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Caffmos Review 2023


Caffmos is an online dating app that caters to the needs of mature gay men. It was launched in 1998, making it one of the oldest and most established apps for this demographic. With over a million active users from all around the world, Caffmos has become a popular platform for connecting with like-minded individuals.

The app’s target audience includes older members who are looking to find companionship or romance within their own age group as well as younger generations seeking advice and mentorship from more experienced members on topics such as relationships, career paths, lifestyle choices etc.. The website also offers several features designed specifically for its user base including private messaging capabilities; detailed profile pages; photo galleries; search filters based on location/age/interests etc.; forums where people can discuss various topics related to LGBTQ+ issues and much more!

Owned by White Label Dating Solutions Ltd., Caffmos is especially popular in countries such as United Kingdom (UK), Australia (AU), Canada (CA) , Germany(DE) & France(FR). It is free to use but there are some premium services available which require payment depending upon what you want access too – these include things like unlimited messaging or additional advanced search options among other things.

For those wanting quick access while they’re out and about – yes indeedy! There’s an official mobile version of Caffmoos available both through Apple App Store & Google Play Store so no matter if you have iOS device or Android device – you’ll be able to download it right away without any problems whatsoever!. All someone would need do then sign up via either Facebook account OR email address before being allowed full unrestricted access throughout entire application itself…so let’s get started shall we?

How Does Caffmos Work?

Caffmos is a dating app that caters to the older gay community. It has been around since 1998 and offers users an easy way to find like-minded individuals for friendship, dates, or relationships. The key features of Caffmos include its secure messaging system, user profiles with photos and descriptions about themselves as well as their interests and hobbies, a search function which allows you to filter by age range or location (or both), private chat rooms where members can talk in real time without revealing any personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers; plus much more!

Finding profiles on Caffmos is simple – all you need do is create your own profile first before being able to browse through other people’s accounts. You can use the search feature mentioned above if you are looking for someone specific within certain criteria such as age range or location; otherwise just scroll down until something catches your eye! There are many different types of users on this platform from all over the world including those who identify themselves differently: bisexuals, transgenders etc., so it really does cater for everyone regardless of gender identity/sexual orientation. In terms of geographical spread there have been reports that approximately 30% come from North America while Europe takes up another 20%, followed closely by Australia at 15%. Asia makes up 10% whilst South America 5%. The signup process itself only requires basic details such as name & date birth but then after verification via email address one must fill out additional questions regarding lifestyle choices & preferences – these will help determine what kind matches may be suitable when searching later on down the line too! This helps keep things safe yet still fun – allowing members peace mind knowing they’re talking someone who shares similar views themself rather than having worry about potential scams etc.. Plus with 24 hour customer support available should anything go wrong during usage then help always close hand whenever needed most!.

  • 1.Advanced search capabilities to help users find their ideal match.
  • 2. Comprehensive profile creation tools that allow members to share detailed information about themselves and what they are looking for in a partner.
  • 3. Ability to create private albums with photos, videos, and audio clips that can be shared only with select contacts or kept completely private from other members of the site.
  • 4. Instant messaging system for real-time communication between Caffmos community members who have been matched together by the service’s advanced algorithm technology engine (AATE).
  • 5 . A “Favorites List” feature which allows users to store potential matches in one convenient location so they can easily access them later on when browsing through profiles or searching for new connections online within the Caffmos network itself..
  • 6 . An interactive blog platform where individuals can post articles related to dating, relationships, lifestyle topics and more as well as comment on each others posts while engaging in meaningful conversations around these issues

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Caffmos app is a straightforward process. First, users will need to download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After opening it for the first time, they will be asked to provide their email address and create a password before submitting their details. Once that’s done, they can start filling out information about themselves such as age (the minimum required age being 18 years old), location, gender identity/orientation etc., upload profile pictures if desired and complete other fields in order to set up an account. After submitting all of this information successfully, users are then able to access all features available on Caffmos including searching for potential matches using various filters like interests or physical characteristics; sending messages through chatrooms; browsing profiles with photos uploaded by other members etc.. Registration is free so anyone over 18 years old who wants find someone special can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.Users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and create a unique username for their account.
  • 3. A password is required to access the user’s profile, which should contain both upper-case and lower-case letters as well as numbers or symbols for added security measures
  • 4. Users are expected to agree with Caffmos’s terms & conditions before they can register an account on the website/app
  • 5 .Users will need to fill out personal information such as gender identity, sexual orientation, location etc., in order to find compatible matches
  • 6 .A valid payment method (credit card) may be necessary if subscribing for premium services 7 .Verification of photo ID might also be needed by some sites/apps in order ensure that all members are genuine individuals 8 .Some websites/apps might require users complete additional steps like answering personality questions or completing compatibility tests

