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Bookofmatches Review 2023


Bookofmatches is an online dating and social networking platform that has been around since 2002. It was founded by a Canadian entrepreneur, Andrew Conru, who had the vision of creating an online space where people could connect with each other in meaningful ways. The app offers users the ability to find potential dates or just make new friends through its powerful search engine and user-friendly interface.

The Bookofmatches app caters primarily to young adults between 18-35 years old looking for casual relationships or even long term ones depending on their preference; however it also appeals to older singles as well as those seeking same sex partners if they so choose. With over 10 million active members from all walks of life, there’s something for everyone here! Currently owned by InterActiveCorp (IAC), this popular service can be accessed worldwide but is especially popular in countries such as Canada, United States, Australia & New Zealand due to its vast network within these regions alone. Using BookofMatches does not require any financial commitment either – it’s completely free! All you need do is register your profile using some basic information about yourself such as age range desired gender/sexual orientation etc., then you’re ready start browsing profiles at no cost whatsoever – though premium services are available too should one wish them . As far accessing the site goes ,it doesn’t matter whether you use a desktop computer , laptop tablet or smartphone device because this versatile application works across multiple platforms including iOS Android Windows Phone 8 Blackberry OS10+ devices .

Overall ,the idea behind BookOfMatches’ concept was very simple yet effective: create a safe environment where individuals could meet like minded people without having worry about being judged negatively based upon appearance race religion etc.. In doing so many have found love companionship friendship business opportunities more than 15 years later which speaks volumes how successful Mr Conru’s mission has become !

How Does Bookofmatches Work?

Bookofmatches is an app that allows users to connect with each other in a variety of ways. It offers features such as creating profiles, searching for matches based on interests and location, messaging potential partners, and even playing games together. The main focus of the app is connecting people from all over the world who are looking for friendship or romance.

The Bookofmatches app makes it easy to find someone you’re interested in by allowing users to search through different categories like age range, gender identity/orientation preferences, country of origin etc., making sure everyone can find what they’re looking for without having to scroll endlessly through hundreds of pages worth of results. Additionally there are thousands upon thousands registered members from various countries around the globe including United States (2 million), Canada (1 million), India (500 thousand) , Germany(200 thousand)and France(100 thousand).

Once you’ve found your match then comes communication which takes place via private messages or chat rooms where two people can interact directly with one another in real time if both parties agree so no need worry about being spammed by unwanted messages either! Furthermore this platform also provides additional entertainment options such as virtual gaming sessions between two individuals which adds extra fun factor into mix while still keeping everything safe secure at same time due its strict privacy policy regulations .

For those seeking more than just casual dating experience BookofMatches also has feature called “Hotlist” where user can add certain profile he likes most thus giving them chance get noticed faster since their profile will appear higher up list when searched using specific criteria set forth by individual themselves . This way not only does it increase chances finding perfect partner but also gives added layer security knowing that person whom contacted was specifically chosen out many others available online today !

Finally once have made connection desired level whether be friend romantic interest always remember stay vigilant aware dangers associated meeting strangers internet should anything ever feel uncomfortable unsafe immediately report issue authorities take necessary precautions protect yourself well loved ones possible threats may arise during course interactions online environment provided service book Of Matches

  • 1.Ability to search for singles in your local area or anywhere around the world.
  • 2. Matchmaking algorithm that helps you find compatible matches based on personal preferences and interests.
  • 3. Private messaging system so you can communicate with potential dates securely and privately without revealing any of your contact information until both parties are comfortable doing so.
  • 4. Comprehensive profile creation process, allowing users to provide detailed information about themselves including physical characteristics, lifestyle habits, hobbies & interests etc., which allows other members to get a better understanding of who they’re talking too before deciding whether or not they want pursue a relationship further..
  • 5 .Advanced search filters such as age range, gender preference ,location distance radius etc., making it easier for users to narrow down their searches quickly and efficiently according finding someone who fits their criteria perfectly 6) Photo galleries where members can upload pictures showcasing different aspects of their personality

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Bookofmatches app is a simple process. All you need to do is provide your gender, age, email address and create a password. Once these details are submitted, you will be asked to fill out some basic information about yourself such as your physical appearance (height/weight), interests and hobbies so that other users can get an idea of who they may be interested in connecting with. After completing this step, you will have access to the full features of the app including creating profiles for potential matches or browsing through others’ profiles already available on the platform. The minimum required age for dating on Bookofmatches is 18 years old and registration itself is free – however certain services within it require payment before use can begin.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address
  • 2. User must create a username and password
  • 3. Users under 18 years of age are not allowed to register
  • 4. Must accept the terms & conditions of use
  • 5. Provide basic personal information such as gender, birthdate, location etc
  • 6. Agree to receive promotional emails from Bookofmatches (optional)
  • 7. Upload an image or avatar for profile page (optional) 8 . Confirm registration by clicking on link sent in confirmation email

Design and Usability of Bookofmatches

The Bookofmatches app has a modern design with an intuitive user interface. The colors are vibrant and the layout is clean, making it easy to navigate through different sections of the app. You can easily find profiles of other people by using filters such as age, location or interests. The usability is quite good; all features are well organized and clearly labeled so you don’t have to spend time trying to figure out how things work in order for them to be useful. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements that make navigation even easier, like larger profile pictures or more detailed search options available on your home page.

