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  • Easy to use
  • Diverse user base
  • Verification process for safety and security
  • Ability to find matches in different countries
  • Lack of safety measures
  • Limited user base
  • Unclear pricing structure
  • Poor customer service


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    Hardly ever
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Blued Review: What You Need to Know


Blued is a revolutionary social networking app designed for the LGBTQ+ community. It was created in 2012 by Geng Le, an ex-police officer from China who wanted to create a safe and secure space for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to connect with each other. The platform has since become one of the most popular dating apps worldwide, boasting over 27 million active users across five countries: China, India, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

The main goal behind Blued is to provide members with an open forum where they can express themselves freely without fear or judgement – something that many traditional platforms lack when it comes to topics related to sexuality or gender identity. In addition to providing its users with access into this virtual world full of acceptance and understanding; Blued also offers features such as live streaming video chat rooms (similarly found on Twitch), group chats & forums dedicated specifically towards discussing relevant issues within the LGBTQ+ community at large – creating even more opportunities for meaningful connections between individuals around the globe!

As far as accessing this amazing platform goes; registering couldn’t be easier! All you need do is download their free mobile application available both on iOS & Android devices – after which you will then have instant access into your own personalised profile page where you can start connecting straight away! And if that wasn’t enough already; there are additional features such as ‘Moments’ which allow members post photos/videos onto their profiles so others may view them publicly – making it much simpler than ever before for everyone involved find exactly what they’re looking for quickly& easily no matter what time zone they might be located in !

How Does Blued Work?

The Blued app is a social networking platform that connects users from all over the world. It provides an easy way to find and connect with people who share similar interests, hobbies, lifestyles or even locations. The app has several key features including private messaging, photo sharing and video chat capabilities as well as user-generated content such as blogs and polls. Users can also search for profiles based on their preferences – whether it’s age range, gender identity or location – allowing them to easily locate potential matches in their area of interest.

Blued boasts millions of active users across more than 200 countries worldwide; its largest user base comes from China where there are currently over 30 million registered members using the service every day. India follows closely behind with around 15 million active daily users while other popular countries include Brazil (5 million), Indonesia (4 million) and Thailand (3million). Additionally, many LGBT communities have found a home within this diverse network which helps foster meaningful connections between individuals regardless of race or nationality.

Users can create detailed profiles complete with pictures so they can better express themselves online without fear of judgement or discrimination due to sexual orientation/gender identity differences . They may then browse through various profile listings according to personal preference before initiating contact via direct messages if interested in getting know someone further.. Furthermore , once two parties agree upon meeting up ,the ‘Moments’ feature allows them upload photos & videos directly onto the newsfeed section thus enabling friends & followers alike gain insight into what each individual is doing at any given time . This serves both practical purposes i e connecting like minded people but also providing entertainment value by showcasing one’s creative side .

For those looking for something more serious than casual dating , Blued offers group chats specifically designed for finding romantic partners ; these rooms provide safe spaces free from judgmental attitudes towards sexuality / gender identities therefore facilitating smoother conversations between prospective couples . In addition there are special events organised periodically throughout different cities wherein attendees get chance mingle freely amongst peers whilst having fun activities available keep things interesting ! Last but not least safety remains paramount priority here hence stringent measures put place ensure no inappropriate behaviour takes place either inside outside application itself making sure everyone feels secure when using product!

  • 1.Private Chat: Blued allows users to chat privately with other members of the community.
  • 2. Live Streams: Users can broadcast live streams and share their stories with others in real-time.
  • 3. Voice & Video Calls: Connect face-to-face or voice only through video calls on Blued for free!
  • 4. Groups & Events: Join groups, create events, find friends who have similar interests as you do!
  • 5. Matching System : Find potential matches based on your profile preferences and start a conversation today!
  • 6 .Verified Profiles : Get access to verified profiles from around the world by using our verification system

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Blued app is a straightforward process. First, users must download and install the application from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once installed, they will be prompted to create an account by providing their phone number and creating a username and password. After submitting these details, users will receive an SMS code which they need to enter in order to complete registration. Once registered successfully, users can begin exploring all of the features available on Blued such as finding new friends nearby or joining various groups related to LGBTQ+ topics for discussion with like-minded people around them; additionally there are live streaming options that allow individuals who have verified accounts access broadcast content worldwide! The minimum required age for dating on this platform is 18 years old but anyone above 13 years old may register free of charge regardless if it’s just for friendship purposes only!