Design and Usability of Caffmos

The Caffmos app has a modern design with bright colors and clear fonts. It is easy to find profiles of other people as the search bar at the top allows you to quickly filter through different categories. The usability of this app is great, it’s intuitive and straightforward which makes navigating around very simple. If you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as additional features like video chat, access to private galleries etc., that make using the app even more enjoyable.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Caffmos are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the ability to set a custom bio, as well as upload pictures and videos of themselves. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other in order to share messages or arrange meet-ups. Privacy settings are available for users who wish to keep their profile private from certain individuals or groups; however, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature that could potentially compromise user privacy even further. Fake accounts do exist but they are rare due to strict moderation policies enforced by the site administrators. Location info in profiles does not reveal exact addresses but rather cities where members live; this information can be hidden if desired so that only friends will know your location details (if you choose). Distance between two members may sometimes be indicated when viewing profiles although it depends on how much detail both parties decide show about their locations – premium subscriptions offer more detailed options here such as filtering search results based on distance away from one’s own city/town etc..


Caffmos has a dating website that offers members the opportunity to meet other gay, bisexual and transgender men from around the world. The site is easy to use with a simple layout and intuitive navigation. Members can search for potential matches based on their interests, location or age range. Additionally, Caffmos provides an extensive list of features such as chat rooms, forums and video profiles which help users connect more easily with each other.

The main advantage of using Caffmos’s dating website over its app is that it allows members access to all features in one place without having to switch between different apps or devices. Furthermore, since the website does not require any downloads it can be accessed from anywhere at anytime making it convenient for busy people who are always on-the-go! However some drawbacks include limited profile information compared to what’s available through its mobile app counterpart; also there may be fewer active users due lack of promotion outside online communities where many LGBT+ individuals congregate digitally today..

At this time there is no dedicated dating site associated with Caffmos but they do have an accompanying mobile application (app) which serves similar purposes albeit in a much smaller capacity than most modern day websites would offer today – namely being able to view photos/profiles quickly & conveniently whilst out & about plus connecting directly via messaging services etc… Reasons why they don’t have one could simply boil down too resources required by them currently vs benefits gained if done properly ei: cost involved developing/maintaining such platform versus likely return (profits).

Safety & Security

Caffmos is a popular dating app for the LGBT community, and it takes security very seriously. It has an extensive verification process to ensure that only real users can access its services. To begin with, all new accounts must be verified via email or SMS code before they are activated. This helps prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the platform by verifying each user’s identity through their contact information. Furthermore, Caffmos also manually reviews photos uploaded by users in order to detect any inappropriate content or malicious intent on behalf of other members of the community; this is done using both AI technology as well as manual human review processes depending on what type of photo was uploaded (e.g., profile picture). Finally, two-factor authentication is available for those who wish to add an extra layer of protection when logging into their account – this requires them to enter a one-time passcode sent directly via text message whenever they attempt login after entering their username/password combination correctly first time round .

When it comes down privacy policy at Caffmos ,they take data privacy very seriously and have put measures in place so that your personal data remains secure while you use our services safely without fear compromising your private information such as name , address etc . They make sure not share nor sell customer’s details with third parties unless required legally & protect customers’ sensitive financial info like credit card numbers behind advanced encryption systems which makes difficult even impossible for hackers gain unauthorized access . Moreover ,all communications between clients & servers are encrypted over HTTPS protocol making it safe against man -in -the middle attacks

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on Caffmos Necessary?

Caffmos is an online dating app for gay, bi and trans men. It offers both free and paid subscription options to its users. So the question arises – do users really need a paid subscription on Caffmos?
The answer depends largely upon what you are looking for in terms of features from your online dating experience. The basic version of the app allows access to some essential features such as creating profiles, sending messages, searching members by location or age etc., but it does not offer any advanced search filters or extra profile visibility which can be accessed only with a premium membership plan.

Benefits Of A Premium Membership Plan On Caffmos:

  • Unlimited messaging – Send unlimited messages without worrying about restrictions imposed by other apps that limit message numbers based on account type; * Advanced Search Filters – Access more detailed search criteria including interests/hobbies & relationship status; * Extra Profile Visibility– Increase chances of getting noticed with increased exposure within searches; * Anonymous Browsing- Browse anonymously so no one knows who you’re looking at until they decide to make contact first!

Prices And Refunds For A Paid Subscription On CaffmoS:

The prices vary depending upon how long term commitment customers choose when signing up for their subscriptions (1 month / 3 months / 6 months). The 1 month option costs $14 per month while the 3 months package comes at $12 per month ($36 total) and finally there is also 6 Months package available at just 10$ per Month($60 Total). All packages come with 30 days money back guarantee if customer isn’t satisfied after using it during this period he will get full refund according him his Terms & Conditions page .

