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Jaumo 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?


Jaumo is a popular dating app that connects people from all over the world. It was founded in 2011 by Jens Kammerer and Benjamin Roth, two German entrepreneurs who wanted to create an easy-to-use platform for singles looking for love or friendship. The app has grown significantly since its launch, now boasting more than 30 million active users worldwide and making it one of the most popular dating apps on the market today.

The Jaumo App is owned by Jaumo GmbH which is based in Germany but operates globally with offices located across Europe as well as North America and South America. It caters primarily to young adults aged 18–35 years old although anyone can join regardless of age or location – there are no restrictions when it comes to finding someone special through this platform! The user interface makes navigation simple while also providing plenty of features such as messaging capabilities, profile customization options, search filters (including gender preference), etc., allowing you to find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily without having any prior experience using online dating services before signing up with Jaumo.

Jaumo offers both free membership plans along with paid subscription packages depending on your needs; however even if you opt not to pay anything at all there are still many useful features available including unlimited likes/dislikes per day plus access chat rooms where other members can interact freely within their own network without needing additional fees or charges whatsoever! Additionally they have recently launched “Discover” – a new feature designed specifically so users can explore profiles outside their current geographical area should they wish too do so (eagerly awaiting news about whether this will be rolled out internationally soon).

In terms of popularity amongst countries around globe; according statistics provided by SimilarWeb Ltd., during 2019 alone Russia came first followed closely behind United States then Brazil India Mexico respectively showing how widespread appeal truly does span far beyond just these five nations mentioned here… And speaking accessibility wise yes indeed there IS an official mobile application version released back 2018 which works perfectly fine Android iOS devices alike thus giving those already registered member another way accessing service via smartphone tablet device instead relying solely upon desktop computer only method used initially when site itself went live nearly decade ago now!

As far registering yourself go process pretty straightforward: simply head main page enter email address choose password click button get started fill few personal details afterwards start browsing potential matches right away welcome aboard !

How Does Jaumo Work?

Jaumo is a popular dating app that helps users find potential matches and connect with them. It has several key features, such as an easy-to-use interface, detailed profile information for each user, and the ability to filter profiles based on various criteria. The app also allows users to send messages directly from their phones or computers. With Jaumo’s large user base of over 30 million people in more than 190 countries around the world, it is one of the most widely used apps for online dating today.

Finding compatible partners on Jaumo can be done by using its advanced search filters which allow you to narrow down your results according to age range and location preferences among other things. You can also browse through different categories like ‘New Members’ or ‘Most Popular’, depending on what type of person you are looking for at any given time. Additionally there are plenty of ways available within this platform where you could get connected with new friends who share similar interests as yours – making it easier than ever before!

The majority (around 70%)of active members come from five major countries: United States (25%), Germany (15%), Brazil(12%), India(10%)and Mexico(8%). This means that no matter where someone lives they will likely have access to many potential dates nearby thanks largely due in part because these five nations make up a significant portion of all registered accounts worldwide . As far as types go ,Jaume offers something everyone; whether singles seeking long term relationships , casual flings , friendships etc.,there’s definitely something here suitable just about anyone!

In addition offering great services when comes finding love online ; Jauum provides safety measures too so that users feel secure while navigating throughout website/app . All profiles must pass verification process prior being allowed join community meaning only real people allowed signup thus reducing chances fraud & scamming significantly ! Furthermore if any suspicious activity detected account flagged right away preventing malicious actors taking advantage innocent individuals searching true connection via internet ! Finally customer service team always available help should need arise anytime day night giving peace mind those utilize site knowing assistance readily accessible whenever necessary .

  • 1.Verified Profiles: Jaumo allows users to verify their profiles with a selfie, providing an extra layer of trust and security.
  • 2. Mutual Matching System: Jaumo uses a mutual matching system that requires both parties to mutually like each other before they can start messaging one another.
  • 3. Location-Based Search Filters: With location-based search filters, you can find potential matches near your current location or any other city in the world!
  • 4. Icebreakers & Chat Suggestions: Need help getting started? Use the chat suggestions feature for some creative icebreaker ideas!
  • 5. Photo Sharing & Messaging Tools: Easily share photos and messages with your matches using Jaumo’s secure photo sharing tools!
  • 6. Video Calls & Voice Messages : Get closer by video calling or sending voice messages directly from within the app – no need for external services like Skype or WhatsApp

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Jaumo app is a simple and straightforward process. To begin, users are required to download the free app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After downloading, they can open it up and start creating their profile by entering basic information such as name, age (users must be 18 years old or older), gender identity, email address etc. Once this step is completed successfully then users will need to confirm their account via an activation link sent to them through email after which they’ll be able to log in using those credentials. The next step involves setting preferences for potential matches including location range of people that one wants displayed in search results along with other details like hobbies/interests etc., so that appropriate suggestions can be made based on user’s requirements . Lastly , once all these steps have been followed correctly , users may now start exploring profiles of others who match their criteria & initiate conversations if interested . After submitting the details mentioned above , you will get access into your personal dashboard where you can find suggested matches according to your preference settings as well as browse different categories like ‘Newest Members’ ‘Most Popular’ ‘Nearby People’etc.. You also have options available for customizing notifications about new messages received & more updates related features within Jaumo application interface itself . Registration on Jaumo dating platform is completely free but minimum age requirement set by company policy stands at 18 years old only due its nature being adult-oriented service provider dealing with sensitive topics around relationships between two individuals involved directly or indirectly therein