  • 1.Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Create an account with a unique username and password combination that is not easily guessed by others or used on other websites/applications
  • 4. Agree to the terms & conditions set forth in Blued’s user agreement
  • 5 . Acceptance of data collection policies, including those related to location services, cookies, analytics tracking etc..
  • 6 . Acknowledge any warnings about potential risks associated with using the app (eg: online predators)
  • 7 . Upload profile picture(s) that meet guidelines outlined in Blued’s photo policy 8 . Complete additional registration steps as required by local laws (eg: providing government-issued ID).

Design and Usability of Blued

The Blued app has a vibrant and modern design, with bright colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other users are easily found through the search bar or by swiping left and right on suggested matches. Usability is also excellent; all features can be accessed quickly, allowing for an enjoyable user experience. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profile information which makes finding compatible partners easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Blued is generally high, as users can create detailed profiles with photos and a custom bio. Profiles are public, so anyone using the app can view them. Users have access to various privacy settings that allow them to control who sees their profile information or photos. There is also an option for signing in through Google or Facebook which adds another layer of security against fake accounts. Location info within user profiles reveals the city they live in but not any exact addresses; there’s also no indication of distance between users unless both parties mutually agree to share it via private messages or video calls . For those looking for more features from their profile page, Blued offers premium subscriptions which come with additional benefits such as being able to set up multiple albums and having more visibility when others search your name on the platform .


Blued is a dating website that offers users the opportunity to connect with other individuals around the world. The site provides a platform for people of all genders and sexual orientations to meet, chat, date, or even just make friends. Blued’s main advantages include its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for new members to join and start exploring their options right away; its vast network of potential matches from different countries; as well as various features such as video chatting and live streaming capabilities that allow users more opportunities for interaction than traditional online dating sites do.

The difference between Blued’s website and app lies in the fact that while both provide access to similar services, some functions are only available on one version or another due to technical limitations – this means certain activities can be done through either medium but not both at once. For example: sending messages via text is possible on both versions but using voice calls requires an app download since web browsers don’t support audio calling yet (at least not without additional plugins). Additionally, some features may also be exclusive depending on what device you’re using – like being able to view profiles in 3D if accessing them through mobile devices instead of desktop computers/laptops etc..

At present there isn’t any official Blued Dating Site – however they have plans underway so we could see something soon! It appears they want customers who use their service regularly enough will prefer having everything conveniently located within one application rather than needing two separate ones when searching out dates online – plus having an integrated system would reduce costs associated with maintaining multiple platforms simultaneously too! Furthermore by focusing solely on developing applications first before branching into websites might help ensure better compatibility across multiple operating systems & hardware configurations making sure everyone has access regardless of whether they own iOS Android Windows MacOS Linux etc…

Safety & Security

App security is an important factor for any app, and Blued takes it very seriously. The company has implemented a number of measures to ensure that its users are safe from bots and fake accounts. To start with, all new user profiles must go through the verification process before they can access the platform’s features. This includes verifying their identity by providing personal information such as name, age or email address; uploading a valid government-issued ID; submitting selfies taken within 48 hours prior to registration; and passing facial recognition tests using AI technology. Additionally, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed in order to detect inappropriate content or images that do not match up with other profile data provided during signup.

Blued also offers two-factor authentication which provides an extra layer of protection against malicious activities on the platform since it requires both passwords as well as physical devices like smartphones for login approval each time you log into your account from another device or location than usual one used previously . Furthermore ,the privacy policy at Blued clearly states how user’s personal data will be collected ,used & stored securely .It ensures no third party have access over sensitive information shared by customers while registering themselves on this social networking site

Pricing and Benefits

Is Blued Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Blued is an app that allows users to connect with other LGBTQ+ people. It’s free to download and use, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want more features.

Benefits of the Paid Subscriptions:

  • See who has viewed your profile Price: $4/monthly (or $30/yearly) – View profiles anonymously Price:$8/monthly (or $60 yearly) – Unlock advanced search filters Price:$10/monthly (or $80 yearly) – Get priority customer service support Price :$20 monthly( or 140 yeary )

These prices are competitive compared to similar apps on the market, making them worth considering if you’re looking for additional features from Blued.

