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  • 1. Variety of users
  • 2. Discreet messaging options
  • 3. Comprehensive profile creation
  • 1. Limited geographical scope
  • 2. Unclear safety policies
  • 3. High cost of membership
  • 4. Lack of diverse user base


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  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
  • Popularity:
  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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BeautifulPeople 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?


BeautifulPeople is an exclusive online dating app that connects people from all over the world. It was founded in 2002 and has since become one of the most popular apps for singles looking to find a special someone. The platform boasts millions of active users, making it one of the largest social networks dedicated solely to connecting attractive individuals with each other.

The BeautifulPeople app caters primarily to young adults between 18-35 years old who are seeking meaningful relationships or casual encounters with likeminded people around them. This means that you can expect high quality profiles on this platform as everyone must pass through a rigorous vetting process before being accepted into its network – including providing valid identification documents and photos which will be reviewed by moderators before approval or rejection is granted within 48 hours after registration submission.

Owned by European Dating Ventures Ltd., BeautifulPeople has grown significantly in popularity across five countries: USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany where it’s currently ranked among top 10 dating sites according to Alexa rankings data collected during 2019-2020 period . Users can access their account via website (www beautifulpeople com)or mobile application available both on Google Play Store & Apple AppStore at no cost – although some features may require additional payment depending upon user’s subscription plan chosen while signing up for service .

In order join community , potential members need fill out detailed questionnaire about themselves covering topics such as physical appearance , lifestyle habits & interests etc.. After completing signup form new accounts get evaluated based on criteria established by existing users voting system : if enough votes have been cast positively profile gets approved otherwise rejected so only best possible matches make way onto database thus maintaining highest standards set forth throughout entire site experience .

How Does BeautifulPeople Work?

BeautifulPeople is an online dating app that connects users from around the world. It has become a popular platform for people to meet potential partners, friends and even employers. The key features of BeautifulPeople include its easy-to-use interface, detailed profiles with pictures and videos, and extensive search options allowing you to find exactly what you are looking for in your perfect match. With over 20 million members worldwide it provides plenty of choice when searching through the database of singles on offer.

The main way users can find profiles on BeautifulPeople is by using their advanced search filters which allow them to narrow down results based on criteria such as age range or location preference among many others; this ensures they only get shown matches that fit their preferences best while also giving them access to more than just one type of user – there are all kinds including single professionals who want something serious right up until those seeking casual encounters or simply someone new with whom they can chat about life’s experiences! Additionally, due to its international reach there are millions upon millions from countries like United States (7M), Brazil (4M), India (3M) Germany(2m)and France(1m). This makes finding compatible individuals much easier no matter where in the world they may be located – making sure everyone finds somebody special!

  • 1.Verified Member Profiles: All members are verified by the BeautifulPeople team to ensure that they meet our standards of beauty and authenticity.
  • 2. Private Photo Albums: Members can create private photo albums, allowing them to share their photos with only those who have permission.
  • 3. Matching System: Our advanced matching system helps you find compatible matches quickly and easily based on your preferences and interests
  • 4. Secure Messaging Platform: Enjoy secure messaging with other members in a safe environment without worrying about spam or unwanted messages from outside sources
  • 5. Events & Parties Calendar : Keep up-to-date on upcoming events hosted by BeautifulPeople so you never miss out!
  • 6 . Video Chatting Feature : Connect face-to-face through video chat for an even more personal experience

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BeautifulPeople app is a straightforward process. First, you need to provide your gender and date of birth; users must be at least 18 years old in order to register. Then, you will have to upload two photos: one for your profile picture and another that shows what you look like from head-to-toe (which will remain private). After submitting these details, an existing member of the community needs to vote on whether or not they find you attractive enough before access can be granted into the exclusive dating network. Once accepted by other members of BeautifulPeople, users are free to search through profiles based upon their preferences such as age range or location. It’s completely free to register but premium membership options exist if someone wants more features than just basic messaging capabilities with potential matches.