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Age verification (must be 18 years or older)
  • 3. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
  • 4. Creation of a unique username
  • 5. Uploading a profile picture
  • 6. Ability to select gender, sexual orientation, and relationship status
  • 7. Option to link existing social media accounts such as Facebook or Twitter 8 . Verification via SMS code

Design and Usability of Jaumo

The Jaumo app has a bright and vibrant design with colors like orange, yellow, green and blue. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Finding profiles of other people on the app is simple as there are several ways to search for them including by name or location.

Usability wise, it’s quite straightforward; users can easily create an account in just a few steps before being able to access all the features available within the app such as messaging someone or creating their own profile page. With its intuitive navigation bar at the bottom of each screen makes navigating through different sections very convenient too!

If you purchase a paid subscription then some UI improvements may be included such as more options when searching for other members’ profiles or additional customization settings for your own profile page that will help make it stand out from others’.

User Profile Quality

Jaumo is a dating app that allows users to create profiles. The quality of the user profile depends on how much information they choose to provide. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account with Jaumo, but it’s possible for users to set their accounts as private if desired. There is also a custom bio feature which allows people to add more detail about themselves in order for potential matches get better acquainted before deciding whether or not they want contact each other further.

In terms of privacy settings, Jaumo offers multiple options including Google and Facebook sign-in features as well as email registration so that only verified members have access the platform – reducing fake accounts from infiltrating the system.. Location info can also be included in your profile however you do have control over what details you reveal; there’s no indication given regarding distance between two users but cities may be revealed depending on how specific one chooses their location info when creating their account .

Premium subscription does offer some benefits such as additional visibility within search results plus access exclusive content ,but ultimately having good quality photos along with detailed descriptions will make all difference when trying stand out amongst other profiles!


Jaumo is a popular dating app that has been around since 2011. It provides users with the ability to connect and chat with potential matches in their area. The main advantages of Jaumo are its user-friendly interface, free messaging capabilities, and location-based matching feature which allows users to find people nearby who share similar interests or hobbies. Additionally, it offers an array of features such as photo sharing, video calling and group chats for those looking for more than just a casual fling.

At this time there is no official website associated with Jaumo; however they do offer an extensive mobile application available on both iOS and Android devices that allow you access all the same features found within the app itself including profile creation/editing tools along with advanced search options so you can narrow down your results even further when searching for someone special! This makes it easier than ever before to meet new people without having to leave home or go out into public places where social distancing may be difficult due to Covid-19 restrictions still in place across many parts of the world today.

Safety & Security

Jaumo is committed to providing a secure and safe platform for its users. To ensure this, Jaumo has implemented several security measures such as verification methods for all users, fighting against bots and fake accounts, manual photo reviews by moderators or AI-based systems depending on the user’s profile information. In addition to that, there is also an optional two-factor authentication available which adds an extra layer of protection when logging in with your account credentials.

When it comes to privacy policy at Jaumo, they take data protection very seriously; thus making sure that any personal information collected from their customers remains confidential and only used within the scope of what was agreed upon between them (the customer) and Jaumo itself. All personal data are encrypted using state-of-the art technologies so no third party can access it without authorization from both parties involved in the transaction process. Furthermore ,they also provide clear guidelines about how customers can delete their accounts if needed along with other related services like blocking certain contacts etc..

Pricing and Benefits

Jaumo App – Is a Paid Subscription Necessary?

Jaumo is an app that provides users with the opportunity to connect and meet new people. The basic version of the app is free, but it also offers additional features for those who choose to upgrade their account by subscribing. But do users really need a paid subscription on Jaumo? Let’s take a look at what you get when you pay for one:

  • Premium Features – With premium membership, you gain access to exclusive content such as private messaging options and advanced search filters. You can also enjoy unlimited likes and profile views without having your activity limited in any way.
  • Competitive Prices – A monthly subscription costs $9 per month while annual subscriptions cost only $5 per month (billed annually). These prices are competitive compared to other dating apps available today so they may be worth considering if you’re looking for extra features or more control over your experience on the platform.
  • Cancellation Process & Refunds – If after signing up for premium membership, customers decide they no longer want it then they can easily cancel their subscription through either Google Play Store or Apple App Store depending upon which device was used initially during signup process . Customers will receive full refunds within 24 hours of cancellation request being processed successfully from both stores respectively .

Overall , whether or not someone needs a paid subscription depends entirely upon how much value he/she finds in accessing these added benefits offered by Jaumo’s Premium Membership package . For some , this might make sense while others may find that simply using the free version works just fine!