Cancellation Process : Customers have two ways through which they can cancel their plans either directly contacting them via email , phone call Or simply logging into their accounts cancelling manually from “My Account” section where all information regarding current active plan alongwith cancellation button would be visible .

Help & Support

Caffmos is a website dedicated to providing support for the LGBTQ+ community. It offers many resources and services, including an online forum where members can ask questions or discuss topics related to their identity.

If you need help accessing any of Caffmos’s features or have a question about something on the site, there are several ways you can get in touch with its customer service team. You can contact them via email at [email protected] and they will usually respond within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). Alternatively, if your query is urgent then you may call their helpline on +44 020 8133 7244 between 9am – 5pm GMT Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays).

For those who don’t want to wait for assistance from customer service representatives, Caffmos also has an FAQ page which provides answers to commonly asked questions as well as links that provide further information regarding specific issues such as account security and privacy settings etc.. Additionally there’s also a ‘Help Centre’ section which contains helpful articles covering various topics like creating profiles/avatars; managing messages; searching & filtering options etc., so it might be worth checking out before contacting Customer Service directly!


1. Is Caffmos safe?

Yes, Caffmos is a safe and secure website. It uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data and personal information from unauthorized access or use. The site also has strict rules in place regarding the content that can be posted on its platform, ensuring that all users are able to enjoy their experience without encountering any inappropriate material. Additionally, it offers detailed privacy policies which outline how your data will be used by the company as well as outlining what measures they take to ensure safety for all members of their community. Finally, there is an extensive moderation team available 24/7 who work hard at monitoring activity across the entire site so you can rest assured knowing your security and wellbeing are taken seriously by Caffmos staff!

2. Is Caffmos a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Caffmos is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 1998 and has been helping members find companionship ever since. The website caters to the needs of mature gay men who are looking for friendship, dates or even long-term relationships. Members can create their own profile which includes photos and personal information about themselves as well as what they are looking for in a potential partner. They can also search through other profiles on the site to find someone that matches their interests and preferences before initiating contact via messaging or emailing them directly from within the platform itself. With its large membership base, Caffmos provides an excellent opportunity for those seeking meaningful connections with likeminded individuals regardless of age or location across the globe

3. How to use Caffmos app?

Using the Caffmos app is a simple and straightforward process. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you will be prompted to create an account by entering some basic information such as name, age and location. After that is done, you can start browsing through profiles of other users in your area who are looking for friendship or romance with someone like yourself! You can also search based on specific criteria such as age range or interests if desired. Once you find someone interesting whose profile catches your eye, it’s easy to send them a message via chat directly within the app itself – no need for any external messaging services! The conversation continues until both parties decide whether they would like to meet up in person at which point further arrangements may be made depending on what each party wants out of their experience together. All communication between members remains private so there’s no need to worry about anyone else finding out what goes on behind closed doors either – perfect for those seeking discreet relationships without judgement from others around them!

4. Is Caffmos free?

Caffmos is a free online dating and social networking site for the gay, bisexual, and transgender community. It was created in 1998 to provide an open platform where members of the LGBT+ community can meet like-minded people without fear or judgement. The website has grown over time to become one of the most popular websites dedicated specifically to this demographic group. Caffmos offers its users access to many features such as private messaging, chat rooms, profile creation tools and much more – all completely free! In addition they also offer premium services which include additional features such as advanced search capabilities that allow you find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily. With their wide range of options available both on their basic service level as well as through their premium offerings it’s easy to see why Caffmos continues be a go-to destination for those seeking companionship within the LGBT+ community

5. Is Caffmos working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Caffmos is working and it can be a great way to find someone. It’s an online dating site specifically for older gay men looking for companionship or relationships. The website offers many features that make it easy to search through profiles of other members who are also interested in meeting people like you. You can use the advanced search options to narrow down your results by age, location, interests and more so you can quickly find someone compatible with your own lifestyle and preferences. Once you’ve found someone interesting on Caffmos, there are several ways that you could start communicating such as messaging them directly or sending flirts if they have enabled this feature on their profile page. Additionally there is a chatroom where users from all over the world come together to talk about different topics related to being gay or just life in general which provides another avenue of connecting with potential partners too!


In conclusion, Caffmos is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to navigate the site and access its features. The safety of users is taken seriously with verification measures in place as well as support staff available if needed. Additionally, user profiles are detailed enough so you can get a good sense of who they are before messaging them or meeting up in person. All things considered, Caffmos’ design and usability, safety and security protocols, help & support services along with quality user profile information make this app one worth considering when searching for potential partners online!

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Author Christopher Peters

Christopher Peters is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. He has over five years of experience as a writer and editor for various publications, specializing in the topics of love, dating, relationships, and technology. His work has been featured in a variety of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. Christopher has a passion for helping people find meaningful relationships and loves to explore the ways technology can make this process easier. When he's not writing, Christopher likes to spend time with his family, travel, and explore new cultures.