  • 1.Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and contact information for verification purposes.
  • 3. Upload an attractive, recent photo of yourself that accurately represents your physical appearance (no filters or editing).
  • 4. Agree to the terms and conditions set forth by BeautifulPeople in order to become a member of the site’s community standards .
  • 5. Complete all required profile fields with accurate information about yourself such as gender, sexual orientation, location etc..
  • 6 . Be willing to provide feedback on other members’ profiles when requested by moderators or administrators so they can maintain quality control over the site’s content and user base . 7) Respectfully interact with other users while adhering to appropriate etiquette guidelines established by BeautifulPeople staff 8) Abide by any additional rules imposed upon you during registration process

Design and Usability of BeautifulPeople

The BeautifulPeople app has a modern design with bright colors and sleek fonts. It is easy to find profiles of other people as the search bar allows you to filter by gender, age, location or interests. The usability of the app is quite intuitive; it’s simple enough for even novice users to navigate without any issues. There are some UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription such as access to additional features like profile verification and priority listing in searches.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on BeautifulPeople is generally high. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and see the information that users have chosen to share. There is a custom bio feature which allows members to add more detail about themselves beyond their physical attributes. However, there isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar available for users of this site yet. Privacy settings are quite robust with BeautifulPeople; they allow you to control who sees your profile as well as how much personal information you want displayed publicly such as location info and contact details like email address or phone number etc.. You also have the option of signing in via Google or Facebook if desired – although fake accounts do exist on this platform it’s not overly common due to its strict vetting process during sign up procedures . Location info reveals city but does not indicate distance between two people however some benefits may be offered for those with premium subscriptions such as enhanced visibility within search results . Users can hide their location from other members by selecting an appropriate privacy setting , allowing them greater control over what others know about them online


BeautifulPeople is a dating website that caters to those who consider themselves attractive. It has been around since 2002 and boasts over 10 million members from all over the world. The site offers users the ability to create profiles, search for matches, send messages and even upload photos of themselves in order to attract potential partners. One of its main advantages is that it provides an exclusive platform where people can connect with like-minded individuals without having their physical appearance judged by others outside the community. Furthermore, BeautifulPeople also allows users to filter through different criteria such as age range or location so they can find more suitable matches faster than other sites might offer them access too.

The app version of BeautifulPeople works similarly but there are some differences between it and the website version; mainly being convenience factors due user’s increased mobility when using mobile devices compared with desktop computers or laptops at home/work etc.. For example on phones you have instant notifications about new activity which helps keep up engagement levels whereas on desktops this isn’t always possible if someone isn’t logged into their account regularly enough – plus apps generally take less time & effort overall for most tasks compared with websites (such as loading times). At present however there doesn’t appear any plans from Beautiful People regarding launching a dedicated web based service – though given how successful both versions already are this may change in future should demand be high enough amongst current/potential customers alike!

Safety & Security

BeautifulPeople is an exclusive dating app that puts safety and security first. The verification process for users involves a manual review of photos, ensuring only real people are using the platform. BeautifulPeople uses advanced AI technology to detect bots and fake accounts in order to protect its members from malicious activity. This includes scanning profile pictures for signs of tampering or other suspicious behavior as well as monitoring conversations between members on the site itself. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available which adds another layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts by requiring both your password and a unique code sent via text message before you can log into your account successfully.

The privacy policy at BeautifulPeople also ensures user data remains secure with strict measures taken when it comes to storing personal information such as names, email addresses or phone numbers – all encrypted so no one else has access except authorized personnel within their organization who have been trained in handling sensitive customer data securely according to industry standards like GDPR compliance regulations .

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription Necessary on BeautifulPeople?

BeautifulPeople is an exclusive online dating app that requires users to be voted in by existing members of the opposite sex. The app offers both free and paid subscription options, so it’s important for potential users to consider whether they really need a paid subscription or not.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription

  • Unlimited access to all features ($19/month)

  • Access premium messaging tools such as video chat ($39/month)

  • Boost your profile visibility with advanced search filters (starting at $9/ month).

  • Get unlimited likes and rewinds per day ($29/month).

Prices are competitive compared to other similar apps, making them worth considering if you want more control over who can see your profile and contact you directly. However, there are still plenty of benefits available through the free version too! For example: creating detailed profiles; uploading photos; sending winks & messages; searching based on location & age range etc.. All these features allow singles looking for love find their perfect match without having to pay anything extra.

Cancellation Process And Refunds If someone decides that they no longer wish use BeautifulPeople after signing up for one of its plans then cancelling is easy enough – simply go into ‘Settings’ > ‘Subscriptions’ > select ‘Cancel’. It’s also possible request refunds within 14 days from when payment was made via emailing [email protected] . Unfortunately though refunds won’t be given once this period has passed unless exceptional circumstances apply (e.g., fraud). ## Conclusion Ultimately it comes down individual preference as some people may feel like getting access additional features makes paying worthwhile while others might prefer stick with what’s offered freely already available via the platform itself

Help & Support

BeautifulPeople offers a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through the website itself. There is an extensive FAQ page that covers many topics and can be accessed by clicking on “Help” at the bottom of any page. This page has quick answers for commonly asked questions, as well as links to other pages with more detailed information about specific topics such as account management or profile settings. Additionally, there are contact forms available in multiple languages which allow users to submit their queries directly from within the site and receive a response usually within 24 hours or less depending on complexity of issue being addressed .

