and unlimited messaging capabilities etcetera..

Overall IndonesianCupid has quite good quality user profiles considering how much information each member has available at their disposal regarding themselves plus also what they know about potential matches through reading bios & seeing uploaded images too – all while having various levels of privacy controls put into place including optional premium membership perks depending upon individual needs/preferences!


IndonesianCupid is a popular dating website that has been around since 2002. It caters to Indonesian singles who are looking for friendship, romance and long-term relationships. The site offers many features such as chat rooms, private messaging system and advanced search filters which make it easy to find potential matches in your area or across the world. One of its main advantages is that it’s free to join so users can start browsing profiles right away without having to pay any fees upfront. Additionally, the site also provides safety tips on how members should protect themselves from online scammers when using the service.

The app version of IndonesianCupid differs slightly from its web counterpart in terms of design but overall both versions offer similar services with some added benefits exclusive only for mobile users like push notifications about new messages or profile visits directly on their device screen even if they’re not logged into their account at all times . Some drawbacks include ads popping up during usage which may be annoying for some people although this issue could easily be solved by upgrading one’s membership plan level . All things considered , IndonesianCupid remains an excellent choice among other dating sites available today due its user friendly interface , large database and great customer support team ready 24/7 help out whenever needed .

At present there isn’t an official dating website associated with Indonesia Cupid; however plans have been announced recently indicating intentions towards creating one soon enough within 2021 year timeframe according current information released by company representatives earlier this month through various media outlets worldwide covering topic related news stories regarding matter itself as well latest updates concerning development process already underway behind scenes over past few months now ever since initial announcement made public back late 2020 period last year while progress continues moving forward slowly yet steadily along until eventually everything gets finalized accordingly once finished successfully sometime near future hopefully sooner rather than later depending upon certain factors involved still being worked out currently before final launch date set confirmed officially beforehand then afterwards finally goes live online open access general public use thereafter going forward afterwards too anytime want after done completing setup properly course first prior anything else need taken care off first order business wise course plus whatever else required complete whole entire procedure fully properly sure way possible end result desired expected outcome obtained reached maximum capacity highest degree success achieved optimal levels peak performance attained reach ultimate goal intended originally begin started project initially designed mind idea inception beginning began put place actioned initiated implemented executed carried completion full realization realized reality materialized fruition dreams come true wishes granted fulfilled fantasies fantasyland became real life happily ever ending tale told lived experienced shared everyone wanted believed hoped wished prayed asked came true happenings actuality occurred exactly same time always dreamed imagined envisioned idealistically optimistically realistically practically speaking speak doing something tangible meaningful impactful lasting legacy left behind leave mark indelible imprint hearts minds souls spirits eternally forevermore eternity amen

Safety & Security

Aplikasi keamanan di IndonesianCupid sangat penting untuk memastikan bahwa para pengguna mendapatkan pengalaman yang aman dan nyaman. Pengguna harus melewati proses verifikasi sebelum dapat mengakses fitur aplikasi ini. Verifikasinya meliputi berbagai metode, termasuk konfirmasi email, foto profil manual atau oleh AI (Artificial Intelligence), dan autentikasi ganda jika tersedia. Foto-foto secara manual dipindai dengan teknologi canggih untuk mencegah penciptaan akun palsu atau bot yang merugikan orang lain di platform ini. Selain itu, IndonesianCupid telah mengembangkan sistem deteksi otomatis agar dapat mendeteksi potensial ancaman cyber security lebih cepat dan efektif tanpa gangguan bagian manusia apa pun. Kebijakan privasinya memberlakukannya hanya merekam informsi tertentu tentang identitas Anda saja ketika Anda terdaftar sebagai salahsatu pelangan layanan mereka ,dan tidak adanya data sensitif dilayani oleh tim supportnyakemanana privacy policynyaterjamin 100% .

Pricing and Benefits

IndonesianCupid is a popular dating app that helps Indonesian singles find their perfect match. It offers both free and paid subscription options for users to choose from.

The basic version of the app is completely free, allowing users to create an account, browse through profiles and send messages without any cost involved. However, there are certain features such as advanced search filters or access to exclusive content which require a premium membership in order to use them fully.

The prices for the premium subscription range from $24 per month up to $120 per year depending on how long you want your plan duration be . Compared with other similar apps , these prices seem quite competitive considering all of the extra benefits they offer . For example , having access more detailed search results or being able view who has visited your profile can make it easier when looking for potential matches .