Help & Support

Jaumo is an online dating platform that offers its users a variety of support options.

Firstly, there is the Jaumo Help Center which provides answers to commonly asked questions and issues. This page includes topics such as account settings, profile information and payment methods among others. It also has a search bar where you can type in specific keywords related to your issue for more detailed help on how to resolve it quickly. The response time from this page usually takes no longer than 24 hours after submitting your query or request for assistance with any problem you may have encountered while using the app or website.

In addition, if you need further help beyond what’s provided in the Help Center then customers are able to contact customer service directly via email at [email protected] Here they will be able answer any additional queries that weren’t addressed by their FAQ section as well as provide personalized advice when needed depending on each individual case presented by customers seeking assistance through this channel of communication . Response times vary but generally speaking most emails should receive some kind of reply within 48 hours during business days (Monday-Friday).

Finally, those who prefer direct phone contact can call +49 30 81097 983 Monday – Friday between 10am – 6pm CET/CEST (Central European Time) except holidays observed in Germany where customer service staff members would be available ready take calls from clients looking for support regarding their accounts or other inquiries about Jaumo services offered worldwide.. As mentioned before these agents offer personalised solutions tailored towards each particular situation so expect extended wait times compared with simply accessing quick answers found inside the FAQ pages located inside “Help Centre” tab previously discussed earlier here above


1. Is Jaumo safe?

Jaumo is a safe and secure dating app. It uses advanced encryption technology to protect user data, so users can feel confident that their personal information is kept private. The app also has an extensive verification process in place for new members, ensuring only real people are allowed on the platform. Additionally, Jaumo offers a number of safety features such as blocking unwanted contacts and reporting any suspicious activity or profiles immediately to its customer service team who will investigate it further if necessary. All these measures make sure that users have peace of mind when using this dating app knowing they’re protected from potential harm or fraud while connecting with other singles online

2. Is Jaumo a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Jaumo is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2011 and currently boasts over 50 million members from all over the world. The platform offers an easy-to-use interface that allows its users to find potential matches quickly and easily. Additionally, it also provides advanced search filters so that you can narrow down your results based on specific criteria such as age range or location. Moreover, Jaumo verifies each user’s profile using facial recognition technology to ensure they are genuine people looking for meaningful connections online instead of bots or scammers trying to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals seeking love online.

3. How to use Jaumo app?

Jaumo is a free dating app that makes it easy to meet new people online. It has an intuitive user interface and allows users to search for potential matches, send messages, share photos and videos with other members of the Jaumo community. To get started using Jaumo, first download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have installed the app on your device, create an account by entering some basic information about yourself such as age range and gender preference. You can then start browsing through profiles of other users in order to find someone who interests you enough to strike up a conversation with them via chat or video call if they are available at that time. Additionally, there are several features within Jaumo which allow its users more ways than ever before for finding their perfect match – including ‘Like’ feature where two individuals must mutually like each others profile before being able to message one another; ‘Nearby’ function which shows all nearby singles so you don’t miss out on any local connections; ‘Faces’ game where two players compete against each other by guessing whether pictures show real people or not; as well as various filters allowing searching based upon location/distance away from current position etc.. With these great tools combined into one single platform – plus many more exciting functions yet still be added in future updates –Jaume offers its members plenty of opportunities when looking for love!

4. Is Jaumo free?

Yes, Jaumo is free to use. The app offers a wide range of features and services that are available for all users without any cost. You can sign up with your email address or Facebook account, create an interesting profile and start exploring the world of online dating through Jaumo’s platform. With its easy-to-use interface, you can find potential matches in no time at all! Plus, it has advanced search filters which allow you to narrow down your options even further so that you get exactly what you’re looking for from the experience.

5. Is Jaumo working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Jaumo is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating app that connects people from all over the world with each other. The user interface of the app makes it easy for users to create their profile and start browsing through potential matches in no time at all. With its powerful search feature, you can narrow down your results based on gender, age range or location so you are only shown those who fit your criteria best. You also have access to chat rooms where you can talk directly with other members if both parties agree to do so – making finding someone even easier!


In conclusion, Jaumo is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; it has an intuitive interface with easy navigation tools. The safety and security features of this app are top-notch as well, providing users with complete anonymity while they search for potential dates. Additionally, help and support from customer service representatives is available whenever needed via email or live chat options on their website. Finally, user profile quality appears to be quite good overall since most profiles have detailed information about themselves which helps in finding compatible matches quickly. All these factors make Jaumo one of the best apps out there when it comes to online dating services!

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Author Christopher Peters

Christopher Peters is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. He has over five years of experience as a writer and editor for various publications, specializing in the topics of love, dating, relationships, and technology. His work has been featured in a variety of publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. Christopher has a passion for helping people find meaningful relationships and loves to explore the ways technology can make this process easier. When he's not writing, Christopher likes to spend time with his family, travel, and explore new cultures.