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: Bookofmatches profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio in your profile and there is no “friends” feature or anything similar. Privacy settings available to users include the ability to hide their location info if they wish; however, it does reveal your city and an indication of the distance between users is provided as well. There isn’t any Google or Facebook sign-in feature for this site but there may be some fake accounts present on the platform which should be avoided at all costs.

Paragraph 2: Location information in user profiles plays an important role when using Bookofmatches since it helps you find potential matches nearby more easily than other sites that don’t provide such data about its members’ locations. Additionally, premium subscription holders have access to additional features like advanced search filters and higher visibility among other things that could benefit their chances of finding someone compatible with them much faster than regular subscribers would do without these advantages offered by a paid membership plan on this website .

Paragraph 3: User profile quality on Bookofmatches depends mainly upon how detailed each member’s description of themselves happens to be; although having accurate personal information included within one’s account also contributes significantly towards creating attractive yet reliable pages so others might get interested enough into learning more about those who decide not only what type of person they want but also where exactly will they look for them once logged onto this service provider online dating network system designed specifically with singles seeking love interests in mind while keeping everyone safe from scammers & fraudsters alike thanks largely due privacy measures implemented across every single aspect related directly/indirectly concerning security matters here at BoM!


Bookofmatches is a popular online dating website that has been around since 2002. It offers users the ability to search for potential partners, create profiles and interact with other members in their area. The site features an extensive list of options including messaging, chat rooms and even video calling services so you can get to know someone better before taking things further. One of the main advantages of Bookofmatches is its affordability; it’s free to join and use most basic features without having to pay any fees or upgrade your account. Additionally, there are many safety measures in place such as verification systems which ensure all accounts are genuine people looking for love rather than scammers trying to take advantage of vulnerable singles on the internet.

The difference between Bookofmatches’ website version compared with its app counterpart lies mainly within user experience; while both offer access to similar functions they differ when it comes down how easy they make searching through available matches as well as creating a profile tailored specifically towards what type person you’re interested in meeting up with offline eventually – this being much easier on mobile devices due their touchscreen capabilities making navigation more intuitive overall.. Despite these differences however both versions remain highly effective tools at helping individuals find suitable companionship from anywhere across globe quickly & efficiently whether using either desktop computer or smartphone device!

At present time unfortunately there does not appear be any official dating service offered by BookOfMatches itself although given its long history providing quality matchmaking solutions one could assume that if demand was high enough then we may see something like this introduced future – only time will tell though!. In meantime those seeking romantic connections would do best look elsewhere amongst various different platforms out there offering similar yet superior experiences far beyond anything currently provided here!

Safety & Security

Bookofmatches is a popular dating website that takes the security of its users very seriously. It has implemented several measures to ensure user safety and protect against bots, fake accounts, and other malicious activities. To verify users’ identities, Bookofmatches requires all members to provide valid email addresses for verification purposes before they can access any features on the site. Additionally, photos are manually reviewed by moderators or through an AI-based system in order to identify suspicious content or potential fraudsters who may be trying to use false information or images. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of protection for those looking for added security when logging into their account from different devices.

In terms of privacy policy at BookofMatches , it strictly adheres with GDPR regulations which includes protecting personal data collected from customers such as name address contact number etc . The company also ensures that no third party will have access over customer’s data unless there is explicit consent given by them . All sensitive financial details like credit card numbers are securely encrypted using industry standard protocols so they cannot be accessed without authorization .

Pricing and Benefits

Bookofmatches is a free online dating app that offers users the ability to find potential matches and chat with them. The app does not require any payment for its services, so it can be used without spending money.

However, Bookofmatches also has a paid subscription option called "Premium Membership". This membership provides access to additional features such as advanced search options and increased profile visibility. Premium members are also able to send unlimited messages while non-premium members have limited messaging capabilities.

The cost of the premium membership varies depending on how long you sign up for: one month costs $19/month; three months costs $15/month; six months costs $12/month; twelve months costs only 10$ per month making it very competitively priced compared to other apps in this market segment .

For those who decide they no longer want their premium subscription there is an easy cancellation process which allows users cancel at anytime without penalty or fees associated with cancelling early – although refunds will not be given if you choose do cancel before your current billing period ends.. In conclusion, whilst having a paid subscription may provide some benefits over using the basic version of BookofMatches , many people still use just the free version effectively and don’t need pay anything extra unless they feel like taking advantage of all available features offered by getting Premium Membership .