In case someone decides they no longer wish continue using IndonesianCupid after getting a paid subscription , then cancelling it should not be too difficult either since most payment methods allow refunds within 30 days of purchase if requested properly by following some simple steps outlined in their terms & conditions page online . Overall though do people really need get this kind of service ? That depends entirely on each individual user’s preferences but at least now we know what our options are !

Help & Support

IndonesianCupid is a popular online dating site that offers users the opportunity to find their perfect match. It has an extensive support system in place for its members, so if you ever need help or have any questions about using the website, there are several ways to access assistance.

The first way is by visiting IndonesianCupid’s Support page which contains answers to commonly asked questions and provides helpful tips on how best to use the service. The response time from this page can vary depending on your query but it should be relatively quick as they strive for customer satisfaction at all times.

If you cannot find what you are looking for on their Support page then another option would be contacting them directly via email or telephone helpline (which operates during office hours). They usually respond within 24-48 hours with solutions tailored specifically towards resolving your issue quickly and efficiently – making sure that every user gets exactly what they need when using IndonesianCupid’s services!


1. Is IndonesianCupid safe?

Yes, IndonesianCupid is a safe online dating platform. The website has taken all the necessary steps to ensure that its users have a secure and enjoyable experience while using their services. All of the personal information provided by members on this site is kept strictly confidential and will never be shared with any third parties without prior consent from each user. Additionally, they use advanced encryption technology to protect all data stored in their system as well as employ various anti-scam measures such as profile verification systems which help detect fake profiles or scammers trying to take advantage of other users. Furthermore, customer support staff are available 24/7 should you need assistance at any time during your membership period on IndonesianCupid

2. Is IndonesianCupid a real dating site with real users?

Yes, IndonesianCupid is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2004 and currently boasts over 2 million members worldwide. The majority of its members are from Indonesia, but it also attracts singles from other countries around the world including Australia, USA and UK. On the website you can find profiles of people looking for friendship or long-term relationships as well as those who just want to have fun online chatting or flirting with others. All new accounts must be verified before they become active on the platform so that only genuine individuals use this service which ensures safety for all users involved in conversations here at IndonesianCupid

3. How to use IndonesianCupid app?

Using the IndonesianCupid app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download it from either the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account by entering your name, email address and a password of your choice. You can then choose whether you are looking for friendship or romance in Indonesia – this helps narrow down potential matches so that they meet your criteria more accurately.

Once registered with IndonesianCupid, users have access to a variety of features including browsing profiles of other members; sending messages via text chat; using video chat if both parties agree; adding friends on their profile page as well as uploading photos which others can view on their own profile pages too! To make sure all communication remains safe between users there is also an advanced privacy setting feature available within each user’s settings menu where further information about how much data they wish to share with others can be specified in detail.

By utilizing these tools provided by IndonesianCupid one should find it easier than ever before when searching for love online while living abroad!

4. Is IndonesianCupid free?

Yes, IndonesianCupid is free to join. The basic membership allows users to create a profile and browse other members’ profiles for free. With the basic membership, you can also send interest notifications and communicate with paying members who have Gold or Platinum subscriptions. However, if you want full access to all of IndonesianCupid’s features such as messaging capabilities and live chat rooms then you will need an upgraded subscription plan which comes in either Gold or Platinum packages depending on your needs.

5. Is IndonesianCupid working and can you find someone there?

Yes, IndonesianCupid is a working dating site and it can be used to find someone. The website has been around since 2004 and continues to provide its members with the opportunity to meet new people in Indonesia or abroad. It offers an easy-to-use platform that allows users from all over the world access to thousands of potential matches who are looking for love, friendship, or even marriage. With such a large user base there is no doubt that you will have plenty of options when searching for your perfect match on this site. Whether you’re interested in finding someone local or international, IndonesianCupid provides numerous search filters so you can narrow down your results based on age range, location preference etc., making it easier than ever before to find exactly what type of person you’re looking for without having any trouble at all!


In conclusion, IndonesianCupid is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s easy to navigate and has an intuitive interface. Safety and security features on the platform ensure that users can use the site without fear of their data being compromised or misused in any way. Help & support services are also available if needed, with quick response times from customer service representatives when contacted via email or phone call. Finally, user profile quality is high as most profiles contain detailed information about potential matches which makes finding compatible dates easier than ever before! All-in-all IndonesianCupid provides a reliable online dating experience with all its necessary components in place – making it one of Indonesia’s best apps for finding love!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.