Another option for accessing BeautifulPeople’s customer service team is via email address provided in their Contact Us section located at footer menu item "Contact". The response time here depends largely upon how quickly they receive your query but generally speaking it should not take longer than 48 hours before you get some kind of reply back from them regarding your inquiry .

Finally, if you prefer talking over phone then this too can be arranged by sending an email request along with details like preferred language , country code etc so that one could call local number instead having long distance charges applied while calling international numbers listed on their Contact Us Page . Once all these details have been received , someone will reach out shortly thereafter either via telephone or e-mail whichever method was chosen initially when submitting request originally.. Generally speaking it shouldn’t take longer than 72 hours after initial submission until user receives follow up communication either way whether its voice call/email message exchange – whichever applies better according situation presented & type help requested


1. Is BeautifulPeople safe?

BeautyPeople is a dating site that prides itself on its security and safety measures. The website uses an extensive screening process to ensure all members are real people who meet the standards of beauty set by the community. All profiles must be approved before they can become active, which helps reduce any potential risks associated with online dating. Additionally, BeautyPeople has implemented several other safety features such as anonymous browsing and photo verification to help protect users from fraud or inappropriate content. Furthermore, it offers advice about staying safe when meeting someone in person for the first time and provides resources for reporting suspicious activity or abuse within their network if needed. Overall, BeautifulPeople takes every precaution necessary to keep its members safe while using their services so users can feel secure knowing they’re in good hands when looking for love online!

2. Is BeautifulPeople a real dating site with real users?

Yes, BeautifulPeople is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2002 and has since grown to become one of the largest online dating sites for people looking for relationships. It boasts over 20 million members from around the world who are actively using its services on a daily basis. All profiles must be approved by existing members before they can join and use any of the features available on the site such as messaging, forums, chat rooms etc., ensuring that all users are genuine individuals seeking meaningful connections rather than just casual hookups or flings. In addition to this verification process, BeautifulPeople also provides safety tips and advice so that its community can stay safe while interacting with other singles online.

3. How to use BeautifulPeople app?

BeautifulPeople is an app that helps people find potential romantic partners. It works by allowing users to create a profile, upload photos and answer questions about themselves. Once this information has been submitted, the user can then browse through other profiles in their area or around the world. The app also allows users to send messages and chat with each other if they are interested in getting to know someone better before taking things further offline.

To get started using BeautifulPeople, first you need to download it from your device’s App Store or Google Play store for free. After installation is complete, open up the application and follow instructions on how to set up your account including uploading pictures of yourself as well as answering some basic questions about who you are looking for in a partner such as age range preferences etc.. You will be ableto view all available matches within minutes after setting up your profile which makes finding love easier than ever!

4. Is BeautifulPeople free?

BeautifulPeople is not a free service. It does offer some features for free, such as creating an account and browsing other members’ profiles, but if you want to use the full range of services offered by BeautifulPeople then you will need to upgrade your membership. This includes being able to send messages and view photos from other users, as well as access exclusive events hosted by the site. Upgrading also gives users access to additional search filters that can help them find more compatible matches faster than ever before.

5. Is BeautifulPeople working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BeautifulPeople is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large user base of attractive singles from all over the world who are looking for meaningful relationships. It offers various features such as advanced search filters, photo verification tools, video chat rooms and more that make it easier for users to connect with like-minded people in their area or around the globe. Additionally, its matchmaking algorithm helps users discover potential matches based on their preferences so they can easily start conversations with those who share similar interests or lifestyles. With its wide range of features and active community members, anyone should be able to find someone special on BeautifulPeople!


In conclusion, BeautifulPeople is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent, with an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to navigate through different features. Safety and security measures are also in place so users can feel safe while using the platform. Help and support from customer service representatives is available when needed as well as high-quality user profiles that make finding potential matches easier than ever before. All in all, this app provides a great experience overall with its comprehensive set of features designed specifically for singles who want to meet someone special online or offline.

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Author Karen White

Karen White is a relationship and dating expert and writer based in Seattle. She has been writing reviews and advice articles on love, sex, and online dating for over 10 years. Her passion for helping others navigate the often-difficult world of dating and relationships is evident in her work. Karen is highly knowledgeable on the latest dating trends and technologies, and she is always eager to provide her readers with the information they need to make informed decisions. She believes that everyone deserves to find the love they're looking for, and she strives to help them do just that.