Help & Support

Bookofmatches offers a range of support options for its users. The primary way to access help is through the website’s contact page, which can be found at the bottom of every page on Bookofmatches. Here you will find an email address and phone number that you can use to get in touch with customer service representatives who are available 24/7.

The response time from customer service depends on how busy they are but typically it should take no more than one business day for them to respond via email or by telephone if your query requires immediate attention. In addition, there is also a ‘Help & FAQ’ section located at the top right-hand corner of each page where users can quickly find answers to commonly asked questions without having to wait for assistance from staff members directly.

Overall, Bookofmatches provides excellent support services and ensures that all queries are dealt with promptly so as not cause any disruption or inconvenience while using their platform – making it easier than ever before for customers seeking advice about their account or other related matters!


1. Is Bookofmatches safe?

Bookofmatches is generally considered to be a safe website, however there are some risks associated with using it. It is important for users to exercise caution when meeting someone from the site in person or engaging in any type of online communication. The site does not perform background checks on its members and therefore cannot guarantee that all profiles are genuine or accurate. Additionally, as with most dating sites, scammers may try to take advantage of vulnerable people looking for love by creating fake accounts and trying to solicit money from them. To ensure safety while using Bookofmatches, it’s best practice for users not share personal information such as their address or financial details until they feel comfortable doing so after getting acquainted through conversations over time via email/chatting services provided by the website itself before arranging an offline meetup if desired at all costs!

2. Is Bookofmatches a real dating site with real users?

Bookofmatches is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and it claims to have over 5 million members worldwide, so there are certainly plenty of people using the service. The website offers both free and paid membership options for those looking to find potential matches or even just make new friends online. With its user-friendly interface, Bookofmatches makes it easy for anyone to join in on the fun by creating an account and searching through other member profiles that match their interests. While some may be skeptical about finding love on such sites, many couples have found success stories after meeting each other via this platform – proving that you never know what could happen when you take a chance!

3. How to use Bookofmatches app?

Bookofmatches is an app that allows users to find potential matches based on their interests and location. It’s easy to use, with a simple user interface that makes it straightforward for anyone to get started. To begin using the app, first create your profile by entering some basic information about yourself such as age, gender and location. You can also add photos of yourself so other users can see what you look like before deciding if they want to connect with you or not. Once your profile is set up, you will be able to browse through profiles of people who match your criteria in terms of interest and proximity from where you live or work; this way it’s easier for both parties involved when arranging dates! If someone catches your eye then send them a message via the chat feature – this could be anything from asking how their day has been going or suggesting plans for meeting up soon! Bookofmatches provides its members with many ways in which they can communicate including video calls – perfect if distance means physical meetings are difficult at times – plus there are plenty more features available too such as group chats between friends and even events organized within local areas so everyone knows exactly where each event takes place should they wish join in on any fun activities taking place nearby!

4. Is Bookofmatches free?

Bookofmatches is a free online dating website that allows users to connect with others in their area. It offers an easy-to-use platform for singles of all ages and backgrounds, allowing them to create profiles, search through other members’ profiles, send messages and even set up dates. The site also features several chat rooms where people can interact with each other in real time as well as forums where they can discuss various topics related to relationships or life in general. Bookofmatches provides its services completely free of charge so anyone looking for love or companionship will be able to take advantage of the many features available on this popular dating website without having any financial burden whatsoever.

5. Is Bookofmatches working and can you find someone there?

Bookofmatches is a dating website that has been around since 2003. It is still operational and can be used to find someone special. The site offers free registration, which allows users to create profiles with personal information and photos in order to attract potential matches. Once registered, members are able to search for other singles using various criteria such as age range, location or interests; they can also send messages back and forth with those who have caught their eye. Additionally, the site features an active chat room where people from all over the world come together in real time conversations about topics of interest or just general chit-chatting amongst friends old and new alike! So if you’re looking for love online then Bookofmatches could be worth checking out – it’s certainly worth giving it a try!


Bookofmatches is a great dating app that allows users to find potential partners for romantic relationships. It has an easy-to-use interface, with features like chatrooms and photo albums that make it easier for people to connect. The design of the app is also quite modern and attractive, making it enjoyable to use. Additionally, Bookofmatches takes safety seriously by providing detailed security measures such as profile verification and encryption technology on all data transfers within the platform. Furthermore, customer support team members are available 24/7 via email or phone call in case any issues arise while using the service.

Overall we can conclude that Bookofmatches provides a safe environment where users can easily meet new people online without having their personal information compromised or misused in any way whatsoever – which makes this one of our top choices when looking for reliable dating apps out there today! Its user profiles are well designed too; they provide enough details about each person so you know what kind of relationship they’re looking for before even messaging them directly! In short: if you’re seeking love online then give BookofMatches a try – its design & usability, safety & security help & support ,and user profile quality make it one of best options out there right now!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.