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If you decide that a paid subscription isn’t right for you, cancelling is easy and straightforward. You can cancel at any time without penalty; however refunds will only be issued in certain circumstances such as technical errors with payments or incorrect billing information being provided by the user when signing up for their account. Users should contact customer service directly if they have any questions about refunds before canceling their subscriptions so they know what kind of refund policy applies in their situation.

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Blued?

Ultimately it depends on how much value users get out of using this app and whether they feel like paying extra money would give them access to better experiences than what’s offered through its free version alone . For some people , having access to premium features may make all the difference while others might find that sticking with just basic functionality suits them fine . The choice ultimately lies within each individual user depending upon his / her needs .

Help & Support

Blued is a social networking platform that provides support to its users. Accessing this support can be done in several ways, depending on the user’s needs and preferences.

The first way to access Blued’s customer service is through their website page dedicated specifically for it. Here, you will find answers to frequently asked questions as well as an email address where inquiries may be sent directly with any other issues or concerns one might have about using the app or its services. The response time from Blued’s customer service team usually ranges between 24-48 hours after receiving your inquiry; however, they are known for being quite prompt when responding back with solutions and helpful advice regarding any issue presented by their customers.

Another option available for those seeking help from Blued would be calling them via phone number provided on their website contact page during business hours (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm). Although there isn’t always someone available immediately upon calling due to high call volumes at certain times of day, rest assured that all calls received will get responded back within a timely manner so long as all necessary information has been given upfront prior speaking with anyone from the company itself over the phone line.. Lastly, if you’re looking for quick answers without having direct communication involved then simply browsing through their FAQ section should provide enough insight into common problems people experience while using this application overall!


1. Is Blued safe?

Yes, Blued is a safe app to use. It has numerous safety features that are designed to protect users from potential harm or exploitation. For example, the app requires all users to be at least 18 years old and it verifies each user’s identity with their phone number before they can join the platform. Additionally, Blued provides its own moderation team which actively monitors content posted on the platform for any violations of its terms of service or community guidelines in order to ensure that everyone remains safe while using it. Furthermore, there are also options available within the app such as “Block User” and “Report Abuse” which allow people who feel threatened by another user’s behavior quickly report them so appropriate action can be taken if necessary

2. Is Blued a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Blued is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2012 and has since become one of the most popular gay social networking apps worldwide. The app allows users to connect with other men who share similar interests or backgrounds, allowing them to chat, make friends and even date if they choose to do so. Blued also provides its members access to a wide range of features such as live streaming video services which allow people from all over the world interact in an engaging way. Additionally, it offers various safety measures like content moderation and user verification that help ensure its community remains safe for everyone involved while providing a secure platform for those looking for meaningful connections online

3. How to use Blued app?

Using the Blued app is easy and straightforward. To get started, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account by entering some basic information such as name, age, gender etc. After that’s done you can start using all of its features like finding people nearby who share similar interests with you; chatting with them in real-time; sending pictures/videos; creating a profile for yourself which includes adding photos and videos about yourself so others can learn more about you before deciding whether they want to connect with you or not. You also have access to other social networking tools such as joining groups related to different topics that interest users around world – this way it becomes easier for one user find another person who shares their same passions! Lastly there are various safety measures implemented within Blued making sure everyone stays safe while having fun at same time – these include setting boundaries when talking someone new online & reporting any suspicious activity if noticed during usage

4. Is Blued free?

Yes, Blued is a free app. It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play and used on any compatible device. The basic version of the app is completely free to use, with no subscription fees required. However, there are additional features that require payment in order to access them fully. These include VIP membership packages which offer extra benefits such as unlimited messaging and priority customer service support among other things.

5. Is Blued working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Blued is working and it is possible to find someone there. It’s a social networking app for gay, bi, trans and queer people that allows users to connect with others in their local area or around the world. The app has over 40 million registered users worldwide who can chat via text messages or video calls as well as share photos and videos on their profiles. You can search by location or interests to find other members nearby you may be interested in connecting with. Additionally, if you’re looking for something more serious than just friendship then Blued also offers an option of dating which lets you match up with potential partners based on your preferences such as age range, hobbies etc., so finding someone should not be too difficult!


To conclude, Blued is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to navigate the app. The safety and security features are also impressive, with several measures in place such as user verification and 24/7 customer support. Furthermore, users can expect high quality profiles from other members since there’s no anonymity on the platform – all profile information must be accurate before being approved by moderators. Overall, Blued offers a secure environment where people can connect safely without worrying about their privacy or personal data being compromised. Therefore we recommend this app if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.